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Here’s Where To Find Me Online — Here and ONLY Here [from Noah]

Hey friends,

Noah here with an important update plus a warning.

Over the years, I’ve been censored and banned so many times that even I sometimes forget which social media accounts have been banned and which are still alive and safe.

So I thought it would be a great idea to post a full recap of all the places you can find me online.

Spoiler alert, after having TWO Facebook Pages each over 1.5 MILLION Followers deleted by Mark Zuckerberg for no reason except the fact that we proudly support Donald Trump, you will not find any Facebook links anywhere below.

We aren’t on that trashy website and we’re not on Instagram either!

But first, before I give you the full list, I have to give you a big warning…

Have I told you how much I hate scammers?

Liars, Cheats, Scammers and Thieves….I hate them with a passion!

Why am I telling you this?

Because we have hundreds of scammers pretending to be me (Noah) or WeLoveTrump or WLTReport on social media.  They claim to be me and then they message you and then once you’re chatting they eventually scam you and steal your money.

I hate it!

So I’m putting out this public service announcement about all the places you can find me online — the ONLY places.

I will never DM (direct message) you.

I will never, ever, ever ask you to send me gift cards or send me money.

I will never pressure you to do something.

If any of those things happen, it isn’t me.

Isn’t it funny how all the Social Media companies can censor and delete me (the real me!) but they can’t seem to figure out how to take down all these fake scam accounts?

Almost as if they’re in on it, isn’t it?

So I’m bringing you this important update to make sure you don’t get scammed — and to make sure you know where to find me online.  I recommend you bookmark these.

First, you can read my daily updates all day long over at

I’ve heard from so many of you that you’re loving that new site, and I’m so glad to hear it.

I’m also on Gab but I don’t use it a lot.  But I might in the future so if you’re on there please follow me here:

But what I really wanted to tell you about is Telegram.

We’ve been growing like crazy over at Telegram and everyone is having a great time!

It’s a lot of fun and I think you’ll really like it.

First of all, it’s end-to-end encrypted, so your messages are safe and secure.

It’s also not owned by any of the Big Tech companies….which is why it’s still up and free of censorship!

If you want to join us, you first need to create an account at

Once you have an account, you can follow our Broadcast channel here:

The broadcast channel is where I can send all my daily updates to you.

No spam, no censorship, no fluff.

Just direct, me to you.

In case we run into 10 Days of Darkness or more internet censorship, it may be one of the best ways I can communicate with you.

The other thing to join if you want is our Group Super Chat:

The Group Chat is just like it sounds…..everyone can post and chat with fellow Deplorables.

I’m in there too and chat when I can.

I’ve already met a ton of great people in there, and it’s so great to be around fellow patriots!

So important.

I’ll see you there.

Telegram Channel:

Telegram Chat:

Ok, now for a few other spots….

Twitter/X is safe again thanks to Elon Musk and I’m posting a lot over there….

Follow me on Twitter/X here (we just crossed over 30,000 Followers) and we’re having a lot of fun over there:

I’m on TruthSocial here:

And last but not least, my newest place to hang out is Freedom Chat.

If you want to get my attention, it’s brand new and so there’s less distractions over there.

So if you want to reach me, odds are very good I will see it if you connect with me over there.


FREEDOM CHAT: Get It For Free, No Censorship, No Spying…Invite To My Private Channel

How cool is this?

Noah here and I’d like to introduce you to something called Freedom Chat.

Have you heard of it?

It’s awesome.

And you’re about to hear about it from some really big names, but just remember I told you about it first….

Because we’ve always got you covered with the latest and greatest here at WLTReport!

But what is it and why am I so excited about it?

Allow me to explain…

Freedom Chat is a conservative-based messaging app offers something that other platforms do not: complete and total privacy with verifiable end-to-end encryption, no storage of messages on the server, and no commercial use of user data.

In other words, NO CENSORSHIP!




Freedom Chat has hammered home their commitment to privacy and transparency by publishing a 20-page white paper that details their security protocols like which algorithms they use, as well as a step-by-step encryption analysis with snippets of their codebase. Freedom Chat, with their self-destructing messages, encryption verification, screenshot protection, and “sensors off” (which disables your camera and microphone to prevent any possible eavesdropping by big tech or nosey tyrants) is giving privacy back to users.

Click here to take back your right to privacy and free speech and download Freedom Chat today.

Why is it free?

Freedom Chat is free for the first 50 messages you send, so you can try it without obligation. If you want to send more than 50 messages in a month, it’s only $2.95 for unlimited use.

How is it so cheap for unlimited messages?

Freedom Chat doesn’t store your messages on their servers – which means costs are low. Other messaging platforms pay millions to store messages – Freedom Chat doesn’t.

Here’s the BIG QUESTION you may have, which I had myself: How can I trust this is true?  How can I trust they don’t truly store my messages?

The answer is simple: it’s all in the pricing listed above.

Storing mass information isn’t cheap.

Why do you think they keep building these massive Data Centers all over the place?

To store all the data they steal from you!

And those data centers aren’t cheap!

But Freedom Chat doesn’t need to pay for expensive Data Centers….because they don’t store your data!  It simply doesn’t exist!

So they can charge only $2.95 for unlimited use — which is only if you want more features than the FREE plan.

If they were storing the data, they’d quickly go out of business at that price.

To see exactly how Freedom Chat works watch their 3-minute video tutorial below:

If a government agency, for example, wanted to access communication from someone’s phone by reaching out to Freedom Chat, they would be required to respond, legally. However, there would be nothing to see, thanks to the app’s verifiable end-to-end encryption, which prohibits anyone other than the intended recipient from reading a message. Better yet, there is also no storage of messages on Freedom Chat’s servers, so there would be no way to see what a user wrote since it was already removed from their servers.

Users can also decide whether to utilize self-destructing messages, images, and videos – which are automatically unsent after a specified period of time.

Freedom Chat is easy-to-use, aesthetically appealing, and has all the same user-friendly features of today’s big tech apps with more privacy-focused features and doesn’t sell or exploit users’ personal data for political gain.

Click here to take back your right to privacy and free speech and download Freedom Chat today!

I’ve been using it for about a month now and I love it.

In fact, I’ve created a Private Group in there where we can all chat together.

You want in?

Yes, I’m on Twitter and Telegram and TruthSocial….and they’re great, but I get so many notifications on those that I don’t see everything.

This will be different.

This will be only me and you in a private channel.

Kind of like private, direct access to me on my phone?

Me and 5 million other patriots who love America?

We can all hang out and chat without fear of spying or censorship and without the other distractions on those other networks.

So if you want in, it’s two simple setps.

1️⃣ First you have to get the App…

It’s FREE, click here and test it out for yourself!

2️⃣ Once you’re in, tap on the Channels button and then Search for WLTReport w/ Noah.

It will look like this:

Once you find me, join that Channel and you’re in!

How cool is that?

Super easy, right?

Soon you’ll be hearing about this all over the place, but you can get in early before everyone else.

I’ll see you over there!

Get Freedom Chat Now For FREE

(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message in this article and ordering through the links provided, which benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support and we are proud to bring you awesome new companies like this one that we love using!)


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