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WATCH: Kari Lake Milks a Cow to Troll the NYT: “Milk a Bull and See How That Goes”

Oh, the theatrics of modern politics!

There was a time when the thought of a politician getting up close and personal with a dairy cow would be seen as a publicity stunt, or maybe just downright bizarre.

But not for Kari Lake.

In a world where politicians seem to live in ivory towers and rarely descend to mingle with us mere mortals, Lake decided to roll up her sleeves and make a point.


Let’s set the stage.

Iowa State Fair, a dairy barn, and Kari Lake in jeans and boots.

Not the typical backdrop for a political statement.

But that’s what makes it all the more brilliant.

By taking the familiar ‘cow and bull’ analogy to drive home a point about gender, she did what few politicians are brave enough to do – she made a serious point while having a bit of fun.

It was a masterstroke in how to handle today’s ‘woke’ culture with humor and simplicity.

Now, whether you agree with her sentiment or not, you have to admit that the imagery is powerful.

A politician, in the heartland, milking a cow, challenging urban journalists to distinguish between a cow and a bull.

It’s political theater at its best, reminiscent of the tongue-in-cheek style of former President Trump.

Watch Kari Lake challenge a NYT reporter while she was milking a cow below:

But beyond the laughs and the viral nature of such an event, Kari Lake, in that moment, became one of us.

There was no distance, no elitism.

Just an individual, making a point in the most down-to-earth way possible.

In a world of endless, rehearsed political speeches, her raw, unscripted moment was a breath of fresh air.

So, next time you’re at a farm and you see a cow, think of Kari Lake.

Not just as a politician, but as a reminder that politics can still be fun, relatable, and most importantly, grounded in reality.

And who knows, maybe more politicians will get the memo and swap their suits for some denim and boots!

The Daily Mail details exactly how it went down:

Kari Lake milked a cow at the Iowa State Fair on Friday and argued the animals prove there are only two genders – because a bull can’t be milked.


She made a stop at the dairy barn to push back against what conservatives call ‘woke’ ideas, particularly when it comes to a person’s gender.

Lake, dressed in jeans and boots, pulled up a stool to the cow’s side, sat down, and got to work.

‘You know, there’s only two genders, right?,’ she said to the slew of journalists watching her.

‘I challenge the New York Times reporter and the Washington Post reporter to try to milk a cow and then try to milk a bull and see how that goes,’ she said.

Isn’t it funny when politicians bring a splash of common sense to the circus of modern-day rhetoric?

That’s precisely what Kari Lake did at the Iowa State Fair.

In a world where everything is up for debate, including basic biology, Lake gave us a refreshingly candid moment that reminds us just how absurd things have gotten.

Imagine being at the fair, enjoying the sights and sounds of rural life, only to witness a potential gubernatorial candidate giving a New York Times reporter a quick lesson in Bovine Biology 101.

Yes, in the middle of milking a cow, Lake dared to utter what most people already know – there are two genders.

It’s a statement so simple, so obvious, that it borders on comedic that it even needs to be said.

But that’s where we are, folks.

We live in an age where the obvious must be defended.

Where saying that bulls can’t be milked is seen as groundbreaking. Lake, in her brilliantly playful way, called out the ‘intellectuals’ of our time on their sometimes laughable perspectives on gender.

It’s like saying, “Hey, I dare you to argue with the basic facts of life.”

Now, it’s true that the New York Times reporter did retort, claiming to have milked a cow.

But the point still stands.

Lake’s challenge is a metaphor for the larger debate.

We’ve come to a point in our society where acknowledging fundamental truths is seen as audacious.

But here’s the thing – reality doesn’t bend to anyone’s narrative.

You can’t milk a bull, no matter how much you want to argue otherwise.

The Daily Caller confirms the epic troll:

Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake was seen giving a New York Times reporter an anatomy lesson Friday at the Iowa State Fair while milking a cow.

Lake turned to the crowd watching her milk a cow asking, “Which one of you is from the New York Times,” according to a clip on Twitter of the interaction. A reporter raised her hand and identified herself, saying she just “takes pictures,” before Lake asked if she knew that there were only “two genders.”

“There’s only two genders and they know that in Iowa,” Lake said. “I challenge the New York Times reporter and the Washington Post reporter to try to milk a cow and then try to milk a bull and see how that goes.”

“I’ve milked a cow,” the Times reporter replied, to which Lake chuckled in response.

This was less about the act of milking and more about pointing out the sheer lunacy of some of the ideas being peddled today.

Kari Lake’s challenge was a nod to every person tired of being told that up is down and black is white.

In an age of information overload, sometimes the truth is as simple as knowing the difference between a cow and a bull.

And for anyone who disputes that?

Well, they probably shouldn’t be allowed near any farm animals anytime soon.


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