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Hillary Clinton Just Endorsed Candidate Running Against Rep. Jamaal Bowman

Hillary Clinton has just backed Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s challenger on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Clinton took to X and wrote, “With Trump on the ballot, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever.”

The former Secretary of State added, “In Congress, George Latimer will protect abortion rights, stand up to the NRA, and fight for President Biden’s agenda — just like he’s always done.”

Bowman has been under fire ever since the lawmaker aligned himself with progressives in the House.

The New York Congressman also faced major backlash after he pulled a fire alarm before a House vote.

Here’s what Politico reported:

Hillary Clinton helped deal another blow to vulnerable Rep. Jamaal Bowman on Wednesday, endorsing his formidable challenger just hours after Bowman yet again accused him of racism.

Clinton’s is one of the highest-profile nods in the primary, which has grown increasingly vitriolic as Westchester County Executive George Latimer gains ground against the incumbent member of The Squad. Among Bowman’s big-name supporters are Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Clinton’s backing came shortly after Bowman leveled harsh criticism of Latimer at an unrelated event Wednesday in suburban Mount Vernon.

“He’s in the pocket of Republican billionaires … who are racist,” the incumbent said. “He is also not just anti-Black racist, he’s anti-Muslim racist.”

Allegations of racism have begun to dominate the bitter primary for the congressional seat in Westchester County and the Bronx.

“With Trump on the ballot, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever,” the former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic nominee for president posted on X. “In Congress, @LatimerforNY will protect abortion rights, stand up to the NRA, and fight for President Biden’s agenda — just like he’s always done.”

Per the Blaze:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed support for George Latimer, the candidate challenging incumbent Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District.

“With Trump on the ballot, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever. In Congress, @LatimerforNY will protect abortion rights, stand up to the NRA, and fight for President Biden’s agenda—just like he’s always done. Make a plan to vote by June 25th!” Clinton tweeted.

‘I’m honored to have the support of @HillaryClinton, whose decades of service are an inspiration.’

Clinton who served as secretary of state during a portion of President Barack Obama’s White House tenure, lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump.

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“I’m honored to have the support of @HillaryClinton, whose decades of service are an inspiration,” tweeted Latimer, who is currently serving as Westchester County Executive.

Bowman, a progressive who took office in 2021, has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. Left-wing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is also backing Bowman.


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