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Report Claims There Were Possibly Two Wuhan COVID-19 Lab Leaks

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) released a report Monday claiming there were two separate lab leaks in China that started the COVID-19 plandemic.

“The preponderance of evidence shows that there were two lab leaks. The first one occurring probably somewhere around the September timeframe in a Wuhan laboratory, an unintentional lab leak, sometime in September of 2019,” Marshall said.

“The Chinese then began vaccine research, and we think that is when this epidemic, which became a pandemic, actually exploded. Most likely they were developing this vaccine in a laboratory in the Wuhan University working on primates.”

“We think that’s when some type of an aerosol was accidentally released from that laboratory or a lab worker walked out of that with this very very contagious virus,” he added.


The New York Post reported:

“This report concludes most likely this was two leaks [including] a lab leak in the September-October [2019] timeframe, even as early as July or August,” the medical doctor turned senator told a small group of journalists ahead of the release of the 301-page document.

“We’ve concluded that [China] started vaccine development in November 2019. And then another lab leak seems to be most sensible explanation,” he said. “There are key data points that are being held back that could help us prove that.”

Dr. Robert Kadlec, a cofounder of the Operation Warp Speed program that rapidly developed US COVID-19 vaccines in 2020, drafted the report titled “Muddy Waters: The Origins of COVID-19” with about a dozen Republican aides on the Senate Health Committee and additional outside consultants.

The theory that there were two lab leaks, with the first one’s effect going unrecognized by the global community as the Chinese government raced ahead with early vaccine development, is unproven and Marshall says he welcomes debate and the exploration of other possibilities.

The theory rests on scientific conjecture about some previously reported details — including an assessment of the amount of work that would have had to predate a Feb. 24, 2020, vaccine patent filed by Dr. Zhou Yusen, a Chinese military scientist who later died under mysterious circumstances. Investigators concluded that the vaccine development would have had to start in November 2019, using Operation Warp Speed’s course as a benchmark.

A pre-November series of additional events adds weight to the theory, Marshall said, including the deaths of 11 Iranian athletes, publicly reported in 2020. Some of the athletes reportedly attended the Olympics-style World Military Games in held Wuhan, China, in October 2019.

The Daily Mail added:

‘This report also concludes that the CCP was responding to the coronavirus months before the rest of the world was even aware of its existence, yet China failed to inform the global community of the unfolding disaster,’ Sen. Marshall said in a statement on the report.

The Kansas lawmaker added: ‘While today’s new report reaffirms much of my previously stated findings on COVID-19’s origins, we still need more transparency from the U.S. government-specifically the NIH- and China.’

‘We must also stop Gain of Function research until we can establish additional guardrails to make sure risky lethal research never leaks again.’

Entitled ‘Muddy Waters: The origin of COVID-19’, the report was first championed by Senator Richard Burr, a Republican representing North Carolina, who stepped down in January and worked on the report until the end of his tenure.

Marshall, who served with Burr on the HELP Committee, decided to release the entire report. A summary of the report was released in January and the full text followed this week.

Read the full 301-page report HERE.


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