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Communism 101: Yet Another Gag Order Is Placed On President Trump…

They’re trying to take President Trump’s wealth and shut him about it—I’ve seen this film before.

It’s right out of the communist playbook and it shows where our country is at the current moment: flirting with disaster and teetering on the edge of becoming a full-blown banana republic.

The same judge who laughed and smiled for the cameras ahead of the trial, and previously explained that he can overrule juries he disagrees with, has issued a gag order on President Trump.

Judge Arthur Engoron placed the gag order on the 45th President following comments he allegedly made regarding Engoron’s law clerk.

Journalist Jack Posobiec highlighted some of the recent comments made by Judge Engoron, should he recuse himself from the case?

RINOs and Democrats lauded the move as something to celebrate, yet they failed to miss the broader implications.

The 45th President is on trial for his property—they want everything he owns and the judge presiding over the case has already said that he can overrule a jury if he doesn’t like their verdict.

What the state wants is to shut a man up while confiscating his property—a blatant violation of human rights.

If they can do this to a billionaire and a former President of The United States, what’s to stop them from doing it to anyone else?

The Associated Press shared this quote from the judge:

Engoron said that a defendant in the case “posted to a social media account a disparaging, untrue and personally identifying post about a member of my staff.”

He added that “personal attacks on members of my court staff are unacceptable, not appropriate” and not tolerated.

Former Senate Judiciary Chairman Mike Davis stated:

“Criminal defendants, not the government prosecuting them, have 6th Amendment rights to a fair, public, and speedy trial. American citizens, not the government, have 1st Amendment rights to speak out against the government.

The possible gag order against President Trump is unconstitutional and another attempt to take him out by the corrupt radical left.”

Even Joe Walsh, perhaps chief among the never-Trump horde, decried the usage of gag orders against President Trump in a related case.

Walsh explained: “I can’t stand Trump. He’s a horrible human being, he’s anti-democracy, and he cannot be President again. But putting a gag order on him is wrong. He’s campaigning for President. He has free speech rights. And a gag order on him goes against his free speech rights.”

Yesterday, a columnist for The Hill penned this op-ed:

When judges stick their heads in the sand to avoid putting a gag order on Trump, it allows him to play by a separate set of rules.

That signals that the Constitution’s promise of equal justice under the law does not apply to Trump. He has made it into a joke.

There is only one branch of government with the power to end this undermining of the law.

There is only one branch of government empowered to respond to violent threats against judges, the military, law enforcement and politicians.

That is the judicial branch. It is empowered to punish speech if it impedes the fair administration of American justice.


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