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GOP In This State Passes Resolution Calling For Abolition of FBI

Idaho Republicans have officially condemned the FBI.

The Idaho GOP passed a resolution that states the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a “corrupt government agency” and should be abolished if it cannot be reformed and protect the rights of the American people.

This is the type of action Republicans in every state should be taking against the FBI.

No excuses!

Push for this corrupt federal agency to be abolished.

It should have never existed in the first place.

“The Idaho Republican Party is dedicated to protecting the Constitution and the rights of American citizens in Idaho,” Resolution 2023-52 reads.

“The FBI has a long history of misconduct, including abuses of power, entrapment, and other unconstitutional actions that violate the rights of Americans,” it continued.

“Recent revelations have shown that the FBI has engaged in government overreach, including the use of politically motivated investigations, illegal surveillance, and the targeting of political opponents; and the FBI illegally surveilled, infiltrated, and disrupted civil rights activists, political dissidents, and other individuals considered a threat to national security between the 1950s and 1970s with their program called COINTELPRO,” it read.

“The FBI siege of a cabin in Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992, which resulted in the unnecessary deaths of Vicky
and Sammy Weaver as well as a U.S. Marshal due to excessive use of force and revised rules of engagement promulgated by the FBI, leading to the violation of the rights of the individuals involved; and the 51-day standoff between the FBI and the Branch Davidian religious group in Waco, Texas in 1993, ended in a preventable, deadly fire that killed 76 people, including 25 children, some of whom were shot,” it continued.

“Of the 4 defendants in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case, 2 were acquitted, and the other 2 were not
found guilty, after revelations that they were essentially entrapped by the FBI; and the New York Times has confirmed that at least one FBI informant participated in the events of January 6th; and the Washington Post has confirmed that the FBI had foreknowledge of the events that transpired on January 6th,” it read.

“The FBI has targeted concerned parents who have been outspoken at school board meetings for surveillance; and the FBI has been weaponized against President Donald J. Trump, by raiding Mar- A-Lago at the unethical,
politically motivated behest of Attorney General Merrick Garland,” it read.

“These actions undermine the trust that the American people have in their government and threaten our
constitutional rights; and these actions have directly led to the terrorization of American Citizens,” it read.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Idaho Republican State Central Committee condemns the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its misconduct, government overreach, and politically motivated weaponization; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Idaho Republican State Central Committee calls for a reform of the FBI, to ensure that it operates within the confines of the Constitution and respects the rights of American citizens; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the FBI cannot be reformed to operate within the confines of the Constitution with respect for the rights of American citizens, the Idaho Republican State Central Committee supports the abolition of this corrupt government agency,” it concluded.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Idaho Republican State Central Committee calls upon the Chairman to transmit this resolution to Senator Mike Crapo, Senator James Risch, Congressman Mike Simpson, Congressman Russ Fulcher, Attorney General Raul Labrador and United States Attorney General Merrick Garland,” it read.

Idaho Tribune reports:

In a surprising and unprecedented move, the Idaho Republican Party has taken a strong stance against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), by passing a resolution a condemning the “corrupt government agency” and calling for its abolition if it is deemed that the agency cannot be reformed.

The resolution passed unanimously out of the body which is comprised of 216 elected Republican representatives, contained a laundry list of excesses, abuses, and unconstitutional overreaches which the resolution alleges has “undermined the trust that the American people have in their government.”

Read the complete text of Resolution 2023-52, “Resolution Condemning The Federal Bureau Of Investigation,” in the Idaho Republican Party Accepted Resolutions document:


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