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Henry Kissinger Pranked, Admits UKRAINE Blew Up The Nordstream Pipeline!

I have to admit before I ran this story I had to do a little Fact-Check of my own.

That Fact-Check centered around the question: “How in the hell is Henry Kissinger still alive?”

IS Henry Kissinger still alive?

Well, according to Google he is indeed still alive, so that’s good for him I guess:

Bad for humanity, good for him.

Because this guy is a DeepStater through and through.

Anyway, back to our story.


I guess when you’re in your early 100’s, you aren’t so good with technology or Zoom calls….or with knowing when it’s likely you’re being pranked.

Because this clown just got clowned….big time.

Thinking he was talking with Zelensky, he is asked who blew up the Nordstream 2 pipeline and he pauses and then says….”I thought you did.”

Solid gold.

Watch for yourself here:

Backup here:

The story is real folks.

Newsweek has also covered it:

Russian duo renowned for playing practical jokes on famous figures has said it pranked Henry Kissinger into revealing his thoughts about last September’s sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline between Russia and Europe.

The 100-year-old statesman, who served as U.S. secretary of state between 1973 and 1977 and was a former U.S. national security adviser, became the latest person to be duped by the pair known as Vovan and Lexus, Russian media have reported.

Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov have made headlines in the past for pranking high-profile people such as the musician Elton John, Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan and former U.S. President George W. Bush. Their latest ruse shows the pair contacting Kissinger in a video call posing as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

After a long pause, Kissinger says, “I frankly thought you were.” The prankster replies, “Really? You think that we (did it)? No, no.” Kissinger then says, “but I didn’t blame you,” suggesting that he did not mean the remark to be a criticism.

The video has not been independently verified, and Newsweek has emailed and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry for comment.

Unanswered questions remain over the circumstances in which the pipelines were targeted by a series of underwater bombings that caused large gas leaks on September 26, 2022.

Some have speculated that the U.S. was behind the attack. Others pointed the finger at Moscow. Ukraine issued a denial in March 2023 that it was involved. A New York Times report had cited U.S. intelligence suggesting that a pro-Ukrainian group, not necessarily with links to Zelensky, was to blame.

As we always say, these people running the world sure are EVIL, but they’re aren’t all that smart.

And that was just proven once again for the world to see.


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