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BANANA REPUBLIC: FBI Makes Stunning Admission…

Most of you have no doubt heard that the FBI is afraid that the Biden whistleblower will be killed following the release of information damning to the Biden family.

Their official statement was “We cannot guarantee the safety of the Biden whistleblower.”

While many have read this, I don’t think that the majority of people have grasped the gravity and implication of such a statement made by the top law enforcement agency in the country.

The FBI is outright saying that the whistleblower has evidence of criminal activity, by criminals, and that the information is so damning that there’s a decent chance these criminals will kill the whistleblower. …

They’re saying that they know the Biden family is capable and willing of undertaking such a task, which brings me to my main point. …

This seems to be a tacit admission of guilt—when the security apparatus of a country is afraid that one of the patrician families within the country will murder a whistleblower for revealing their crimes, that’s an admission of guilt.

Everyone knows these people are criminals and the top law enforcement agency in the country isn’t even sugarcoating it.

When it becomes a crime, in and of itself, or poses a grave threat to the well-being of an individual to report a crime then you can be sure that we are ruled by criminals.

Where do we go from here? I am far from the only person who called this out, once again, the implications are disturbing, to say the least:

Trending Politics revealed:

After leaving a House Oversight meeting this afternoon, Rep. Luna (R-FL) revealed that the FBI is grappling with concerns over the safety of the whistleblower who possesses sensitive information about the Biden family, to the point where they’re “afraid their informant will be killed if unmasked.”


The Post Millennial quotes Rep. Luna:

“In my opinion, Maria, what we’re seeing right now, if this is true, which I do believe that it is true, in regards to Joe Biden receiving briberies and Hunter Biden, I do believe that this is grounds for impeachment.

And so it’s important that we continue to move forward to bring this to the American people, but also to that we I think, do a housecleaning within our DOJ because as you had stated earlier, they are protecting this family, the FBI is protecting the Hunter Biden family, and it’s not okay,” Luna added.



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