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Hunter Biden Plea Hearing Delayed?

According to the Daily Mail, the Department of Justice may delay Hunter Biden’s plea hearing after claims that Attorney General Merrick Garland lied to Congress about the Biden investigation.

Republicans have called Hunter Biden’s plea deal a ‘slap on the wrist’ and a ‘sweetheart deal.’

The hearing, where a federal judge will decide on accepting the plea deal, is currently scheduled for July 26th.

“President Biden’s son Hunter has reached a tentative agreement with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two minor tax crimes and admit to the facts of a gun charge under terms that would likely keep him out of jail, according to court papers,” The Washington Post previously said.

Republican lawmakers want Hunter Biden charged with more serious tax and corruption crimes.

IRS whistleblowers who worked directly on the Hunter Biden tax probe alleged corruption and unequal enforcement of tax law.

BREAKING: IRS Whistleblowers Allege Corruption In Hunter Biden Investigation

After outcries from Republicans, the DoJ reportedly may delay finalizing Hunter Biden's sweetheart deal.

Daily Mail provided the details:

Now, a legal filing reveals the DoJ is considering delaying the finalizing of the plea deal amid the opprobrium.

Conservative charity the Heritage Foundation is suing the Justice Department for failing to release Delaware prosecutor David Weiss' communication records under the Freedom of Information Act.

A court filing by the Foundation last week documented a June 29 phone call between their lawyer and DoJ counsel Jason Lynch, in which the Justice official allegedly made the stunning admission.

Foundation lawyer Samuel Dewey pointed out to the DoJ attorney that they could ask the federal judge in Hunter's criminal case for his July 26 plea hearing to be delayed, to give them more time to process and release Weiss' records and allow scrutiny of the prosecutorial bargain.

'DoJ Counsel indicated that Plaintiffs were ''absolutely right'' that the Department could file such a motion and that DoJ Counsel would take that point back to the 'District' (presumably speaking of the District of Delaware),' Dewey wrote.

Dewey's description suggests the Justice Department could now be debating whether to delay cementing the plea deal.

'They have the capability to move the plea deal, though they didn't indicate any likelihood they would,' Heritage Foundation Oversight Director Mike Howell told


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