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Gavin Newsom Issues Surprise Veto Of Bill — Conservatives Celebrate But It’s Not All Roses

Gavin Newsom just surprised a lot of people by vetoing a new Bill that was pro-trans and anti-conservative values.

So, has he suddenly seen the light?

Suddenly upholding traditional values?


I’ll explain more what’s really going on in just a minute, but first here are the details:

On the surface, it IS good news….

A temporary win.

But is it a pyrrhic victory?

Let’s look deeper.

Many believe this was all a setup so he could veto it and appeal to the “center” amidst a coming Presidential run:

Here’s a zoom in on his letter which you can find here:

It makes the most sense that this is just a long term strategy play.

This man is bad news.

He didn’t suddenly change his colors.

I like hoe James Lindsay sums it up: Be happy for the win, but beware it’s really something worse down the road.

Well said:

Also, the Bill may STILL pass.

Wouldn’t that be something….

Newsom gets his good PR and they still pass the Bill through a super-majority override of the veto:

How devious!

RedState had more details:

In a very stunning and pleasant surprise, Friday evening California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed AB 957, which would have required judges in California to consider a parent’s affirmation of their child’s gender identity in custody disputes.

Newsom’s veto is a huge win for parental rights and a shocking rebuke for the Democrat-controlled Assembly and Senate. However, this is not the end for AB957, as both chambers have a Democratic super-majority that could override Newsom’s veto.

Everyone in California expected Newsom to sign the bill, especially since the overwhelming majority of Democrats either voted for the bill or did not vote to save face in front of their constituents.

Assembly agreed to some state procedural Senate amendments, meaning that the measure has officially passed and will now be headed to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk.

The divisive governor, who has made gender identity and a war on parents key parts of his platform, is almost certain to sign it. The only thing that might give him pause is that this law may not play so favorably to the rest of the country as it does to many of the extremists in the Golden State.

his could potentially complicate any presidential ambitions Hair Gel may have down the road.

California Democrats shocked the state when both chambers passed the bill, causing massive outrage among parents all over the state. To say that opponents of the bill were speechless is an understatement.

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