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The Meme That Got Me And 1.5 MILLION People Deleted Off Facebook

Oh wow…this is a surreal moment.

In 2019 I was deleted from Facebook.

I had built up a community of 1.5 MILLION patriots all hanging out together and receiving the news as we reported it.

We were growing by about 100,000 people a month.


Because people love the truth….and they know the truth when they hear it.

Well, Facebook and Mark Fuckerberg know the truth too, only they BAN YOU when they hear the truth.

So that’s what happened to me.

Too much truth and one day….POOF….I was gone.

But not just my News Page.


They deleted ME.

My personal profile.

All gone.

All contacts, all photos, all connections — gone!

No warning.

No ability to appeal.

Just deleted.

Why you ask?

Because I dared to post this MEME (yes, a literal meme)….I’m sure you’ve seen it before:

Seen that one before?

It’s good.

It’s TRUE.

But FakeBook didn’t think so.

They deleted that post and sent me an alert that said it was FAKE NEWS — because they’re glorious Fact-Checkers determined there was no evidence of Trump ever saying that.

Then the next day my account was deleted.

Hilarious, right?

These are the people who say you can’t DARE Fact-Check an election….but they will Fact-Check your MEMES!

What an upside down world.

Anyway, of course Trump did say it.

Many times.

And he just said it again.


Take a look:

Hey Mark Fuckerberg….you weaselly little dipshit Alien, Lizard Robot looking dork…when do I get my account back?

And an apology?


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