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Judge Judy Shares Her Hard-Hitting Advice For Leftist Prosecutors Who ‘Ruin Cities’

Over her career as a judge and TV personality, Judy Sheindlin hasn’t been shy about voicing her views and issuing scathing rebukes of people she believed were engaging in harmful or stupid behavior.

In recent years, she’s become a bit more political. During a recent interview, she took on the rising crime rate in big cities where far-left prosecutors have essentially stopped seeking tough penalties even for violent offenders.

As Fox News reported:

Sheindlin also took aim at wayward district attorneys, without naming any in particular.

“When you have district attorneys who are charged, whose job it is to do justice, but to keep the community safe … When you have elected district attorneys who don’t know what their job is, they should go find another job,” she said. “Fill ice cream cones someplace. But don’t ruin cities. And what’s happened around New York City, Portland, San Francisco, you had district attorneys who didn’t know what their job was. And the cities are ruined, people are leaving.”

Her remarks came amid an incessant flow of reports reflecting just how bad crime has gotten in Democrat-led cities across the U.S.

Sheindlin has made other candid statements regarding the trajectory of American society, including her critique of political correctness in 2021, per the Washington Examiner:

“Are my feelings necessarily P.C. and kumbaya? No, they are realistic,” she said in an interview with the Guardian, adding that ignoring the truth for the sake of political correctness is “hurtful, mostly to children.”

Sheindlin outlined a hypothetical of a parent using corporal punishment on a child to underscore her point that oversensitivity to people’s feelings can delay justice.

“How do you put together in your brain a mother punishing a child by putting out a cigarette on his arm [or] a parent punishing a child for wetting their pants by making them sit in scalding water? How do you do that?” she asked. “Do you say, ‘Well, I’m going to look at the childhood of the parent [because] maybe that’s all the parent knew?’ Not in my world. In my world, if that’s the way you know how to parent, you shouldn’t have any more children.”

The judge also weighed in on how she believes political correctness is harming people in the United States more broadly.

“In a society where there are no rules and boundaries are designed to be broken without consequence, people flail,” she said, citing “ridiculous” lawsuits, such as suing to allow emotional support animals into restricted areas.

Of course, she did disappoint many conservative voters with her presidential endorsement earlier this year:


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