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President Trump MAKES BANK With Stunning Haul In Far-Left San Francisco

President Trump raked in a massive donation haul at his latest fundraising event in San Fransico.

The Trump campaign raised over $12 million during Trump’s Thursday night gala, which featured some of Silicon Valley’s wealthiest investors.

More than 100 people attended the event, which cost attendees $300,000 for a seat and dinner at the gala.

Notable figures that attended the event were venture capitalist David Sacks, who hosted the event at his home, crypto exchange founders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, venture capitalist Shervin Pishevar, and CEO Tom Siebel of

Check out what The New York Post reported:

Silicon Valley insiders told The Post they were impressed by “eloquent and articulate” Donald Trump at Thursday night’s presidential fundraiser in the posh, stereotypically progressive San Francisco neighborhood of Pacific Heights.

“He wasn’t the guy I see on TV,” one source who attended the event — which raised north of $12 million according to a campaign spokesperson — told The Post. “He was very thoughtful and self-deprecating.”

More than 100 people paid as much as $300,000 a head to attend the fundraiser hosted by venture capitalist David Sacks at his multimillion dollar home, sources confirmed.

Aerial view of Donald Trump’s motorcade arriving at David Sacks’ mansion in Pacific Heights, San Francisco for a fundraising event.

Guests included crypto exchange founders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Commissioner for the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Jacob Helberg, venture capitalist Shervin Pishevar, CEO Tom Siebel of, and Joe Voboril who is a partner at 1789 Capital.

Venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya, a member of the popular podcast “All In” with Sacks and tech insiders Jason Calacanis and David Friedberg, was also a host.

The Post is told that Trump opened his nearly 45-minute speech by talking about his late uncle John G. Trump — an engineer who was an MIT professor for nearly four decades — and joking that he should’ve followed in his uncle’s footsteps as a way to connect with the largely techie crowd.

Per Patriot Fetch:

Former President Donald Trump shattered expectations by securing a whopping $12 million in campaign funds during a Thursday night gala in the heart of Silicon Valley, a region famously loyal to the Democratic cause. The fundraising feat, orchestrated by billionaire investor David Sacks and venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya, signals Trump’s burgeoning influence within the affluent tech and Wall Street circles.

The event, attended by the crème de la crème of the tech industry, ranging from executives to cryptocurrency mavens, not only showcased Trump’s fundraising prowess but also his strategic inroads into what has been a Democratic bastion. According to Yahoo Finance, tickets to the exclusive gathering fetched a staggering $50,000 to $500,000.

Silicon Valley, long known for its liberal leanings and hefty financial backing of Democratic candidates, witnessed what Messari CEO Ryan Selkis termed a “breach” in the “Blue Wall of Tech.” His enthusiasm was palpable as he took to social media to share a moment from the event, posting, “Electric event!” alongside a photo with Trump, signaling a potential shift in the political landscape within the tech community.


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