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Vivek Ramaswamy Buys Large Stake Of Far-Left Media Outlet

Alright, folks, here’s an unexpected twist for you.

Vivek Ramaswamy is now set to join the governing board of one of the most anti-Trump woke online news outlets: Buzzfeed.

The National Pulse reports that Ramaswamy has snapped up a 7.7% stake in Buzzfeed.

That’s the same outlet that first jumped on the Trump-Russia hoax story in 2016.

I can imagine they’re not too pleased over there of Vivek’s purchase.

Not to mention that Buzzfeed recently closed its newsroom due to plummeting ad sales.

Looks like things are about to get interesting over at Buzzfeed.

Forbes reports:

Entrepreneur and possible Trump running mate Vivek Ramaswamy bought nearly 3 million shares of Buzzfeed in recent months, giving him a 7.7% stake in the struggling media company and making him the fourth largest investor—leading Buzzfeed’s share price to spike.

Ramaswamy bought 2,723,927 shares of Buzzfeed beginning in March and ending Tuesday—a time period during which share prices ranged between $1.47 and $2.51—for about $3.9 million, according to a new regulatory filing.

Ramaswamy said in the filing he hopes to discuss “numerous operational and strategic opportunities to maximize shareholder value, including a shift in the company’s strategy” with management, and said Buzzfeed is “undervalued and represent(s) an attractive investment opportunity.”

Buzzfeed’s share price has jumped following the news of Ramaswamy’s investment, increasing 25% as of 12:20 p.m. EDT Wednesday and hitting an intraday high of $4.56—the highest it’s been since March 17, 2023.

Ramaswamy is now Buzzfeed’s fourth largest stakeholder behind Comcast Corp., NEA Management Co. and Hearst Communications Inc., according to FactSet.

When asked about the decision to purchase the stake in Buzzfeed, Ramaswamy told Forbes to “stay tuned.”

This is a very interesting move.

We saw Elon take over Twitter.

Now Vivek is getting his hands on Buzzfeed, a site that feeds millions of youths liberal propaganda.


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