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Biden Admin Refuses To Give Pay Raise For Troops Despite Dishing Out Billions To Ukraine

The Biden administration has shot down a proposal that would boost enlisted service members’ pay raises.

The House Armed Service Committee has introduced a draft of the 2025  NDAA  that would raise the pay of junior enlisted troops.

The total of the proposal would increase military spending by $24.4 billion.

In response to the draft, the Biden admin stated it does not support the “significant, permanent pay raise.”

Since 2022, the Bidena admin has already sent over $175 billion in aid to Ukraine.

Here’s what Daily Caller reported:

The Biden administration “strongly opposes” a proposal to raise the pay of junior enlisted service members in the military — even after nearly spending seven times the proposed amount on Ukraine and the broader region’s security.

The House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC) draft of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would give all junior troops a pay raise, representing a rough total of $24.4 billion over five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The Biden administration said in a statement on Tuesday that it does not support the proposed “significant, permanent” pay hike until it has had a chance to conduct a compensation review. (RELATED: Korean War Vet With Shrapnel In Leg Receives Purple Heart After 73 Years)

“The Administration is strongly committed to taking care of our Servicemembers and their families, and appreciates the Committee’s concern for the needs of the most junior enlisted members, but strongly opposes making a significant, permanent change to the basic pay schedule before the completion of the Fourteenth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation,” the White House budget office said.

The Biden administration has spent over $175 billion on aid to Ukraine and European security since 2022 — roughly one-seventh of the proposed pay hike for the junior troops, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The $175 billion amount is broken into several packages over the course of two years, including the most recent aid package of $61 billion in April.

“When accounting for inflation, the average American makes less today than when Joe Biden took office. The White House wants to block Republicans from giving our troops the raise they need to make ends meet in the Biden economy,” Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, a HASC member, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Meanwhile, they’ve sent the Ukrainian government $11,500 per Ukrainian household. It’s shameful.”


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