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The TRUE History Of America Revealed…

Noah here, and yes this is real…

I’d like to send YOU on an all-expenses paid trip to Boston!

Actually, you and three family members / guests.

Sound good?

More on that in just a minute plus my new interview with Connor down below, but first let me lay a little groundwork.

But first we need to talk about the TRUE history of America…and why the schools are NOT teaching it!

It’s sad, but the brainwashing in our schools is reaching epic proportions, far beyond anything you remember from when you were in school.

Forget about all the perversion and sex crap they also have to deal with, that’s all real and scary too — but even when you get past that the education they’re getting is TWISTED.

Not real American history….

It’s now “woke” American history.

And it’s a history book like you wouldn’t recognize.

So I’m calling on all parents, grandparents or anyone else who cares about the future of our next generation to jump in and FIGHT back.

And I’ve got just the solution.

It’s all related to my friends over at The Tuttle Twins.

I’ve covered them before and I absolutely LOVE what they’re doing.

In case you don’t know them, allow me to fill you in.

They’re a non-profit working to educate our children and basically save them from the indoctrination they get every day at school.

I love, love, LOVE their mission!

And they’re very good at it.

Oh, and they are hated by CNN, so that should tell you just about all you need to know!

They’re hated by CNN, so that probably tells you all you need to know….they’re awesome!

Hated by CNN…

Loved by parents, grandparents, Americans, patriots, Deplorables, and people everywhere who love and protect children…

There’s nothing more important than protecting our children.

Protecting them, but then also arming them to be strong and courageous in this world!

That comes right out of Joshua 1:9:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

One of the reasons I connect so much with their mission is that I have little children at home.

I won’t print their ages in here or tell you how many, but they’re growing fast and the future they will inherit in this country is one of the reasons I work so hard at what we do here at the WLTReport!

We’re in a battlefield for the future of our country, and that means the future they will live in.

I’d actually had this idea in the back of my head for the past 5-7 years since I first started this website that I wanted to produce some books that would help explain the world to all of our kids.

One of my main goals here at WLTReport is to make the news SIMPLE.

If you’ve noticed, we try and get right to the point in our stories…

We write things in an easy to understand way.

We don’t use a 10-cent word if a 2-cent word will work just as well.

We write in short paragraphs and short sentences.


Because it makes things easy to understand quickly, and that means more of our message gets out to more people!

So I’ve always had this idea that I wanted to take that same concept and transfer it into books for kids, teaching them things like Conservative Values, money management, right and wrong….you know, the kinds of things this country was founded on.

I’ve never had the time to actually do it, and now I’m really glad I didn’t.


Because Connor and his team over at The Tuttle Twins are absolutely knocking it out of the park!

Oh, and they run as a non-profit too, how cool is that?

It’s all about the Mission for them, and we need a lot more of that in our world.

So if you don’t already know them, I’d like to introduce you to The Tuttle Twins… 

If you’re tired of having your kids exposed to THIS all day in school:

Then it’s time to shield them up!

From Joshua 1:9 we go next to Ephesians 6:

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Stop sending them out like lambs to the slaughter…

Shield them up!

It’s a real shame we even have to do this, because this is what the schools SHOULD be doing.

But of course they don’t.

Not even close.

I’d even be ok with “do no harm” but the schools are doing active harm to our youth.

So it’s time we fight back.

And that’s a big reason why The Tuttle Twins books are already setting records:

I’ve already bought the full set for my kids and I try to read a little bit with each of them every night.

They’ve got books for toddlers all the way up to high school.

You can see everything on their homepage here:

But I’ve got two big things I want to tell you about that I really want to spotlight for you.

ONE: one of their most popular books is “America’s History”.

Volume One covered 1215-1776 and has consistently been one of their most popular books, told in story form through the eyes of the Tuttle Twins.

But here’s the difference with these two books from other “history” books.

First of all, these are told in story format through the eyes of the Tuttle Twins.

Teaching and learning is always much more effective when told by stories.

It’s why Jesus so often taught using Parables.

Second, these books aren’t just memorizing stupid details like “In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue.”


These books teach you the WHY behind it.

And they teach you the TRUE history.

To put it in simple terms, these tell the true history of 1776, not the “1619 Project” rewriting of history garbage.

This is the real deal.

Volume Two is launching on July 4th and covers the formational years of 1776-1791.

They’re doing a huge sale for the launch that you can see here (70% off right now):


TWO: Here’s a little BONUS for you that is going to make this a lot of fun…

Anyone who orders using my link here ( is going to get entered to win an all-expenses paid trip to Boston!

That’s airfare, travel, hotel, the whole deal for not just you but a family of four!

Could you use a family vacation?

Want to see one of the most historic cities in our country?

I can help you make that happen!

The way the contest is set up, all the entries to win would have gone to me, but I told Connor if I win I want him to re-draw one of YOU as the winner!

So I’ve taken myself completely out of it.

I can’t win, I’m no longer eligible.

I’m giving all my entries to YOU!

It’s real simple…you get one entry for each book you buy in the America’s History series — tap the image below to go to the page:

That’s it!

The winner will be drawn at the end of July and I sure hope it’s YOU!

I had Connor back on my show today to talk about the new book, the Giveaway content, and a lot more…

Check it out here:

Backup here on Rumble:

And I have one more suggestion for you…

If you’d like to get some extra entries in the Giveaway Contest, I’ve actually got a great idea for you.

This is a big win-win.

Please consider buying a few extra copies of Volume 1 and 2 and donate them to your local library!

That can be your City library or an Elementary School library nearby.

Trust me, they would LOVE to take your donation.

And that’s how we fight back!

Bit by bit.

School by school.

The other side isn’t stopping…

They’re loading up the libraries with Gay and Queer and Trans books to indoctrination your kids.

This brave boy read one of the books from his school Library to the School Board and it’s DISGUSTING!  (huge warning before you click play — it’s graphic):

But that’s kind of the point, right?

If we squirm and get embarrassed listening to this boy read the book from his School Library, why are we allowing the book to be there in the first place?

We can’t be successful in getting all of these books removed, but we CAN fight back and even the score a little bit.

We CAN donate some good books to help balance it out.

So if you have the means and you’d like to do some good, may I humbly suggest you buy some extra copies and then donate them to as many local libraries as you can in your area.

There are 4 million people reading this right now and together we CAN make a difference!

You’ll be joining 500,000 other families who already love the Tuttle Twins:

Here’s more directly from the Tuttle Twins company:

What Makes Our Books So Different?

The Tuttle Twins’ Book Series Introduces Important Ideas That Schools Don’t Teach.

There aren’t any other children’s books that present a vast array of free-market topics in such a fun way. The books teach relevant freedom-based concepts that most of us were never taught as kids. But it’s not too late!

The Tuttle Twins books challenges children to learn “adult” ideas—and they love it! We explain these ideas simply, and with helpful illustrations… and we’ve been amazed at how well kids rise to this challenge. Yours will, too.

These stimulating stories encourage children to make sense of the world—and we’ve heard so much fun stories about how this is working so well.

One mom wrote us this: “I took my kids to the grocery store a few days after we read one of the Tuttle Twins books about free markets. We were walking down the chip aisle when my son pointed to the 18 kinds of potato chips and said Hey, that’s spontaneous order! I kid you not. My kids know economic ideas that I didn’t even understand until we read the book together. So awesome!”

And I recently got this email from another mom: “I’ve been so anxious about the state of our world and what to share with my children. Now we read Tuttle Twins books each night and it has been so helpful to talk to my kids about things like individual rights, the proper role of government, and what it means to be free. These discussions are so meaningful to our family, and they wouldn’t be happening without these books. Thank you so much!”

That’s what our books are about: helping you have amazing conversations with your children about the ideas that built our amazing country but which are now under attack.

For too long, parents have lacked a language to communicate these concepts to their kids.

But not any longer. That problem has been solved with the Tuttle Twins books!

For the visual learners out there (and who can’t resist watching two cute kids?) watch this and learn from the children.

They need our help and they deserve our help:

I love this company for so many reasons, and here’s one more…

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed:

Not happy with what you get?

Return it for a full refund.

Connor’s Your-Kids-Will-Love-The-Tuttle-Twins-Or-I-Will-Refund-Your-Money-And-You-Keep-The-Books Guarantee!

Help the children in your life learn these important ideas by purchasing the books now. Over 500,000 families have already bought the books for their kids. Can you guess how many families didn’t like them and demanded a refund? Nine.

Needless to say, our young readers love these books!

Worried that you’re not sure you’ll love them? No problem! The risk is all on our end. If you don’t like them, let us know within 30 days of purchase and you can keep the books. I will immediately refund your money.

Yes — I’m THAT confident your family will benefit from these books. No questions asked. No hassle. And with that guarantee, there’s no reason to not get these books for your kids.

You’ve got nothing at all to lose. So give your children a foundation of freedom today!

In liberty,

I am so excited for you to get these and for your KIDS to get these.

Your friend,


Please watch this short video here on Rumble before you go:

There is nothing more important than protecting our next generation…our children!

See it here and claim your free entry to the Contest:


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