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POWER MOVE: Trump Refuses to Sign RNC Pledge


President Trump is ruffling feathers yet again! Is anyone surprised?

This time it was the Republican National Committee receiving the full force of his defiance.

Last night, President Trump sent shockwaves with his stated refusal to sign a pledge. It wasn’t just any pledge though…

This pledge is a noted requirement for candidates to participate in the upcoming primary presidential debate.

As reported by NBC News:

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday said that he would not sign a loyalty pledge required by the Republican National Committee for participation in the first GOP debate this month.

During a Newsmax interview, Trump said that he took issue with a particularly clause of the pledge that says the candidate will support the eventual GOP nominee.

“I wouldn’t sign the pledge,” Trump told host Eric Bolling. “They want you to sign a pledge, but I can name three or four people that I wouldn’t support for president. So right there there’s a problem.”

It should not come as a surprise for this man to make bold statements. Shocking announcements that push back against the status quo, even.

This is normal and to be expected because President Trump does not play games.

Quite the opposite!

He dominates situations and creates his own rules, leaving competition baffled and behind.

Perhaps this is a component of what the American people admire about him: the fearless independence of thought.

This, of course, is what our great nation was built upon.

President Trump gave his explanation in this clip:

In an equally admirable act, President Trump respectfully declined to directly name the individuals believed to be unworthy of his support.

Instead, he explained how he did not want to be rude and highlighted positive things he saw in certain candidates.

The Associated Press reports:

He declined to name the candidates he wouldn’t support, saying “there’s no reason to insult them.” But he singled out South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy for praise, saying they “have been very nice.”

As always, President Trump still found a way to get the point across.

While not directly naming names in reference to his disapproval, he still made sure to sneak in a few mentions later on in the interview.

As noted by Politico:

He told Bolling that he could name “three or four” of the GOP challengers that he would not support for president, specifically criticizing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson over the course of the interview.

I think we can connect the dots here.

With the impressive record that President Trump holds and his impressive plans upon returning to the oval office, it is surprising that he needed to name any opposition at all.

It is clear that President Trump is a worthy adversary for all competition.

I will close with the wise words of South Dakota Governor, Kristi Noem:

“The fact is, none of them can win as long as Trump’s in the race. And that’s just the facts. So why run if you can’t win,”

We shall see how long it takes for President Trump’s competitors to accept this reality.


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