I don’t check in with Hank Kunneman as much as I used to, but from time to time I like to drop in and monitor what he’s saying.
I thought this was a great one to bring you.
Here is the latest from September 15, 2023…
I thought this was especially timely because I think we’re about to see something BIG hit our world very soon.
Is this it?
Watch here:
For those who have requested, here is the FULL Transcript of Hank’s message (please excuse any typos):
so it has been since the spirits of theLiving Godthat men have come to a placeI speak of my peoplewhere they have looked and they havesaid almighty God where are you whereare you where are youi’ve been Elijahwhere is the Lord God of Elijahis this what you thinkis this what you speak from your lipsbefore my presencedo you think that I have somehow ignoredthe injusticethe corruptionthe evil the things that have been deepstated and seated[Music]I have watched and I have waited forthis timeit’s not your seasonnor is it the seasons of the Earthit is my seasonstherefore the season shall blendtogether[Music]and you will say it feels like springwhy is there summer heatand why then does it get printed pulledoh it is so cold and why does it snow inthis place and it has not snowedfor decades[Music]in the place where we escapeThe Frigid coldwe are freezingsays I’m showing youthat I am the god of the times andseasons and so for a while they willseem backwards it will seem one month itwill be this way another month it’ll beanother way it will see one day it willseem as though it is hot and then it iscold how can the temperature change thisgreatly and they will say it is climatecontrol it is global warming God saysenoughmy hand has been placed on the earth toshow the Earth that I am the god of thetimes of the seasons and the purposesthat are under heaven and now it is mypurpose it is my timetherefore I speak to youthose that are wearythose that have sent God how much longerthe spirit of God says you are justabout at the place of intensity like youhave not seentherefore do not grow wearydo not quit and do notclose your mouth to speak negativefor I saythere was a talkwhen a nation Israeldo it before that which seemedimpenetratableso there are some who have looked at thestate the Deep State the corruption theevil they have looked at two-tierJustice and they have said God this willnever changewe are doomed as a peoplewhose reportdo you believewho is your prophetand what is the voice that speaksI say namefor the walls of Jericho seemedimpenetratableand so I silenced my nationand they were at a standstill wonderingand waiting what happenedwell then God said I said to them liftup their voiceand they began to shoutand that which looked impenetratablebegan to fall and collapseI speak this that you may know that thesame God who did thisto the walls of Jerichois doing this with that which they’vedone to the childrenthat which they have done to yourelectionsthat which they have done through yourmedia that which they have done in yourschools that which they have done tochange what I said this is a male thisis a female this is holy matrimonybetween what man and one woman you shallsee that which they said would neverchange is it penetratable shall collapseand she’ll Begin to Fall in the land andin the earth says the Living Godand the reason that I speak this to youat this timeis because the intentionof the thingsthat I will do at the power of not themight of man or your armiespower of my handyou say God what shall you doI will expose expose expose but not justthat God said I will bring to justicethat truly guiltyand I will resetI will bring a Divine reversal and Iwill reorder the Earth for who is manthat say it shall be their world orderGod says not yet not so I shall reorderthe Earth my way my says is the LivingGod watchtherefore as I said to Joshua I speakthis word to you do not fearsay I do not fearGod says I speak this to you ahead oftimethe city of what shall arise upon theEarthhell shall reactreact and will seek to create chaos uponthe leftand they will scatter and they willscurry and they will say who will leadus now we must have someone that canlead us and God says you will be foundwithout one who shall be found worthyintensity shall ariseas they will try to interrupt yourprocess of election but God says I amthe disrupterand there isn’t a disruption that iscoming that I have held and I havewaited for the right timeand so I shall have my waythat men shall know that this was notthe might or the powerof man’scyber abilityis the strength of my fingerdid you notice I did not say hands is aliving God I sit my fingerfor I could inhaleand shake the EarthI could exhale and remove quicklyfrom their seats of pridethat I shall move my fingerbecause my finger is my Justiceand my finger is what shall cause thepowers of Hell to trembleso there will be Darknessthere will be chaosthere will be a scrambling and therewill be confusionand there will be great fear to try toonce again convince you that there issomething that is Arisen that you mustnow shut down even to the point whereyou now must stay in your homesand they will seek to lengthenthe amount of timeof those who are contaminatedGod says you really want to make melaughbecause there is the intensity of myhandthat that which they doshall backfirewhy shall it backfire because you lookto a manspirit of God says no look to mefor there is something in the earth thatyou have forgottenit is the greatest entity it is thespirit of Godhe is the spirit of Truthand his truththe spirit of Truth his fairy being hisessencewill not be stoppedwill not be silent Ed will not bechallengedtherefore pay attention to the intensitythe Earth will not be able to handle theintensityof my fingerand the minds of my spirit that shallArise at this timetherefore the mountains will shake andbe removedthey will blow their tops and there willbe smoke that will fill the air andthere will be shakings of soil and theflood waters will arise and ice will jamand then break loose you say I am afraidGod says the Earth cannot handle themeasure of what I’m bringing of myJusticeyet you are afraidthings will become wetthe snow is so wet it is so heavy it isso much why do we have to sufferGod says I dealt with Wicked Kings whenit snowed in Solomonand there are much wickednessthat demands of Purity and a purgingand so I will use the elementsand they will respond[Music]because if you could seethe resetting and the reversal and thereordering of what my plan isyou will look to North AmericaI speak of CanadaI speak of you United Statesand I speak of you Mexicothey are afraidfor there is one waiting in the wingscalls upon my nameand there is oneeven though the fires have tried toremove himthey will say who will lead us nowhe will be standingnot by the power of manbut by the preservationon the plan of my handyou willand God says listen to meNorth America you shall be known asNorth America the great I even speak ofCanadaor the stench that you have becomeshall not beBellthe aromaof your futureas I said things in order Canada inNorth America the United Statesand I do my Justice in MexicoI will clean and sweetthrough your Parliamentgovernmentsand I will raise up the newand North America you shall be calledNorth America the Greatand there shall be an alliance thatshall arise between North America CanadaUnited States and Mexico are Bondstrengthsa new Americaa new North America[Applause]pay attentionas the intensity of the earth increaseshell shall seek to respondand raise up a two-headed snakeI shall try to strike Israelyou are no match Iranand you are no match North Koreayour head shall be cutting down[Applause]your mouth has spokenwho can standthey can writethey can reportyouare going in
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