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Joe Biden Being Blackmailed By Ukraine?

Is Joe Biden being blackmailed by Ukraine?

I’m pretty sure Sen. Chuck Grassley just confirmed that to be true, but more on that in a minute.

First, let’s start here with this Tweet…

Because I think this sums it up perfectly:

Read this:

How funny, right?

Joe Biden thought he was blackmailing them by withholding the $1 billion.

Turns out, he took their money and now HE is being blackmailed.

At least, that’s the theory.

But it makes sense.

No other explanation can possibly explain why we are sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine.

It’s insane.

Trump was right all along:

But now we go to Sen. Grassley.

Because this is not just my theory or just some internet speculation.

No, this comes directly from Senate Floor testimony from Sen. Grassley.

Listen to this:

And in response from Pepe Lives Matter:

According to Grassley, Ukraine is blackmailing Biden with EXACTLY 17 audio recordings which begs the question:

Why would the innocent nazis in Ukraine be blackmailing someone and why is exactly 17 constantly being brought up?

Are we being psyoped? Or it all just a coincidence?

Seriously, what are the odds?

Now it all starts to make sense, right?

And yes, this Q Drop from 2020 also becomes much more important:

So, what do you think?

Is that the explanation?


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