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RFK Jr. Says US And China Both Have Ethnic Bioweapons

Love him or hate him RFK Jr. has been pushing the Overton window ever since his campaign started.

RFK Jr. has brought the topics of CIA corruption, JFK assassination coverup, mercury in vaccines and so much more into the mainstream media.

Now RFK Jr. has revealed both the United States and China have ethnic bioweapons in their possession.

Kennedy made the claims during a Newsmax interview.

The Democratic presidential candidate stated “And we know that the Chinese are developing ethnic bio weapons, bio weapons that are designed to attack people of certain racial types.”

He continued “We are doing the same thing. We’ve been collecting Chinese DNA, we’ve been collecting Russian DNA specifically for that.”

Watch him say it here:

Here’s what Mediaite reported:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a wild claim that not only does he believe China is developing “ethnic bioweapons,” he also alluded to the United States doing the same thing.

The exchange took place on Newsmax’s On the Record with Greta Van Susteren Tuesday night where Kennedy appeared as a guest. Aside from talking about his general campaign goals, a particular focus was given to foreign policy and weapons. A clip from the exchange began circulating on Twitter via Alicia Sadowski from the progressive watchdog group Media Matters.

Host Greta Van Susteren asked the 2024 candidate if he worries about weapons of mass destruction being in the form of a virus.

“Do you worry about that? Because I see that as sort of the the next big fight,” she said. “Those viruses don’t see any borders and their relatively cheap to do — there’s gain of function. I mean, it’s just — that’s what I worry about more than the big hardware.”

“Yeah, you’re exactly right. And we know that the Chinese are developing ethnic bio weapons, bio weapons that are designed to attack people of certain racial types,” Kennedy said.

“We are doing the same thing. We’ve been collecting Chinese DNA, we’ve been collecting Russian DNA specifically for that. This arms race is a catastrophe,” he added.

The Pentagon has denied Kennedy’s claims.

Per The Daily Wire:

Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Newsmax host Greta Van Susteren that both China and the United States were developing “ethnic bio-weapons” that could target people based on racial types — the Pentagon has since denied that claim.

Kennedy, who has garnered a bit of a reputation as a “conspiracy theorist,” has previously lobbied against state laws requiring vaccinations and vocally opposed the push to force Americans to get vaccinated against COVID, saying that he was not against the vaccines themselves, but the fact that people were being forced into taking them.


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