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Josh Hawley Reveals the Depth of the Biden Administration’s Censorship Efforts

Senator Josh Hawley has been fighting the Biden Administration‘s efforts to censor the American people.

He recently exposed just how far-reaching the administration’s efforts go.

Those lengths include not just censoring the American people, but amplifying the reach of the Biden Administration’s own version of “the truth.”

This is not only wrong.

It’s unconstitutional.

Worse yet, according to Hawley, “The whole government was in on this.”

Hawley gave details about how parents were being censored on social media.

Check this out:

Senator Hawley spoke more on the matter to Sean Hannity:

Hawley: “The whole government was in on this.”

This comes just as a federal appeals court upheld an injunction of the Missouri v. Biden case, which effectively blocks the White House and other federal agencies from censoring the American people through means of pressuring social media platforms.

Breitbart has more on that story:

A federal appeals court on Friday upheld a modified version of an injunction in the landmark Missouri v. Biden case, blocking the White House and federal agencies from pressuring social media companies to censor American citizens.

However, two major arms of the federal government, the sprawling State Department and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) were exempted from the modified injunction, which was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

In a win for opponents of online censorship, the entire FBI remains blocked from demanding censorship from social media companies under the new injunction, as is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the White House press secretary, and a host of other Biden officials who applied pressure to the tech platforms during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Washington Examiner has more:

The Department of Justice is seeking clarity after an appeals court partly upheld a ruling last week that the Biden administration must restrict its communication with social media companies when it relates to the companies’ content moderation practices.

The DOJ’s motion, filed Monday in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, is aimed at preventing the Biden administration from having to abide by a lower court’s ruling that had initially placed more expansive restrictions on the administration, which are still set to take effect on Sept. 18.

The rulings came as part of Missouri v. Biden, a case brought by Missouri’s and Louisiana’s attorneys general last year alleging that the executive branch of the federal government had pressured and coerced social media companies to censor content protected by the First Amendment.

The content related to controversial topics, including COVID-19 vaccines and the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop published in the New York Post before the 2020 election.

Hawley is leading the charge against the Biden Administration’s assault on the First Amendment.


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