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Biden Leaks Sensitive Intelligence To Campaign Donors

Joe Biden has never been known for his competence or poise.

Still, a sitting U.S. President should have more discipline than to leak sensitive intelligence information to campaign donors at an event. …

On Tuesday, sources say that Biden revealed that Xi Jinping reportedly did not know about the CCP spy balloon.

Biden then went on to ramble about how this kind of thing—not knowing what elements within your own country are doing—is a bad look for dictators like Xi. …

You can’t make this stuff up folks.

Not only did Biden leak sensitive information to the public and the world, but he has, no doubt, also inflamed the situation by belittling Xi publicly.

That impeachment resolution cannot be approved soon enough. Here’s more on the story:

Grant Stinchfield tells his audience, “Joe Biden just admitted he is compromised! Bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party. This is what he said about the spy balloon, while the secretary of state gives China the green light to invade Taiwan.”


Breitbart reports:

Biden told about 130 guests in attendance at the fundraiser: “The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is he didn’t know it was there.”

“No, I’m serious. That’s what’s a great embarrassment for dictators, when they didn’t know what happened,” Biden said.

The Times reported that “other U.S. officials were surprised on Tuesday night that the president would discuss the sensitive information in a public setting.”

According to The Gateway Pundit, Biden wanted to apologize to the Chinese leader after downing the balloon off of the East Coast.

As you can see, the balloon was allowed to traverse almost the entirety of the United States before finally being shot down off the coast of the Carolinas.

NBC News points out:

China quickly hit back at the remarks, branding them “extremely absurd and irresponsible.”

The president’s description of Xi came one day after a high-level visit by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Beijing, an effort to calm tensions between the U.S. and China.

Blinken told NBC News after his visit that the spy balloon “chapter should be closed” and both sides pledged to try and stabilize the relationship.

Biden, however, revisited the subject before a room of more than 125 attendees that included California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who also spoke at the fundraiser.


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