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Congressman Introduces Legislation To End The Surveillance State

Rep. Matt Gaetz recently introduced a resolution to end surveillance provisions under the current FISA law.

The Congressman went toe-to-toe with FBI Director Chris Wray in Wednesday’s hearing detailing FBI corruption, and he filed the resolution one day before the Congressional hearing.

In question, is Section 702 of FISA which gives federal authorities the power to secretly surveil American citizens.

Rep. Gaetz stated:

“Today I filed a resolution to end illegal FISA surveillance of American citizens. 

The persistent abuse of Section 702 of FISA underscores the disturbing trend of our federal government being weaponized against its people.

The blatant misuse of warrantless surveillance powers targeting Americans’ communications should not be accepted or reauthorized.

We must uphold national security without sacrificing the constitutional rights of our fellow Americans.”


Fox News broke the story and provided this quote from Rep. Gaetz:

“I think most folks are increasingly concerned about centralized power with our national security apparatus, given how political they’ve become.” 

“I take great lengths in my legislation to point out that it’s both left-wing groups like BLM, and it’s also folks who were at the Capitol on January 6, who have seen their rights unfairly violated by FISA, and I’m equally aggrieved by both.” 

Rep. Ken Buck had this to say at Wednesday’s FBI hearing: “The FBI should not be conducting warrantless surveillance of American citizens. Period. We must revise FISA to protect Americans’ constitutional right to privacy.”


Rep. Tom Tiffany explained: “The FBI abused FISA surveillance authorities more than 278,000 times on Jan 6th suspects, crime victims, political donors, and BLM activists simply because they wanted to. The FBI had no “analytical, investigative or evidentiary purpose.”


The Epoch Times noted the ‘persistent abuse’ of Section 702 of the FISA law:

Last year, it was revealed that the FBI performed more than 3 million warrantless searches of Americans of Section 702 data in 2021.

One unnamed member of Congress, which Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Ill.) believes describes him, was also allegedly spied on under the program the same year.

After these abuses with revealed, the FBI, led by Director Christopher Wray, promised that it would make changes to reduce improper queries under Section 702.


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