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VIDEO: Joe Rogan Defends Jason Aldean, Points Out Hypocrisy Over Rap Lyrics

Can we all take a moment to applaud the king of podcasting, Joe Rogan?

He’s got more sense in his podcast microphone than most folks have in their whole bodies.

Our man Joe has once again hit the nail on the head, highlighting the hypocrisy of cancel culture and its double standards.

So, here’s the tea: the country music industry has its knickers in a twist over Jason Aldean’s song “Try That in a Small Town”.

The powers-that-be at CMT have even gone so far as to yank it from their rotation.

Now, Rogan isn’t saying it’s the next “Stairway to Heaven”.

Far from it.

But the level of outrage it has sparked is about as overblown as a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon.

While folks are frothing at the mouth over Aldean’s song, they seem to have conveniently forgotten about the countless rap and hip-hop tracks that glorify violence and objectify women.

Funny, that.

Almost like there’s a double standard at play, wouldn’t you say?

And it’s not like these are obscure tracks from the annals of musical history.

No, sir.

We’re talking fresh, hot-off-the-press tunes here.

But they don’t seem to be under the cancel culture magnifying glass. I wonder why…

Watch Joe’s raw honesty for yourself:

To paraphrase Rogan: there’s a lot of wild s*** out there.

So, why the obsession with Aldean’s song? Could it be the racial aspect, perchance?

Why are folks so quick to castigate a country song while turning a blind eye to the real, on-the-ground issues that arose during the BLM protests?

And therein lies the million-dollar question.

Good on Rogan for shining a light on this hypocrisy.

Maybe one day, cancel culture will finally get cancelled.

But until then, we need more voices like Rogan’s to speak up and keep things real.

It’s high time the silent majority makes some noise.

The New York Post confirms Joe Rogan coming to Aldean’s defense:

Rogan marveled at the selective outrage over this country song.

“I’m not saying that’s the greatest song the world has ever known, but the level of outrage coming from people that are upset about that song is so strange when there are hundreds of rap songs out there that are infinitely worse,” Rogan said, adding that rap songs were still “enjoyable.”

His guest, Canadian professor Gad Saad responded saying some rap songs promote misogyny and glorify violence.

“Mhmm, no complaints at all,” Rogan agreed.

“And we’re not even talking about old stuff, there’s new stuff too, there’s hip-hop, there’s wild rock songs, there’s a lot of wild s–t,” noting how strange people were to be “focusing” on Aldean’s song.

Rogan questioned the “racial aspect” of the song.

“The racial aspect of it was crazy, because the real Antifa problems that were happening during the BLM, I think there was a lot of white people doing that wasn’t it? It was a lot of lost liberal whites who are very angry, who decided to take up this movement and smash things,” he said.

“So the racial aspect of it, there’s nothing racial about the lyrics,” he added.

Let’s dive headfirst into the morass of hypocrisy, shall we?

It’s a stinky pool where the self-righteous love to splash about while ignoring the muck they’re really swimming in.

And it’s not like we’re talking about some obscure deep tracks here.

We’re dealing with tunes that are topping the charts, getting airtime on prime-time radio.

But for some reason, it’s Aldean’s song that’s come under the cancel culture guillotine.

Can anyone say, “hypocrisy”?

But wait, it gets better.

Apparently, Aldean’s song is the height of racial controversy.

Yet, as Rogan astutely pointed out, the real racial issues seen during the BLM protests—like those “lost liberal whites” wreaking havoc—somehow didn’t attract the same level of outrage.

Interesting, huh?

Rogan cuts to the chase: “There’s nothing racial about the lyrics.”

So, why the selective outrage?

The Western Journal provides more details:

And, perhaps most notably, many of the same people who are now decrying a song that doesn’t call for violence in any straightforward manner are the same people who have often overlooked rap and hip-hop songs that explicitly call for violence in the most bloodthirsty, outrageous terms — something Spotify podcaster Joe Rogan pointed out on a show this week.

Rogan noted during an episode with Canadian psychologist and academic Gad Saad that “people are upset at the country music channel” CMT over the video for “Try That in a Small Town,” which it has pulled from its rotation.

“The level of outrage — like, now, I’m not saying that’s the greatest song the world’s ever known, you know?” he continued. “But, the level of outrage coming from people that are upset about that song is so strange when there are hundreds of rap songs out there that are infinitely worse — and also enjoyable. And no, no complaints at all.”

“Misogynistic. Qualifying violence –” Saad said.

“Yeah — and no complaints at all,” Rogan responded.

He added that “we’re not even talking about old stuff. There’s new stuff too. There’s, there’s, there’s hip hop. There’s wild rock songs. There’s a lot of wild s***. And to be focusing on that one — and it’s the racial aspect of it. It was crazy because like the real antifa problems that were happening during the BLM, I think it was a lot of white people doing that, wasn’t it?”

Now, that’s a plot twist that would give M. Night Shyamalan a run for his money.

It’s time for these folks to step off their high horses and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Because the only thing more nauseating than hypocrisy is the stench of faux moral superiority.

Do we really trust these people to lecture us about morality?


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