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THAT PRIDE IS NOT ALLOWED: NBC News Outlet FIRES Employee For Going Against Agenda

ZERO TOLERANCE for anything that goes against ‘the message’ the Establishment wants to push on us.

June is ‘pride month’ where gays get to be worshipped for 30 days.

So doing the opposite, and saying you’re proud to be straight is a huge no-no to the Establishment.

This goes for almost any of their agendas.

Post a BLM image on your school’s wall and you get perks galore.

Post a ‘It’s Okay to be White’ flyer and the FBI show up because it’s a ‘hate crime’. That actually happened.

One news reporter found that out the hard way.

Community Relations Director, Madonna Chism Pinkard, posted on Facebook a meme promoting straight marriage.

Her work, a local NBC News outlet, heard about the post.

Well, she got fired.

She broke the ‘Thou shall not advocate for straight marriage’ commandment.

Imagine how insane that is.

On one hand, homosexual behavior is praised to the high heaven. I bet if she brought in gay adult magazines and left them around the office, they wouldn’t fire her.

On the other hand, if you post a meme that shows a happy straight couple, you lose your livelihood?

Where’s the inclusion?

Pure corruption.

Remember when they said, “We just want to get married, that’s all”?

I have a feeling that wasn’t true.

So since you can’t post a pro-straight couple image in June, does that mean we can get our own month soon?

Will we get a month from them where others won’t be allowed to post pro-gay propaganda or they’ll get fired?

I have a funny feeling that the answer to that is ‘no’.

It’s almost like those that rule over us don’t want to promote straight couples.

They only want to promote:




Vaccines (that just happen to have sterilization side effects).

What do all those have in common?

No babies.

Hmm…almost like…they don’t want people to reproduce?

Population control?

I sense a lawsuit coming.


Local Ohio News WTRF 7 reports:

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — WFMJ TV in Youngstown, Ohio, confirmed through a Facebook post last week that the station’s Community Relations Director, Madonna Chism Pinkard, was fired over a Facebook post advocating for “Straight Pride” during June’s Pride Month, according to news outlet Mahoning Matters.

According to Mahoning Matters, Pinkard made the post under her personal Facebook page, where she goes by “Madonna Jean, where her profile picture includes the WFMJ logo, and she identifies herself as the station’s Community Relations Director.

“The post that has since been taken down showed a meme with a newlywed man and woman that stated, “Celebrate Straight Pride,” “It’s Natural, It Has Worked for Thousands of Years,” “And You Can Make Babies!”

Mahoning Matters reports that Pinkard quickly took the post down, apologizing for offending viewers and stating that she had removed it.

On June 6, not long after Pinkard removed her post, WFMJ took to Facebook, stating: “Dear WFMJ Viewers, Early this morning, WFMJ management was made aware of an unauthorized social media post by a WFMJ employee. That post has since been removed. WFMJ is conducting an investigation into the unauthorized post. We are concerned by this incident and are moving forward with a thorough investigation.”

On Tuesday, June 11, WFMJ The station posted: “WFMJ has terminated the employment of our Community Relations Director following her unauthorized post on a company-linked social media site last week.

WFMJ is committed to serving our entire community with the respect we believe all people deserve. We recognize we live in a diverse community with differing views on many topics, and we believe discussions of those views and reporting on them should be done in a respectful manner by all. We deeply regret that our Community Relations Director crossed the line.

We do not condone such actions and apologize to you, our viewers, for this unauthorized post.”

Mahoning Matters reports that they reached out to Pinkard, but she did not respond for comment.

She should sue.


And KEEP posting that meme.


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