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Classless: College Football Player Steps On Opponent’s Neck

A Louisiana Tech college football player has gone viral for all the wrong reasons.

Brevin Randle who plays defensive tackle for Louisiana Tech’s football team was caught on camera stepping on the neck of UTEP offensive lineman Steven Hubbard.

Initially officials on the field did not catch Randle’s dirty play but school officials at Louisiana Tech did see the cheap shot and suspended Randle from the school

Here’s the moment it went down:


Per USA Today:

Louisiana Tech’s Brevin Randle’s viral moment on national television is his last as a college football player, at least for a while.

The school suspended the defensive tackle indefinitely after he was caught on camera Friday night stomping on the neck of prone UTEP offensive lineman Steven Hubbard. Randle was not flagged on the second-quarter play and finished the game, but was a target of almost immediate outrage after replays of the stomp were broadly tweeted.

Louisiana Tech didn’t need long to weigh in, as athletic director Eric Wood issued a statement suspending the senior. It was released early Saturday afternoon.

Here’s what Sports Illustrated reported:

Louisiana Tech announced that football player Brevin Randle has been suspended indefinitely after he appeared to step on the head of UTEP offensive lineman Steven Hubbard during Friday night’s game.

Randle stomped on Hubbard’s head after a play during the second quarter of the game, although no penalty was called in the moment.

“Coach Cumbie and I met with Brevin Randle today and informed him that he has been suspended indefinitely as a result of the incident during last night’s game versus UTEP,” Tech athletic director Eric Wood said in a statement.

“In speaking with Brevin, he acknowledges that his action was wrong and understands the consequence of that action. Our university, athletic department, and football program believe in culture, class, and competitive excellence and in no way was that displayed in that moment.”


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