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Damning New Audio Released Featuring Stormy Daniels and Her Attorney: “Sounds like extortion”

Things keep going from bad to worse for Stormy Daniels in the so-called “hush money” case against Donald Trump.

The more she talks, the deeper down she sinks.

And today we got a damning audio call played for the jury, which they apparently though helped Stormy Daniels but the Internet is running wild with it saying it sounds like it proves Stormy Daniels and her various attorneys tried to extort Donald Trump.

Take a look:

And here:

The NY Post explains in more detail:

A recording of a juicy phone conversation capturing Stormy Daniels’ attorney claiming his porn star client had berated him and wanted money “more than anything” was played for jurors at Donald Trump’s Manhattan hush money trial Thursday.

Lawyer Keith Davidson was heard telling Michael Cohen that Daniels “wanted this money more than you can ever imagine,” as he put pressure on Trump’s former “fixer” to pay her in exchange for keeping quiet about her story she’d had a tryst with the ex-president.

“I remember hearing her on the phone saying, ‘You — f–king Keith Davidson — you better settle this goddamn story,’ ” Davidson could be heard telling Cohen on the expletive-laden recording.

The taped April 4, 2018, phone call between the attorneys featured multiple expletives, with Davidson claiming that Daniels was yelling and screaming at him while calling him a “p—y,” all to put pressure on him for a good deal.

He added that Daniels allegedly said that if Trump lost the election, “we lose all f–king leverage” and “this case is worth zero.”

Daniels — born Stephanie Clifford — denied Davidson’s claims as she testified against Trump for the second day in Manhattan Supreme Court.

“No I did not, actually, I never yelled at Keith Davidson,” she said during questioning by Trump’s attorneys. “It sounds like a threat from Keith Davidson.”

She also told jurors that she didn’t care about money, but rather just wanted “to get the truth out,” about her alleged extramarital affair with Trump.

Trump, 77, is on trial for allegedly trying to cover-up a $130,000 payout Cohen made to Daniels in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election to keep her from going public about claims she had a one-night-stand with the then-candidate in 2006.

Daniels was noticeable calmer and more composed than her first stint on the stand Tuesday, where she spoke a mile a minute and gestured wildly while describing in graphic detail her “brief” sexual encounter with Trump in the “missionary position” all while he wasn’t wearing a condom.

Trump’s lawyer, Susan Necheles, continued tense questioning Thursday trying to imply that Daniels had, in fact, extorted Trump for the payment.

The jury appeared riveted, looking back and forth between Daniels and Necheles, as if they were watching a tennis match.


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