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Did Biden Just Walk Out in the Middle of a Medal of Honor Ceremony?

Joe Biden has to be the biggest embarrassment in the history of the United States.

Forget all the lies he has told in his over 50 year career (including the ones he told before he had obvious dementia).

Forget all the stupid jokes he’s made during inappropriate times.

Set aside all of the failures during his time in the highest office of the land.

Let’s focus on the fact that the man clearly has zero respect for the people who fought and died for this country.

In what was either a complete show of disrespect, or another senior moment, Biden appeared to leave in the middle of a Medal of Honor ceremony at the White House.

Biden was presenting the medal to Captain Larry L. Taylor, who was a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam war.

Taylor flew in hundreds of missions during the war, and even flew into oncoming enemy fire in order to save the lives of his fellow servicemen.

Biden awkwardly awarded Captain Taylor the Medal of Honor before disappearing almost immediately even though the ceremony wasn’t finished.

Judge for yourselves:

Fox News previously reported on the planned ceremony for the heroic Vietnam pilot:

President Biden will award the Medal of Honor, the highest military award for valor, to a Vietnam War Army helicopter pilot whose rescue efforts include willfully flying into heavy enemy fire to save four members of a reconnaissance team about to be overrun with just seconds to spare.

On Tuesday, Biden is expected to recognize retired Capt. Larry Taylor, of Tennessee, at the White House for his valor and bravery on display during a specific rescue mission in June 1968 that included a feat “that had never been accomplished or even attempted,” the White House announced.

Taylor flew hundreds of combat missions in UH-1 “Huey” helicopters and Cobra helicopters during a year’s deployment in Vietnam and proudly told The Associated Press, “We never lost a man.”

“You just do whatever is expedient and do whatever to save the lives of the people you’re trying to rescue,” Taylor added during an interview.

Taylor’s Medal of Honor will be awarded at the White House for the “conspicuous gallantry” he showed on the night of June 18, 1968 while successfully executing a rescue mission that was initially canceled as it stood no chance of survival — before Taylor defied the odds.

This was supposed to be a monumental moment for Captain Taylor.

Why then did Biden leave abruptly following the presentation of the medal?

Is he so ignorant to the meaning of the ceremony, or was he just lost again?


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