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An Act of God? Pfizer Plant Gets Leveled by Tornado

Tornado season is certainly not a laughing matter.

Neither is all the evil perpetuated by Pfizer though…

A manufacturing plant for Pfizer in North Carolina was leveled by a tornado on Wednesday.

It’s reported that 50,000 pallets of product were destroyed by the storm.

Luckily, no humans were seriously injured at the plant.

That’s more than we can say for Pfizer’s victims…

Daily Wire reported on the destructive storm’s path to the Pfizer facility:

A tornado ripped apart a Pfizer manufacturing facility in North Carolina Wednesday afternoon, damaging a massive storage of critical medicines used in hospitals throughout the U.S.

The tornado caused significant damage in Nash County — damaging vegetation and homes — in addition to the Pfizer Rocky Mount facility.

Nash County Sheriff Keith Stone said, “I’ve got reports of 50,000 pallets of medicine that are strewn across the facility and damaged through the rain and the wind.”

The Associated Press has more details:

A tornado heavily damaged a major Pfizer pharmaceutical plant in North Carolina on Wednesday, while torrential rain flooded communities in Kentucky and an area from California to South Florida endured more scorching heat.

Pfizer confirmed that the large manufacturing complex was damaged by a twister that touched down shortly after midday near Rocky Mount, but said in an email that it had no reports of serious injuries. A later company statement said all employees were safely evacuated and accounted for.

Parts of roofs were ripped open atop its massive buildings. The Pfizer plant stores large quantities of medicine that were tossed about, said Nash County Sheriff Keith Stone.

“I’ve got reports of 50,000 pallets of medicine that are strewn across the facility and damaged through the rain and the wind,” Stone said.

Was this an act of God?

The reactions on Twitter did not disappoint:


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