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WATCH: Hilarious! Pence Gets Shamed In Front Of Crowd

I am just going to come right out and say it: the MAGA movement despises Mike Pence. …

The former Vice President has become an emblem of establishment corruption and neocon policies that have hollowed out the middle class and destroyed this country.

America’s modern-day empire problem started shortly after the end of WWII, but, as with many encroaching problems, the major signs of decline and decay didn’t manifest until far, far later. …

For me, this problem did not really compound and magnify until the ‘Presidency’ of George W. Bush—the most famous neocon warmonger.

Bush is the one who is truly responsible for many, if not all, of our woes today—the advent of the security surveillance state, deficits as policy, the erosion of civil liberties, and the broad economic decline of America all started or greatly proliferated on his watch.

President Trump is seen by many as an antidote to this corrupted ‘conservative’ movement and a broken two-system party; the exact opposite can now be said of Pence.

While addressing a crowd gathered in Iowa, Pence began to take questions from the crowd when a patriot piped up to give Pence a piece of his mind. …

The individual asked Pence how he felt about Tucker Carlson effectively ending his career, Pence deflected and instead reiterated his support for Ukraine. …You can’t make this stuff up.

You can watch the moment it happened below:

Rogan O’Handley presented the now-infamous interaction between Pence and Tucker Carlson that purportedly ‘ended’ his career in politics.

O’Handley writes: “This is insane to hear. When Pence was asked why he’s more focused on sending tanks to Ukraine than fixing up American cities that have been destroyed by Biden, open borders, bail reform, and fentanyl, he said: “That’s not my concern.” What?!”


NBC News highlighted the interaction between Pence and Carlson regarding Ukraine:

Pence outlined his position saying, “I believe that it is in the interest of the United States of America to continue to give the Ukrainian military the resources that they need to repel the Russian invasion and restore their sovereignty.”

Those comments elicited boos from the audience — the first of the day.

As you can expect, the internet was not so kind to Pence, who simply regurgitated decades-old, neocon talking points about propping up foreign regimes.

MAGA patriot Terrence K. Williams had this to say:

“I’m mad at every Trump Supporter, including myself for not realizing. The Fly that was on Mike Pence’s head tried to warn us about him being a Piece of Sh***. That poor fly died trying to warn us! Raise your hand if Agree.”


President Trump also took aim at Mike Pence, according to Fox News:

“WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along and made him V.P., has gone to the Dark Side,” Trump wrote.

“I never told a newly emboldened (not based on his 2% poll numbers!) Pence to put me above the Constitution, or that Mike was ‘too honest.’

He’s delusional, and now he wants to show he’s a tough guy. I once read a major magazine article on Mike.

It said he was not a very good person. I was surprised, but the article was right. Sad!” he added.


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