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Raffensperger Testimony Vindicates President Trump!

President Trump did nothing wrong, and now we have even more corroborative testimony!

On Friday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger testified in a federal court as part of Mark Meadows‘ case, and the testimony was nothing short of earth-shattering.

According to his testimony, President Trump did not ask him to ‘find votes’. Raffensperger testified that the former President said ‘I’ need to find more votes, not ‘you’ [Raffensperger] need to find me more votes.

This is a subtle, yet incredibly important difference—Willis’ whole case was just dealt a fatal blow.

Here’s what we currently know:

Previously, legal analyst Gregg Jarrett told audiences that Raffensperger’s testimony was one of the best pieces of evidence in President Trump’s favor:

“Legal analyst Gregg Jarrett says that Trump’s phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is “the most exculpatory for the president,” because it shows that Donald Trump was only telling Raffensperger to “do your duty.”

Breitbart confirmed:

The media have misrepresented the January 2021 phone call between Trump and Raffensperger, quoting Trump as telling Raffensperger that he should “find” the votes necessary for him to win.

In fact, Trump said “I just want to find” the votes, referring to his own state of mind.

Moreover, the context was that Trump believed he actually had won the state of Georgia, and the votes simply had not been properly counted yet.

MAGA patriots discussed the significance of this recent development and claimed that this represents the end of Fani Willis’ case.

Matt Beebe was critical of Willis’ politically motivated RICO case:

“Under the legal theory that Fulton County DA is advancing, if you ever emailed, called, faxed, tweeted, or otherwise encouraged Brad Raffensperger or Brian Kemp (or anyone else) to tap the brakes on GA’s certification of 2020’s election, or assisted anyone else in any way in doing so, not only are you an unindicted co-conspirator in the RICO case, but you’re just as guilty as everyone else.

Now THAT is one helluva Conspiracy Theory.”

Constitutional attorney and scholar Jonathan Turley wrote via his blog:

The testimony highlighted the weakness, in my view, of the charges against Meadows but also the use of overarching racketeering charges to snare Trump and top associates.

The most interesting takeaway is that Willis may have overplayed her hand by including Meadows.

In doing so, she may have created the strongest avenue for removal.

I believe that she hoped that Meadows would “flip.” Instead, he is leading the charge to federal court.


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