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UPDATE on Brutal Teen Attack: Piece of Skull Reattached, Hope Rises For Recovery

Warning. This is a brutal story that we’re following that will make your blood boil.

But thank God it has a good update.

It was March 8.

A fight started between Kaylee Gain, White, 16, and Maurnice Declue, Black, 15.

Maurnice is considerably larger than the petite Kaylee. So in no time, Maurnice had her on the ground.

The fight should be over, right? Once your opponent is down, you stop, right?

Well she then proceeded to pummel her with her fists.

And then, with her big arms and big hands, she took her little head and repeatedly pounded her skull against the concrete.

Looks like attempted murder.

Fractured skull?

More than that. Part of her skull came off.

And then she was left alone on the ground convulsing before EMTs arrived on the scene.

She had surgery and the skull flap was put back in place.

Kaylee Gain’s family reveals teen is missing part of skull after beating outside Missouri high school

Independent reported in April:

A teenager who was critically injured in a fight outside a school in Missouri is now taking steps towards recovery, but she cannot remember the incident that put her in intensive care.

In an update on Friday, the attorney for Kaylee Gain’s family said she had been able to have “limited verbal conversations” after weeks in a hospital bed.

The 16-year-old was left with a skull fracture and bleeding and swelling on the brain following the attack in St Louis on 8 March, which was caught on video and shared widely online.

She then spent some weeks in a critical condition, making it out of the intensive care unit around a week ago.

Now attorney Bryan Kaemmerer says the teen has now been able to have some limited conversations.

“Kaylee also recently began speech therapy, and has gone on a few short walks with the assistance of hospital staff as she is still unable to ambulate on her own,” the attorney told NBC News.

“However, Kaylee does not have any recollection of the altercation that led to her hospitalization.”

May 2oth, Independent reported:

The family of Kaylee Gain, the 16-year-old who was critically injured in a fight at a Missouri high school, has said that the teenager had part of her skull removed while recovering in the hospital.

Bryan Kaemmerer, an attorney representing the teenager’s family, said that the procedure, known as a craniectomy, was done to remove some of the pressure on the girl’s brain. She’s now required to wear a custom helmet to protect her brain should she fall.

The teenager is scheduled to undergo another surgery to reattach the missing part of her skull, which will require her to be hospitalized again, the attorney said.

The update is the latest her family has given on the child’s condition since 1 April. She’s currently at home after being hospitalized for a month and spending two weeks at an in-patient rehabilitation facility.

The teen attends physical and speech therapy three times a week and experiences short-term memory loss. She’s also working with a counselor to address her mental well-being as she “copes with the trauma, fear and pain that have arisen from this incident,” her attorney said.

Donate to Kaylee’s recovery fund that her cousin and Dad set up on GoFundMe, just click here.

May 31st UPDATE:

A note and pic from her dad. She’s improving!

Thank God she lived through that!

That smile is LITERALLY a miracle.

UPDATE from her Dad via GoFundMe:

Good evening everyone! We are happy to report that Kaylee made it through her surgery today which they were putting her bone flap back in place. This will help her dizzy spells to lessen and hopefully some of the headaches. Once the incision is healed up she can finally ditch that helmet she has to keep on at all times. Kaylee is in good spirits today. She will continue additional PT and speech therapy over the next few weeks.
We are truly amazed by how well her recovery has gone and as always, we appreciate the ongoing support and prayers! Attached is a recent pic of our girl enjoying dinner with her family.
Thank you,
Clint (Kaylees Dad)

Goes without saying to pray LIFE over her.

This is no time to pray in a begging manner, ‘please do this God, please do that’.

No, we’re not beggars. We have a Good Father that will hear us.

So, prayer warriors out there, use your authority.

DECLARE life over her.

DECLARE complete healing over her.

DECLARE full health and restoration.

Donate to Kaylee’s recovery fund on GoFundMe, just click here.

Many of the supporters posted their relief that she was home:

Cherie F.
I can’t believe what that ‘thug’ did to you. Absolutely horrific to hear your head hitting the concrete multiple times. My heart hurts very much for you and your family. I really appreciate the updates and knowing how you are doing. Wishing you the very best in your road to recovery Kaylee.
Lindsay S.
I just wanted to thank you for keeping us updated. Kaylee has an army behind her, I think about her almost daily. I cannot even begin to imagine what your family is going through, and the fact that you take time out to send us updates is so kind and selfless. I am SO grateful to read she is doing as well as she is, although I know she has quite a long road ahead, but her progress is admirable. Kaylee you are so strong, we are all so proud of you, sending you & your loved ones all of the love possible

Here’s a letter from the family’s attorney:

What about Maurnice Declue who basically attempted murder?

The prosecutor was trying to charge her as an adult.

But the judge ruled against that. 

Here’s the judge.

Let’s say we believe this fairy tale that little Kaylee bullied Maurnice, does that justify full on assault and attempted murder?

Fox News report:

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – A judge ruled Wednesday that a teenage suspect accused in an off-campus fight near Hazelwood East High School will not face adult charges.

The suspect, a 15-year-old girl, was previously charged with assault as a juvenile prior to the ruling. The suspect will instead remain in the juvenile court system.

Leading up to that decision, in a May 10 certification hearing, a juvenile officer also recommended that the suspect not be tried as an adult, also testifying that the 15-year-old does not have a record.

The suspect was involved in a fight that left 16-year-old Kaylee Gain hospitalized with a skull fracture and brain bleeding, leaving her in critical condition at the time. A viral video from early March showed Gain and other students fighting near the high school.

Gain’s family says she’s back home now and her condition has improved, but she’s scheduled to undergo another skull surgery. 

Donate to Kaylee’s recovery fund on GoFundMe, just click here.

For those who haven’t seen it yet…

Here’s the FULL video of the fight.

(WARNING. Viewer’s Beware.)

(The video is VERY DISTURBING)

To donate to Kaylee’s recovery fund on GoFundMe, just click here.

You DON’T hate the media enough:


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