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BREAKING: U.S. Military Admits To Altering The Weather, According To Documents?

Time for a Fact-Check!

You know, a real one though, not the propaganda kind they do in the MSM.

No, let’s actually investigate!

So here’s the deal, this was trending on Twitter today, multiple versions of this same post:


Ok, so we actually do our homework here and my radar was instantly piqued.

Of course I agree with the statement but “according to documents” sounds super vague.

So I went to work researching.

And I didn’t find any “admission” or any “documents” from today that seemed relevant.

BUT….that doesn’t mean there’s not fire here around this smoke.

And in my investigation I found a TON of things I had never seen before.

So while the headline was “disingenuous” as best I can tell when it comes to new documents out today, but in terms of the underlying allegation it’s not really inaccurate.

So let’s dive in and I’ll show you what I found!

Start with this clip from a Weatherman posted by my bud Stew Peters:

What did he just say?

Here is a breakdown of some of what they are doing:

But now back to the core claim…

US Military admits to altering the weather.

Well, that my friends is TRUE!

And it’s not new….

Here is John Brennan speaking to the CFR and telling you right to your face:

It couldn’t be more clear than that folks!

And how about this….here is the NY Times from back in 1972 telling you they were already “cloud seeding” back then:

The United States has been secretly seeding clouds over North Vi etnam, Laos and South Viet nam to increase and control the rainfall for military purposes.

Government sources, both ci vilian and military, said during an extensive series of inter views that the Air Force cloud seeding program has been aimed most recently at hinder ing movement of North Viet namese troops and equipment and suppressing enemy antiair craft missile fire.

The disclosure confirmed growing speculation in Con gressional and scientific circles about the use of weather mod ification in Southeast Asia. De spite years of experiments with rainmaking in the United States and elsewhere, scientists are not sure they understand its long‐term effect on the ecology of a region.

Some Opposed Program

The weather manipulation in Indochina, which was first tried in South Vietnam in 1963, is the first confirmed use of meteorological warfare. Al though it is not prohibited by any international conventions on warfare, artificial rainmak ing has been strenuously opposed by some State Depart ment officials.

It could not be determined whether the operations were being conducted in connection with the current North Viet namese offensive or the renewed American bombing of the North.

Effectiveness Doubted

Beginning in 1967, some State Department officials pro tested that the United States, by deliberately altering the nat ural rainfall in parts of Indo china, was taking environmen tal risks of unknown propor tions. But many advocates of the operation have found little wrong with using weather mod ification as a military weapon.

“What’s worse,” one official asked, “dropping bombs or rain?”

All of the officials inter viewed said that the United States did not have the capabil ity to cause heavy floods dur ing the summer in the northern parts of North Vietnam, where serious floods occurred last year.

Officially, the White House and State Department declined comment on the use of meteorological warfare. “This is one of those things where no one is going to say anything,” one official said.

Most officials interviewed agreed that the seeding had accomplished one of its main objectives —muddying roads and flooding lines of communi cation. But there were also many military and Government officials who expressed doubt that the project had caused any dramatic results.
Editors’ Picks

The sources, without provid ing details, also said that a method had been “developed for treating clouds with a chemical that eventually produced an acidic rainfall capable of foul ing the operation of North Viet namese radar equipment used for directing surface‐to‐air mis siles.

In additidn to hampering SAM missiles and delaying North Vietnamese infiltration, the rainmaking program had the following purposes:

¶ Providing rain and cloud cover for infiltration of South Vietnamese commando and in telligence teams into North Vietnam.

¶ Serving as a “spoiler” for North Vietnamese attacks and raids in South Vietnam.

¶ Altering or tailoring the rain patterns over North Viet nam and Laos to aid United States bombing missions.

¶ Diverting North Vietnamese men and material from military operations to keep muddied roads and lines of communica tion in operation.

Keyed to Monsoon

The cloud‐seeding operations necessarily were keyed to the two main monsoon seasons that affect Laos and Vietnam. “It was just trying to add on to something that you already got,” one officer said.

Military sources said that one Main goal was to increase the duration of the southwest mon soon which spawns high‐rising cumulus clouds — those most susceptible to cloud‐seeding— over the panhandle areas of Laos and North Vietnam from May to early October. The long er rainy season thus would give the Air Force more opportun ity to trigger rainstorms.

“We were trying to arrange the weather pattern to suit our convenience,” said one former Government official who had detailed knowledge of the operation.

According to interviews, the Gentrel Intelligence Agency in itiated the use of cloud‐seeding over Hue, in the northern part of South Vietnam. “We first used that stuff in about August of 1963,” one former C.I.A. agent said, “when the Diem regime was having all that trouble with the Buddhists.”


And to all who doubt “chemtrails” I just have to ask….do you have eyes?  And critical thinking?

Because if you have both of those things, then there is really no excuse:

Then check out this find…

From Media.Defense.Gov (a government website), it’s titled:

Benign Weather Modification.

How nice!

From the first page:

Weather modification is a technology once embraced by the United States (US) military as a tool to help both wartime and peacetime missions. However, interest in the ability to modify weather has waned over recent years and is now nearly nonexistent.

This study examines one aspect of weather modification, benign weather modification (BWM), for possible use in assisting military operations. After briefly reviewing the history and science of weather modification, this thesis bounds the aspects of weather modification being addressed. It then describes barriers to BWM, showing how they affect current weather modification policy in the military. Examples are shown of current civilian BWM techniques, their possible use by the military, and some military-unique needs for weather modification.

After examining current weather modification and projected future BWM technology, the author concludes that military BWM use deserves another look. Increased reliance on precision guided munitions makes BWM a possible new tool in ensuring accurate targeting with minimal collateral damage. In addition, BWM offers the war planner a means to dictate battle space elements at a critical point in a conflict. At a minimum, the US military should conduct a more in-depth review of weather modification to see if technological advances offer opportunities for more “bang for the buck.”

Well there you go!

Admitted in black & white from a U.S. Government website.

Oh, but they “don’t do it anymore”.


And here is CNN from 2022 telling you it’s still happening:

With 61% of the contiguous US in drought, wouldn’t it be nice if we could just “make it rain” or just “make more snow?”

Well, certain parts of the country are doing just that, sort of. It’s called cloud seeding, and it’s nothing new.

It’s been around since the 1940s and countries all over the world have been doing it for various reasons (most notably China), but it’s a growing practice in the US, especially in the drought-stricken West.

It’s also surrounded with controversy.

We spoke with Julie Gondzar who is the program manager for Wyoming’s Weather Modification Program, who admits she gets lots of calls about what they are doing.

Gondzar said some people say “you’re playing God,” others say “you are stealing moisture from the storm,” making other areas drier than they normally would be, kind of like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

“Think about it like water storage, but in the winter on mountaintops,” is how Gondzar described what cloud seeding is trying to achieve in her state, “in a nutshell.”

Wyoming started cloud seeding in 2003 as part of a study. Then eight seasons ago, they started doing it in an official capacity after their 10-year study proved it works.

This season, they have gone on 28 flight missions for cloud seeding in Wyoming.

Luckily, we have the Fact-Checkers at to tell us this is all, quote, “Complete Nonsense”  (gee, thanks! LOL):

A longstanding conspiracy theory that alleges a former US research project, HAARP, is being used to manipulate the weather has once again gained traction on social media.

This time, social media users are spreading the conspiracy in the form of an image, with one post, shared by an Instagram account with more than 22,000 followers, amassing more than 5,000 likes.

The text in the image reads: “For the pricetag of $80,000 – $100,000, there are multiple companies that guarantee rain-free wedding days around the world.

“It’s done by aircraft spraying nano-sized heavy metals into the atmosphere, and then multi-trillion watt beams of electromagnetic frequencies from HAARP stations are aimed at the particles, enabling them to manipulate cloud cover, precipitation and more.”

The image also contains two photographs, one of a wedding venue by the ocean and one of  condensation trails – line-shaped clouds also known as “contrails” or vapour trails – in the sky.

Additional text in the image claims that contrails are a sign of weather manipulation: “Many people see these trails daily, which begs the question; who is engineering the weather when not for weddings?”

Instagram post with text and photos of contrails and chairs on beachInstagram post with false claim that the weather is being manipulated

Comments posted by Instagram users suggest that many believe the claim that HAARP is manipulating the weather, with some citing it as proof that climate change does not exist. Others refer to a similar baseless conspiracy theory that alleges contrails are biological or chemical agents used covertly by governments to poison or vaccinate populations.

But the claims are false. HAARP has no effect on weather systems and contrails are a common byproduct of jet engines, according to experts consulted by RMIT FactLab.

HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a former US research project that used radio waves to study the ionosphere (Earth’s upper atmosphere).

There is only one HAARP station, not several as claimed, and its operation was transferred from the US Air Force to the University of Alaska in 2015.

Emeritus Professor Peter Dyson, an expert on the ionosphere at La Trobe University, told FactLab in an email that HAARP has “no effect” on weather systems.

“HAARP transmits high power radio waves in the range 3 – 30 MHz [one million hertz] which are absorbed by the ionosphere, causing heating and turbulence in the ionospheric plasma,” Professor Dyson said.

“The ionosphere extends upwards from about 60 km, well above Earth’s weather systems, so HAARP has no effect on weather systems,” he said. “HAARP heats the ionosphere at about 100 km and above depending on the transmitted frequency.”

He said HAARP transmitter power is not “multi-trillion watts”, as claimed in the image, but 3.6 megawatts, with the transmitted beam spreading out as it propagates.

“By the time the signal reaches the ionosphere, the intensity of the HF [high frequency] signal is less than 3 microwatts per sq cm. Once the beam is turned off the heated region of the ionosphere soon returns to normal,” he said.

“HAARP is now a facility of the University of Alaska and searches of its website provide reliable information about HAARP that make it obvious that the various conspiracy theories are nonsense,” he said.

Professor Steven Siems, an expert on cloud microphysics at Monash University and co-chair of the World Meteorological Organisation’s Expert Team on Weather Modification, rejected the suggestion that HAARP was used to manipulate the weather.

HAARP “works in the ionosphere, not the troposphere which accounts for our weather,” he said.

In regard to contrails, he said “they have nothing to do with cloud seeding/weather modification”. “Contrails are a common enough by-product of jet engines at certain altitudes with the right amount of water vapour in the air,” he said.

“They are hardly a phenomena and have nothing directly to do with precipitation. You don’t get precipitation from contrails,” he said. “Those contrails are in the upper troposphere, not the ionosphere, so they have nothing to do with HAARP.”

FactLab found evidence of one company that offers “rain-free” weddings, which was reported on by various news sites in 2015. Luxury holiday company Oliver’s Travels, states on its website that it offers customers a “cloud-bursting” service that guarantees clear skies for wedding days.

FactLab could find no evidence of it ever succeeding, nor of any other “rain-free” wedding services in existence.

The verdict

False. The former US research project HAARP cannot manipulate the weather, according to experts on the Earth’s ionosphere and cloud microphysics. HAARP uses radio waves to study the ionosphere (Earth’s upper atmosphere) and has no effect on weather systems, which occur in the troposphere (the lower atmosphere). Moreover, contrails are a common by-product of jet engines and have nothing to do with weather modification.

Nice try RMIT University — whatever the hell that is!

But I’m gonna stick with my two eyes, my good common sense, and MY research, ok with you?

Chemtrails Confirmed: They’re Real and Very Dangerous!

I’ve been covering chemtrails for a long time on this channel.

Many, many people have woken up as a direct result of our coverage.

More on that below.

In what used to be maybe a 50/50 response, I’d say we’re now closer to 75% who have taken the red pill and are pissed off at what’s happening in the skies above them.

But we still have maybe 25% of the people who refuse to admit it.

Most of that is cognitive dissonance.

It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.


Because then they’ve played the fool for years or even decades.

Much easier to stick your head in the sand, stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and say “I SEE NOTHING!”

Well, sorry that doesn’t work for me.

It may be a bitter pill to swallow…

You may not like it…

It might piss you off….

But we need to have a mass awakening.

So for all the holdouts, all I can tell you is watch this video.

It shows all the patents they’ve been granted.

It shows close up the planes turning on and off the sprayers in mid flight.

It goes deep into the science and shows the heavy levels of the particulate found in our air.

It’s all in here.

One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen.

I know we’ll wake up a bunch of new people with this one.

I also know there will still be a few people like this, even in spite of video evidence:

And to those people I remind you of this quote:

“There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance – That principle is contempt prior to investigation.”

Watch here:

Backup for safe keeping on Rumble here:

I could use your help…

I’ve started a new website called and it’s quickly becoming the largest database of Chemtrails on the Internet!

Check out some of the recent posts, these will make your blood boil…


Chemtrails ALL over the world!

And this:

Always in a cross-hatch pattern for max dispersion:

Even in France!

We recently added a World Map and we’re dropping a pin in every spot where Chemtrails have been spotted.

Will you please add yours?


Now let’s keep going…

People Waking Up To Chemtrails Everywhere!

One of my proudest accomplishments here at WeLoveTrump has been getting hundreds, thousands, millions (?) to wake up to the reality of chemtrails.

The reality of the air above them literally being sprayed and poisoned.

To.  Just.  Look.  Up.

And it’s working!

Check out this latest email I received (all personal information redacted for privacy):

Here’s one of the videos they sent me:

It wasn’t too long ago that this would have gone completely un-noticed…

Or people would have argued with me that it was “normal”.

Now we’re finally seeing red-pill moments happening all over the country!

Here’s more:

Arizona Under Attack From Chemtrails? Election Related?

I just saw video of the WORST chemtrails I have ever seen.

Big thanks to a reader in Arizona (name withheld) for getting out his phone and snagging the video.

We truly have the best community here at WeLoveTrump…and we’re 4-6 million strong each month and growing!

I’ll show you the video in just a minute, but first I want to note that this is not that far away from Maricopa County, and may in fact have looked exactly the same in Maricopa County if you were standing there.

So I just have one question: is Arizona under attack right now and is it related to the vote count which is still going on in Maricopa County?

Is this a fight over Kari Lake?

Think chemtrails can’t possibly be related?

I’m not so sure.

This is a pattern I’ve seen over and over again.

Just like when they used engineered weather to destroy Florida with Hurricanes (yes, they did) are they using chemtrails to attack Arizona?

How does it work?

What’s the end game?

I don’t know all the specifics, but I know breathing in those heavy metals from the air makes people angry, agitated, irritated, dumbed down?  Brain fog?

Is this all a plot to continue to create chaos down there?

All I’m saying is don’t rule it out.

Now check out this video on Rumble from my on-the-ground reporter:

Ever seen that many?

All lined up?

Perfectly in succession?

Two planes just going up and back, back and forth, creating perfect lines all across the sky.

Don’t tell me these are contrails created by normal planes flying.

If these were normal planes flying, it must be the flight from hell because they keep flying and getting no where!

It’s like when you mow your yard…up and back, back and forth, side to side.

That’s exactly what they’re doing up there.

Just like when you mow your lawn using your riding mower, you’re not riding that mower because you’re trying to get to the store.

You’re trying to criss-cross your whole yard and cover every square inch.




Here was California just a few weeks ago:

FROM A READER: Chemtrails EXPOSED In California!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

We have the BEST people here in the WeLoveTrump community!





And people who use the brain God gave them to think for themselves.

I started covering chemtrails here about 5 years ago, and when I started most people had no idea what they were.

Most people had severe Cognitive Dissonance on the topic, which is understandable.

But the more we’ve presented the evidence (more of that below), the more people have slowly woken up.

And LOOKED up!

Looked up to the sky above them and sometimes begrudgingly had to admit: this is not normal.

This is not what the skies looked like 30 years ago.

This is bad, very bad,

People like this reader who just emailed me today.

Name and email address blocked out for privacy, but I wanted to share her wonderful message:

And here are the images:

Notice all the X patterns.

Always sprayed in a cross hatch!

This wasn’t the first time we’ve had a great reader report, waking up to the reality of Chemtrails.

Remember this?

MUST SEE: Chemtrails EXPOSED In Arizona!

This article really pumps me up!


Because people are waking up all across this great nation!

I publish each day from America’s Heartland but I get emails from readers all across our country every single day (actually, from all across the world).

And what really pumps me up is to see people doing their own research, thinking for themselves, and then sending me emails with their thoughts…

Or with photos and videos!

And that’s what I have to share with you right now.

We’ve been covering the TRUTH behind Chemtrails for a longtime here at WLTReport.

It’s always baffled me how they can literally be spraying heavy chemicals like aluminum and barium in the skies right above us, and some people don’t notice!

Or refuse to even question what may be happening.

Because it’s easier to just ignore it than to really consider the idea that our government and/or the “power elite” are literally spraying poisons into our air for us to breathe.

Perhaps it’s why cancer has skyrocketed?

Why autism has skyrocketed?

Why dementia has skyrocketed?

Heavy metals in the brain?


Well, I was so pumped today to get an email from a reader who sent me this video from Casa Grande, AZ capturing some of the absolute worst Chemtrails I have ever seen!

They shot a video and sent it to me!

FOLKS….we are winning!

We are winning hearts and minds and we are waking people up!

They’re waking up and realizing the skies NEVER looked like this 25 years ago.

Do you remember?

Think back and ask yourself if you EVER saw this 25 years ago?


You saw blue skies and clouds.

Friends, these are NOT clouds.

Massive lines that stretch for edge to edge in the sky?

That’s not a cloud.

And here are THREE of them lined up in a perfect line.

We don’t know what happened next, but based on my experience, after they lined up these three parallel chemtrail lines, the planes then flew back in a cross-hatch pattern to get maximum distribution.

Anyway, check out this awesome video that a reader sent me (you can hear him say “Hey Noah!”) and gave me permission to upload and post here on Rumble:

And now for everyone who is about to tell me all the reasons why this is normal, I humbly ask you to keep reading…

Sorry folks, you used to be able to give me any number of excuses and justifications claiming that I was wrong and these were not chemtrails, but you no longer have that option.

You no longer have that luxury.

Because just last week, the White House itself came out and said POINT BLANK….we are spraying chemicals into the air.

We call it “stratospheric aerosol injections” and we’ve been doing it for 20 years.

Oh, and that’s not some fringe website…that was reported on CNBC.

I have all the details here if you have the courage to deal with your own cognitive dissonance and read it:

Crimes Against Humanity: CNBC Just ADMITTED Chemtrails Are Real

STANDARD DISCLAIMER: this article will trigger some with extreme cognitive dissonance.  Beware.  

I’ve been reporting on chemtrails for a LONG time on this website.

And I always get a few categories of responses…

Response #1 – people who see the chemtrails with their own eyes just like I do and know this is NOT natural and something is very wrong here.  Very bad idea to be doing this.

This group is growing and I would say is now well over 50%.

The next responses are the people suffering from cognitive dissonance.

I get it.

It’s a very hard red pill to swallow to think your government is spraying heavy metals into the air (that then fall down and we breath them in).

A likely contributor to all the sickness and disease and dis-ease we all feel?

Very likely.

So Response #2 goes like this – these are nothing more that contrails from airplanes.  Just a jet stream.

The only problem with this is two-fold: One, contrails do exist, but they evaporate very quickly and don’t stay in the air.

See the big picture at the top of this article?

Those are crossing chemtrail lines (they love to spray them in X or crosshatch patterns) and those have been in the sky often for over and hour long.  Not contrails.  Not dissipating.

The other big problem with Response #2?

CNBC just told you that chemtrails are real, and I’ll cover that in just a moment.

Response #3 – they can’t be chemtrails because every pilot and airport in the world would have to be “in on it” and that’s just not possible.  Plus no one could be that evil.  I just don’t want to believe it so I refuse to even consider it.

Otherwise known as the Ostrich approach.

Refusing to consider truth does not stop it from being truth, it just means you may have buried your head in the sand.

Now let’s go to CNBC and the White House, who both now fully admit this is happening.

They call them “stratospheric aerosol injections”.

We’ve reported on that term for a long time — John Brennan himself admitted it about 10 years ago at the CFR.

But now even CNBC is covering it.

Take a look:

I love this quote from the CNBC article:

Read that quote again:

“Because it has the potential to affect the entire glove, it often gets the most attention.”

Yeah, you don’t say!!!


Yeah, spraying heavy chemicals into our skies — into the air we literally breathe — certainly should get the most attention!

That’s why we’ve been shouting it from the rooftops on this website.

CNBC also tells us this all started as early as 1965:

Another quote is even more mindblowing…

Check this out:

For all the deniers and Ostrich’s out there, please READ THIS AGAIN very carefully!


“This isn’t something new…we’re already doing it!”

And then even more mindblowing:

“We don’t understand what we’re doing.”

Put it all together folks, and they just told you this:  We’ve been spraying heavy chemicals into your air for decades.  It’s real.  It’s not new.  We’re already doing it.  And honestly we don’t even really know what we’re doing or the longterm affects.”

This is outright criminal.


Yes, it’s that serious.

Here is just a portion of that CNBC article (read the full article here:

The White House is coordinating a five-year research plan to study ways of modifying the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth to temper the effects of global warming, a process sometimes called solar geoengineering or sunlight reflection.

The research plan will assess climate interventions, including spraying aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space, and should include goals for research, what’s necessary to analyze the atmosphere, and what impact these kinds of climate interventions may have on Earth, according to the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. Congress directed the research plan be produced in its spending plan for 2022, which President Joe Biden signed in March.

Some of the techniques, such as spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, are known to have harmful effects on the environment and human health. But scientists and climate leaders who are concerned that humanity will overshoot its emissions targets say research is important to figure out how best to balance these risks against a possibly catastrophic rise in the Earth’s temperature.

Getting ready to research a topic is a very preliminary step, but it’s notable the White House is formally engaging with what has largely been seen as the stuff of dystopian fantasy. In Kim Stanley Robinson’s science fiction novel, “The Ministry for the Future,” a heat wave in India kills 20 million people and out of desperation, India decides to implement its own strategy of limiting the sunlight that gets to Earth.

Chris Sacca, the founder of climate tech investment fund Lowercarbon Capital, said it’s prudent for the White House to be spearheading the research effort.

“Sunlight reflection has the potential to safeguard the livelihoods of billions of people, and it’s a sign of the White House’s leadership that they’re advancing the research so that any future decisions can be rooted in science not geopolitical brinkmanship,” Sacca told CNBC. (Sacca has donated money to support research in the area, but said he has “zero financial interests beyond philanthropy” in the idea and does not think there should be private business models in the space, he told CNBC.)

Harvard professor David Keith, who first worked on the topic in 1989, said it’s being taken much more seriously now. He points to formal statements of support for researching sunlight reflection from the Environmental Defense Fund, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the creation of a new group he advises called the Climate Overshoot Commission, an international group of scientists and lawmakers that’s evaluating climate interventions in preparation for a world that warms beyond what the Paris Climate Accord recommended.

To be clear, nobody is saying sunlight-reflection modification is the solution to climate change. Reducing emissions remains the priority.

“You cannot judge what the country does on solar-radiation modification without looking at what it is doing in emission reductions, because the priority is emission reductions,” said Janos Pasztor, executive director of the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative. “Solar-radiation modification will never be a solution to the climate crisis.”

Three ways to reduce sunlight

The idea of sunlight reflection first appeared prominently in a 1965 report to President Lyndon B. Johnson, entitled “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment,” Keith told CNBC. The report floated the idea of spreading particles over the ocean at a cost of $100 per square mile. A one percent change in the reflectivity of the Earth would cost $500 million per year, which does “not seem excessive,” the report said, “considering the extraordinary economic and human importance of climate.”

The estimated price tag has gone up since then. The current estimate is that it would cost $10 billion per year to run a program that cools the Earth by 1 degree Celsius, said Edward A. Parson, a professor of environmental law at UCLA’s law school. But that figure is seen to be remarkably cheap compared to other climate change mitigation initiatives.

A landmark report released in March 2021 from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine addressed three kinds of solar geoengineering: stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening, and cirrus cloud thinning.

Stratospheric aerosol injection would involve flying aircraft into the stratosphere, or between 10 miles and 30 miles skyward, and spraying a fine mist that would hang in the air, reflecting some of the sun’s radiation back into space.

“The stratosphere is calm, and things stay up there for a long time,” Parson told CNBC. “The atmospheric life of stuff that’s injected in the stratosphere is between six months and two years.”

Stratospheric aerosol injection “would immediately take the high end off hot extremes,” Parson said. And also it would “pretty much immediately” slow extreme precipitation events, he said.

“The top-line slogan about stratospheric aerosol injection, which I wrote in a paper more than 10 years ago — but it’s still apt — is fast, cheap and imperfect. Fast is crucial. Nothing else that we do for climate change is fast. Cheap, it’s so cheap,” Parson told CNBC.

“And it’s not imperfect because we haven’t got it right yet. It’s imperfect because the imperfection is embedded in the way it works. The same reason it’s fast is the reason that it’s imperfect, and there’s no way to get around that.”

One option for an aerosol is sulfur dioxide, the cooling effects of which are well known from volcanic eruptions. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, for instance, spewed thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, causing global temperatures to drop temporarily by about 1 degree Fahrenheit, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

My friend Christopher Greene had more on the story:

But here’s the good news…because our reporting has been so honest and accurate, we are winning!

People are waking up!

We are truly are winning hearts and opening minds.

People are finally looking up and seeing what has been obvious in the skies above them for years.

Like this email I just got from a reader (name withheld for privacy).

This is so encouraging!

Read this:

And then check out the photos they sent me…

Pretty obvious, isn’t it?

THANK YOU so much for your email and for sharing your story with me!

Tell others!

And if you need more evidence and more things to show people, keep reading and show them this article.

Because I have video upon video of them in their own words admitting what they are doing.

Keep reading…


Just yesterday I brought you an update from The Guardian that not only admitted to “cloud seeding” happening for years, but it explained in explicit detail that it’s done by spraying heavy chemicals into the air.

I’ll leave that research below.

But now I have a second video to share with you on the same topic thanks to a reader who sent it to me.

Look how old this video is and then realize they’ve been admitting it even back then.

Stunning, watch here:

Backup on Rumble:

And now here is my research from just yesterday, from The Guardian.

I know some of you have such serious cognitive dissonance that you can’t physically bring yourself to look up in the sky and see the chemicals being sprayed in the air above you.

That’s ok, but I’m going to continue reporting on it regardless.

We’ve covered this topic many times and provided countless evidence (beyond just using your eyes and looking up!) all of which I will copy down below in case you want more reading.

But for now I want to talk about the latest confirmation: China has now admitted to “cloud seeding”.

I can already hear some of your thoughts in your head: “THAT’S NOT CHEMTRAILS!”

How do you think they accomplish the cloud seeding?

Rain dances?

Sorry folks…it’s by spraying large amounts of chemicals into the sky to form the clouds.

Here it is in black & white literally admitted verbatim to chemtails — from The Guardian:

On Wednesday, China’s south-western province of Sichuan said it would ration power supplies to homes, offices and shopping malls, after having already ordered producers of energy-intensive metals and fertiliser to curb operations.

In what appears to be an official call to cut electricity use, government offices were asked to set air conditioners no lower than 26C (79F) and use the stairs instead of lifts, the Sichuan Daily said.

Fountains, light shows and commercial activities after dark are to be suspended, it added.

On Wednesday, the central province of Hubei became the latest to unveil an effort to induce rainfall, by sending airplanes to fire the chemical silver iodide into the clouds.

Other regions on the Yangtze have also launched “cloud seeding” programmes, but with cloud cover too thin, operations in some parched areas have stayed on standby.

Power shortages have also prompted several companies in the sprawling Chongqing region bordering Sichuan to say they would suspend production.

I bolded it, but let’s just read it all again together, shall we?



Folks, what more do you need to see?

They’re real and they’re very bad for humanity.

The good news is MANY people are waking up and catching on…like Tucker:

And this Raymond dude:

And this sums it up perfectly:

Want more?

Let’s keep going, this was just the tip of the iceberg!

Why do the so-called “Elites” seem to hate the sun so much?

They constantly warn of “global warming”…

They are obsessed with ways to block out the sun…

Which only tells me one thing: the Sun must be VERY important.

And never has a photo been more significant than one I snapped recently.

The photo you see above is a photo I actually took myself…two MASSIVE chemtrails in an “X” formation and it just so happened when I snapped the shot that they “X’ed” out the sun.

Fitting, isn’t it?

This makes me so furious, here’s what they are doing, it’s really almost beyond comprehension…

First, you have to understand these are NOT “frozen water vapors” like they try to claim.

Those are real and they are called “contrails” short for “condensation trails” and they are very short behind a plane and evaporate quickly.

Chemtrails are different.

They don’t go away quickly.

They grow and spread out over the entire sky over the course of an afternoon.

They’re often sprayed in X or cross-hatch patterns to get maximum coverage in the sky.

And…they contain heavy metals like aluminum, barium and now confirmed to have graphene.

All extremely toxic to humans.

I saw this on Twitter today and I was so encouraged to see other people getting it!

And this:

And this:

Smart people!

Now here’s the most insidious part: these evil “elites” are spraying these day after day after day literally poisoning the air we breathe and then they have the GALL to claim that humans are destroying the ozone layer by our use of carbon-based fossil fuels.

It’s true that humans are destroying the environment, but it’s not just by living.

It’s this small group of elite sickos who are literally spraying the skies day after day with toxic heavy metals!

Then they claim we have to join the Paris Accord and give up all our freedoms and pay yet another tax (a “carbon tax” — what a joke!).

It’s the same game plan they run over and over.


Cook up COVID in a biolab in Ukraine or China, release it to the public, use the MSM to hype it up and work everyone into a panic, and then tell everyone the only cure is to take their poison vaccine.

It’s the same cycle over and over and over again….

THEY create a problem, they use their propaganda machines in the MSM to work everyone into a panic, then THEY roll out their solution, which is usually worse than the problem!

Sick, sick, sick stuff!

Sean over at SGT Report just had Dane Wigington back on his show to talk more about this.

They go into everything in much greater detail and I really want you to watch this video.

Watch and then share.

We have to wake people up to what is literally being poisoned in the skies right above them!

And yes, they answer all the common questions like:

Aren’t they poisoning themselves too?  Why do it?

How do we know what metals are in the spray?

What video evidence do we have of the spraying?

Isn’t this just a “contrail”?  (Answer: No!)

Watch the full interview here on Rumble:

Now let’s dig in even more…

Here are a few more photos I took from a couple weeks ago while I was enjoying a nice afternoon at the park with my kids.

The day started off with big, beautiful blue skies…not a cloud in the sky.

And then, this started happening:

There still wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but there these things!


I just have to wonder what most people think when they look up and see this…

Serious question.

Here are the options I’ve come up with so far:

Option 1- they don’t even think about it.  Never even occurs to them.

Option 2- they think they are normal condensation trails (“contrails”) caused by planes.

Option 3- they know something is wrong but don’t know what or what they can do about it.

My hunch is over half the population falls into Option 1.

They are literally spraying heavy chemicals into the skies above us — into the air we breathe — and I have to believe if the majority of the people understood that and thought about it, there would be hell to pay.

But as it stands, I almost never hear anyone even question it.

Then I think there is a group of people like this Harvard Professor below, who I think fall into Option 2.

It can’t possibly be a “conspiracy” (even though all the other conspiracies seem to be coming true before our eyes).

No, they say — all explainable by science!

Besides, they say, the government couldn’t possibly keep something like that a secret!

And all the commercial airline pilots and crew couldn’t keep it a secret either, they say!

Watch the short video and then I’ll give my reaction:

Ok, so my take?

First, “compartmentalization” explains most of what the government keeps secret.

There are very, very few people who know the “whole picture” and the whole plan of any operation.

Everyone else just works on their small part and never has any idea or reason to question how it all fits together.

Second, no one who believes these are chemical trails believes they are attached to commercial airplanes.  That’s just stupid and an intentional red herring to alter the argument.

No, the people who believe these are chemical trails believe these are government planes or private planes or both.

Again, compartmentalized by a very small subset of people and probably people who get very specific and limited orders and are not told anything further.

Now let’s explore some more pictures and videos and you tell me if these look normal to you:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

My friends, these are NOT normal!

And they’re not just “condensation trails” either.

Let’s take a moment to address that.

Condensation trails DO exist and are normal.

In fact, back in the 1980s I remember seeing a lot of them.

I even remember as a kid watching them go across the sky and how quickly they disappeared.

Read that last part again: they ALWAYS quickly dissipated!

I even remember holding my finger up in the sky to track how quickly they would dissipate and go away completely (hey, we didn’t have anything else to do, there was no internet!).

But that’s a key point.

They NEVER lasted for longer than a very short stretch of the sky and they never spread out over time over the course of a whole afternoon.

Contrails exist, but they are VERY different from chemtrails.

Chemtrails have heavy chemicals designed to stay in the air and spread out.

They don’t dissipate.

They expand.

Big difference.

Now, here’s the real kicker…

Would you be surprised to know that the Deep State doesn’t even try to hide it?

They ADMIT it!

I find it so hilarious when people who think it’s a “conspiracy theory” try to defend them, and I want to just ask them….you do know that even the Deep Staters like John Brennan are admitting it?



The thing is, they don’t call them “chemtrails”.

No, that would be too obvious.

They call them “stratospheric aerosol injections”.

Which is a super fancy way of saying chemtrails.

Literally injecting heavy metals into the sky.

Other times they call them “geo-engineering”.

They all mean the same thing.

Here is the full video:

And because that will almost certainly be deleted by YouTube as soon as I post this, I made a backup.

Here it is on Rumble:

And confirmed here too:


MIT admitting it too:

And this:

And here:

The Deep State likes to call stuff like this “hidden in plain sight”.

Or is that in “plane” sight?

Would you please help us and share this everywhere?

Let’s get the truth out!

It absolutely boggles my mind how they are doing this every single day in the skies above us and it’s on display literally for the whole world to see and most people either don’t see it, don’t understand it, don’t question it or just don’t want to take the red pill and wake up.

Sorry folks, it’s time to wake up.

All the B.S. about “clean air” and the B.S. Paris Accord and all that garbage and in the meantime they are LITERALLY spraying the air with toxic metals on a DAILY basis.

Makes me furious.

It should make every single American furious.

It’s time to act.

But I want to know what you think…


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