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‘Black Lesbian’ Chosen To Replace Feinstein Doesn’t Even Live In California?

Laphonza Butler

Back in 2021, far-left California Gov. Gavin Newsom promised to select a Black woman to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) if he was in a position to do so.

Days after the 90-year-old senator died, Newsom saw the opportunity for a hat trick and decided to make sure his choice was a lesbian, too.


Naturally, the mainstream media gushed over the selection of a lawmaker based entirely on race, gender, and sexual orientation.

Here’s what CNN reported:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint Laphonza Butler, the president of EMILY’s List, to fill the late Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat, his office confirmed Sunday evening.

Butler will become the first out Black lesbian to join Congress, according to Newsom. She will also be the sole Black female senator serving in Congress and only the third in US history. Feinstein, the longest-serving female US senator in history, died last week at 90.

“I am honored to accept Gov. Newsom’s nomination to be a U.S. Senator for a state I have long called home,” Butler said in a statement Monday, adding that she is “humbled by the Governor’s trust.”

Let’s take a look at Butler’s incredibly thin resume, though. She’s the head of the radical pro-abortion group Emily’s List and was an adviser for barely coherent Vice President Kamala Harris.

Oh, and she apparently doesn’t even live in the state of California, as multiple online bios asserted at the time Newsom made his announcement.

Here’s a sampling of the social media reaction:

While leftist news outlets wrote glowing endorsements of Capitol Hill’s latest diversity hire, some more balanced sites actually addressed this seemingly serious issue.

According to Fox News:

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is expected to send a letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Monday afternoon expressing concern over Newsom’s recent appointee to replace the late Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Newsom tapped Laphonza Butler, the president of EMILY’s List – a Democratic political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing pro-abortion Democratic women to office – for the vacant interim Senate seat late Sunday evening.

However, Butler’s home address is listed in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Issa is questioning the constitutionality of her ability to take office while residing in a different state than the one she will represent.

“We’re not talking about the question of majority, we’re talking about 38 million Californians who have an absolute right to have somebody who puts California first – not who puts the District of Columbia first or Maryland, where she’s a resident, first,” Issa told Fox News Digital in an interview Monday.

“It’s not that he couldn’t find somebody,” he continued. “Instead, [Newsom] chose the most progressive African American woman he could find, seemingly for political purposes.”

And here’s a little more commentary on the topic:


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