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Florida School Districts Drop AP Psychology Due to Transgender Subjects

In an effort to make a stand against the rapidly growing Transgender and larger LGBT movement.

Florida school districts have decided to remove AP Psychology courses.

This is due to fear that the Transgender subjects in the course break current standing Florida laws.

College Board, the company responsible for supplying schools with AP courses, has recently made a statement about the course drop:

College Board refuses to make any changes to the curriculum regarding discussions on gender, sexuality, and transgenderism.

This refusal comes at the request of Florida school boards hoping to remove the subjects from the curriculum.

Fox News has more on the story:

Multiple Florida school districts have decided to replace Advanced Placement Psychology with alternate courses just ahead of the upcoming school year after state officials warned schools that elements of the psych class violate Florida law.

Eight Florida school districts with the largest enrollments in AP Psychology have dropped the course and two others are still deciding, according to a Washington Post report. 

The course which has been taught by Florida high schools for 30 years includes lessons on “how sex and gender influence socialization and other aspects of development,” a course description read. 

This is the latest news following a feud between The College Board, the creators of the course; and the Florida Department of Education (DOE), the government office enforcing the Parental Rights in Education law’s standards that restrict instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade in classrooms.

This decision has left many divided.

Some in support of College Boards stand against Florida laws.

While others are tired of LGBT content being shoved upon them.

Especially in school environments.

Now let’s see what CNN has to say:

      In July, a new law came into effect in Florida that banned classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity for students in pre-K through the 8th grade. For high school students, instruction must be “according to state standards,” the Board of Education said.     

      But over the last year, Florida’s education officials have amended state standards to effectively ban all students from learning about sexual orientation and gender identity.  


      The changes are in line with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ vow to eradicate so-called “woke” gender ideology from Florida’s classrooms.   

And furthermore:

      In 2022, the governor signed a bill titled “Parental Rights in Education,” which prohibited discussion of gender and sexuality issues in kindergarten through third grade. The bill also gave parents the right to take legal action if a school violates the law. DeSantis has since amended the law to prohibit instruction on sexuality and gender from pre-K through the eighth grade.     

      The governor has said he believes parents should “have a fundamental role in the education, health care and well-being of their children.”  


      Supporters say the bill allows parents to decide when to talk to their children about LGBTQ+ topics instead of the schools. But critics have dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” law and say it will further marginalize LGBTQ+ students.   

I’m wondering what you guys think about this.

Do you think DeSantis is going too far with laws that restrict schools from talking about LGBT subjects?

Or do you think this is a step in the right direction?

Moving away from schools teaching children about sexual orientation and other LGBT issues.



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