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Putin and Kim Jong Un Meet Up In Russia

North Korea Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un took an armored train to Russia to meet up with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two leaders met up at the Vostochny spaceport where the two exchange words.

In their limited conversations, Putin told Kim that he was “happy to see him”.

Kim also expressed his gratitude towards Putin and stated North Korea has “full and unconditional support” for Russia’s fight against Ukraine.

Per NBC News:

Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin met at a Russian spaceport Wednesday in a rare encounter that has fueled Western concerns the North Korean leader will provide military support for the Russian president’s war in Ukraine.

Video posted by Russian state media showed the two leaders smiling and shaking hands as Kim arrived at the Vostochny spaceport in Russia’s far eastern Amur region, a day after he arrived in the country from North Korea.

The two men met at the entrance to a launch vehicle assembly building, where Putin said he was “happy to see” Kim and the North Korean leader thanked his host for having invited him to visit Russia “despite being busy.”

Kim offered Putin his country’s “full and unconditional support” for what he called Russia’s “sacred fight” to defend its security interests — an apparent reference to his invasion of Ukraine — and vowed they “will always be together with Russia in the fight against imperialism.”

After they inspected the spaceport, they held talks between their delegations and then had a one-on-one meeting.

Here’s what AP reported:

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed support for Russia’s “just fight” during a summit with President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that the U.S. warned could lead to a deal to supply ammunition for Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

After touring launch pads with Putin at a remote space base in Russia’s Far East, Kim expressed “full and unconditional support” and said Pyongyang will always stand with Moscow on the “anti-imperialist” front.

The leaders met at the Vostochny Cosmodrome for a summit that underscores how their interests are aligning in the face of their countries’ separate, intensifying confrontations with the United States. The talks lasted four to five hours, after which Kim left, Russia’s state news agency RIA Novosti reported.


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