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Liberals Cancel Woody Harrelson Over ‘Kennedy 2024’ Hat

Liberals are bringing out their pitchforks over yet another public figure voicing their opinion.

Famous actor, Woody Harrelson is at the center of the mob due to his support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Usually, the mob is only interested when public figures voice their support of President Trump.

But it seems their lunacy knows no end.

Fox News has more on the story:

Liberals on X, formerly known as Twitter, expressed anger and disdain after a photo of actor Woody Harrelson wearing a hat displaying support for Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. appeared online.

Annoyed liberals trashed the photo and the actor for supporting the anti-establishment Biden rival who made a name for himself most recently by his skepticism of COVID-19 pandemic protocols, and before that as a champion of liberal causes and critic of childhood vaccines.

Harrelson’s public endorsement of Kennedy seems to fit as the actor has made statements critical of the U.S.’ reaction to the pandemic and COVID vaccine as well.

The photo originated from “Curb Your Enthusiasm” actress Cheryl Hines’ Instagram account Thursday morning.

God forbid anyone has a political view outside of being a Far-Left Democrat!

These people like to act like they’re the bastion of free speech.

That they are defending our republic from evil people.

When really all they are doing is trying to force people into their own beliefs.

And more from USA Today:

Hines’ Instagram post racked up over 15,000 likes and 1,000 comments as of Friday morning.

One user on Instagram commented: “You might as well be wearing a MAGA hat because that’s who a Kennedy campaign will elect.” Another wrote: “My enthusiasm is curbed,” referencing Hines’ former role on the HBO sitcom.

Others, specifically referencing Harrelson, wrote: “Not WOODY!! Is this photo shopped? When did he get brainwashed?” And another commented: “Woody, I love you, but I can’t be on your side politically since a Kennedy candidacy could potentially give us Trump again!”

Some users expressed support for Hines, but not Kennedy. One commented: “I love you in ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ and I adored RFK. However, I cannot support RFK Jr. in his presidential race.”

Harrelson, when hosting “Saturday Night Live” earlier this year, took aim at COVID vaccine mandates during his opening monologue. He called himself an “anarchist, Marxist, ethical hedonist, nondiscriminatory empath, epistemology deconstructionist, Texan.”

“You know, the red in me thinks you should be allowed to own guns. The blue in me thinks – squirt guns. So, I’m red and blue which makes purple. I’m purple,” he said on the show.

Will the idiocracy ever end?

These people will forever vilify people, especially people on the right.

They demonize anyone who is not brainwashed into their politics.

It seems like President Trump made all these people crazy!

They couldn’t handle someone like President Trump speaking his mind freely.

Now they have to let out all their rage on anyone who dares to go against their beliefs.

Check out this clip of Woody I found on X (Twitter)

Interesting stuff:

The Dems are clearly upset about another famous celebrity opening their eyes to reality.




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