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Democrat Congresswoman Criticized on Accepting Campaign Donations From Jeffrey Epstein

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) called out Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) for her financial ties to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

“I myself am deeply concerned about the affiliation of the convicted sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, of which the ranking member took campaign donation money from,” Cammack said, referencing Plaskett, during the House Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s hearing on censorship.


Daily Caller provides additional context:

“I have to bring this up and, since the door was opened, I am deeply concerned about the fact that there were FEC reports brought up,” Cammack continued. “Mr. Kennedy, you acknowledge that you don’t know where those came from. You said that you have no affiliation with those, that PAC that Super PAC, I believe, the ranking member said she was deeply concerned about the affiliation and we seem to have a guilty by-association thing going on here and so, I just have to state for the record that I myself am deeply concerned about the affiliation of the convicted sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, of which the ranking member took campaign donation money from so I think that’s the beauty of the First Amendment is that we have a right to say what we want to say, but we also have the right to be offended, so I just wanted to point that out, glass houses and all.”

Cammack referenced Plaskett’s comments in which she said that a Super PAC that has donated to RFK Jr., is “run by” a man associated with other Super PACs that support other Republican candidates. Plaskett then tried to tie it back to Russian election interference, with RFK Jr. denying any knowledge of the PAC or the donations.

Plaskett, for her part, asked for Epstein to attend a fundraising event for her campaign back in 2018, while an associate of Epstein’s asked the sex offender to donate to Plaskett.

Plaskett later said she regrets “accepting that campaign contribution, but at the time I was unaware that my campaign had received it.”

“Plaskett met Epstein numerous times after her entry into politics in 2014, visiting Epstein’s office in the Virgin Islands and his New York City townhouse, she said in a deposition last month,” The Washington Free Beacon reports.

The Washington Free Beacon has more:

The meetings occurred years after Epstein’s conviction on child sex crimes was publicly known, but Plaskett nonetheless met the registered sex offender to solicit campaign donations for herself and Democratic committees. Though she has denied knowing Epstein contributed to her campaign, emails revealed in court documents show her directing a fundraising consultant to ensure Epstein is invited to her fundraiser. “I would be grateful for his support,” Plaskett wrote in the July 2018 email.

Details of the relationship are revealed in court documents released as part of a lawsuit the government of the Virgin Islands filed against JPMorgan, where Epstein banked for years. Emails released in the case show that Epstein jumped at a request in 2014 to help Plaskett in her underdog campaign.

The revelations place a dark cloud over Plaskett’s surprising ascent in the Democratic Party ranks. Though Plaskett does not hold voting power, she has landed cushy assignments in Washington: a managerial spot on the second Donald Trump impeachment, a seat on the House Intelligence Committee, and the top Democratic position on the high-profile Weaponization of Government Subcommittee.


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