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UPDATE: Steve Bannon Petitions Supreme Court While He Appeals Contempt Of Congress Conviction

Former Trump adviser and War Room host Steve Bannon filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court to keep him out of prison until he finishes appealing his contempt of Congress conviction.

“Bannon filed an emergency application for continued release with the high court on Friday morning after a federal appeals court denied his request for release pending appeal of his convictions,” NBC News reports.

Bannon filed an emergency motion, asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to overrule a lower court’s order that he report to prison by July 1st.

The panel denied his request in a 2-1 vote.

Appeals Court Rules On Steve Bannon’s Request To Delay Prison Sentence

Per NBC News:

Bannon was convicted nearly two full years ago, in July 2022, and U.S. District Court Judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee, sentenced him to four months in prison in October 2022. Earlier this month, Nichols ordered Bannon to report to prison on July 1, saying there was no continued basis for staying the sentence after a panel of appeals court judges upheld Bannon’s conviction in May.

On Thursday evening, a federal appeals court denied Bannon's bid to stay out of prison, leaving the Supreme Court as his last option.

Not long after he filed, the Supreme Court asked the Justice Department to submit a response to Bannon’s application by 4 p.m. on June 26.

"Steve Bannon filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court this afternoon, so there is still some hope for sanity. The J6 Committee was illegitimate, and so was the subpoena," Citizen Free Press wrote.


Reuters reports:

In their filing on Friday, Bannon's attorneys argued that their client should remain free until the Supreme Court is able to make a decision on important legal questions in the case.

They said that Bannon's conviction should be overturned because he was wrongfully prevented at trial from presenting evidence that he relied on the advice of his attorney before refusing to provide documents or testify before Congress.

"Mr. Bannon was barred from presenting any evidence or argument on good faith reliance on counsel," they wrote.

"The government argued to the jury that the only explanation for Mr. Bannon's position was that he thought he was 'above the law' and 'didn't care.' ... Mr. Bannon was barred from responding to those false accusations about his state of mind."

In response to Bannon's petition, the Supreme Court asked prosecutors to respond by next Wednesday.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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