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Republican Mayor Files Paperwork For Presidential Run

Miami GOP Mayor Francis Suarez filed paperwork Wednesday to run for president in the Republican primary.

According to Fox News, Suarez hinted at a presidential bid on “Fox News Sunday,” citing a “major announcement” coming soon.

“Next week, like you said, I’m going to be making a big speech in the Reagan Library, and I think it’s one that Americans should tune into,” Suarez said Sunday.


Per Just the News:

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez filed paperwork Wednesday to run for president on the Republican ticket. Suarez, the third 2024 candidate from Florida, is set to speak Thursday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

Fox News provided further details:

The mayor has been mulling a presidential run for several months, including visiting four of the early key states for presidential primaries. Fox News Digital previously interviewed Suarez during an April visit to New Hampshire, where he expressed optimism about the GOP primary.

“You have to compete with other things, by inspiring people. You have to compete by explaining to people you have a track record of success, a vision for the future. That you can inspire people with a positive view of what their future can look like in ways other candidates can’t,” Suarez told Fox News Digital.

Suarez is joining the growing field of Republican candidates that already includes two fellow Floridians — former President Donald Trump, the current front-runner, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who announced his bid late last month.

Suarez’s campaign announcement comes weeks after the Miami Herald reported that Suarez, who receives $130,000 in compensation to serve as mayor, is facing an ethics investigation for outside payments he received for private consulting.

Suarez is another candidate who has absolutely zero chance of winning the GOP presidential primary.

The Republican mayor in 2021 complained about his inability to institute a mask mandate or lockdowns.


Rep. Carlos Giménez (R-FL) had harsh words for Suarez and said he would never support the Miami mayor.

Ready for the icing on the cake?

Suarez is linked to the World Economic Forum.

From The National Pulse:

Suarez, who attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos, Switzerland last year, was jeered as a “swamp monster” at the Miami courthouse where Donald Trump faced federal charges on Tuesday.

He has been critical of Trump, suggesting he had a “lack of respect and appreciation for vibrant and diverse cities” in 2018 and confirming he did not vote for the 45th President in 2020.

Suarez outed himself for attending the Davos summit.

“I’m at @Davos @wef proudly representing Miami and the efforts we’ve made as a city that made us #1 in post-pandemic recovery. As the President of @usmayors, I’m looking for ways to replicate these successes not only across the country but also the world,” Suarez tweeted last year.




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