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DEVELOPING: Yet Another Biden Accuser Offers To Testify

Do you know what I can confidently say about women who have made allegations against President Trump?

None of them are hiding out in Russia—not that I believe their allegations in the first place, but it bears mentioning that they didn’t have to seek political asylum in another country. …

Tara Reade claims that she is a victim of Joe Biden and has accused him of sexually assaulting her in 1993 when she worked for him as an aide. …

She also reportedly lives in Russia due to concerns over her own safety. …

Megyn Kelly recently spoke to Tara Reade about why she is seeking asylum in Russia:

While Reade has offered to come forward and testify against Joe Biden numerous times in the past, the testimony never came to fruition.

However, this week her attorney reached out to the House Judiciary Committee, in a letter, to explain that Reade is still willing to provide testimony against Joe Biden.

Axios detailed the timeline of events, according to Reade:

April 3, 2019: Reade joined several women in accusing Biden of inappropriate touching as a senator in 1993.

She told The Union, a local newspaper in California, that on numerous occasions Biden put his hands on her neck and shoulders in ways that made her uncomfortable.

April 9: Reade filed a police report claiming she was the victim of a sexual assault in 1993.

She tweeted that she did so solely for “safety reasons,” acknowledging that the statute of limitations had run out on her complaint.

Users on Twitter posted numerous instances of Joe Biden’s inappropriate and downright creepy behavior toward women and children.

According to BBC News, Reade is seeking Russian citizenship:

She said she left the US after a Republican politician told her she was in physical danger.

“[I’d] like to apply for citizenship in Russia, from the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin… I do promise to be a good citizen,” Ms Reade said, adding that she hoped to keep her US citizenship.


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