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Is Biden’s Dog Trained to Attack the Secret Service? 11th Incident to Date

Joe Biden’s german shepherd, Commander, has bitten another secret service member.

This is the 11th incident where the Biden family’s dog has attacked someone.

It begs the question, “why?”

Why is Biden’s dog attacking Secret Service agents?

Fox News has more on the story:

Commander, a purebred German shepherd, bit the Secret Service officer around 8 p.m. Monday.

The officer was treated by medical personnel, a U.S. Secret Service (USSS) spokesperson confirmed.

The USSS did not confirm details leading up to the dog attack.

Conservative legal activist group Judicial Watch previously obtained reports of the 10 previous incidents of Commander terrorizing staff from October 2022 through January 2023.

One of the more serious incidents resulted in the victim, a Secret Service agent, being taken to the hospital after his interaction with the first dog. The victim was bitten on his thigh and arm on Nov. 3, 2022.

Is the Biden family capable of raising a dog?

We know they had a hard enough time raising their son.

The Washington Post shares more on the incident:

Elizabeth Alexander, a spokeswoman for first lady Jill Biden, on Wednesday reiterated her statement from July that the Bidens are working to address the issue. She declined to specify what steps the family has taken.

“As we’ve noted before, the White House can be a stressful environment for family pets, and the First Family continues to work on ways to help Commander handle the often unpredictable nature of the White House grounds,” Alexander said in a statement. “The President and First Lady are incredibly grateful to the Secret Service and Executive Residence staff for all they do to keep them, their family, and the country safe.”

One of the most serious previously documented incidents came in November, when Commander bit a Secret Service officer, unprovoked, on the upper right arm and thigh, according to the records. The officer used a steel cart to try to protect themself from further attacks and required hospitalization for their wounds.

“Feels like I was in a dog fight lol,” the agent later told a colleague in an email.

Usually, when a family dog bites a single person, they are forced to put it down.

But 11 times?

I think it is fair to say that the dog should not be around other people.

If it is genuinely because of the stressful environment in the White House.

Then maybe it’s time that the german shepherd finds another home.


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