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Rep. Collins Staffer Robbed At Gunpoint

A staffer for Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday afternoon in Washington, D.C..

Rep. Collins, in a post on X, wrote, “Early this morning, three men attempted to rob one of my staffers and a friend at gunpoint in Navy Yard.”

Collins added, “One attacker took a watch, the other took a fist to the face.”

“Our nation’s capital has become a warzone because of pro-criminal policies peddled by D.C.’s government,” concluded Collins.

Here’s Rep. Collins full statement:

Here’s what The Daily Caller reported:

Republican Georgia Rep. Mike Collins claimed Sunday afternoon that one of his staffers was robbed at gunpoint in Washington, D.C.

Collins took to X (formerly known as Twitter) and claimed a staffer on his team and a friend were allegedly robbed at gunpoint early Sunday by three men in the southeast neighborhood of Navy Yard. While the staffer and other individuals were not identified by Collins, the Republican congressman claimed one attacker had taken a watch while another was punched by one of the victims.

“Our nation’s capital has become a warzone because of pro-criminal policies peddled by D.C.’s government. Thank the good Lord, after fending off the assailants, both young men are safe,” Collins wrote.

Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officials confirmed the attack to The Daily Caller, stating that around 1:58 a.m. officials responded to a call for “the report of a robbery,” and that multiple suspects had been present, including one possessing a gun. Following the attack, the suspects fled by vehicle, police said, posting an image of the car and license plate to social media.

Per San Antonio 4 News:

Republican Georgia Rep. Mike Collins took to social media Sunday alleging that one of his staffers was robbed at gunpoint in the Navy Yard neighborhood.

Collins wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that “three men attempted to rob one of my staffers and a friend.”


Collins said both men were safe, however, one of the suspects took a watch.

“Our nation’s capital has become a warzone because of pro-criminal policies peddled by D.C.’s government. Thank the good Lord, after fending off the assailants, both young men are safe,” Collins added.


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