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SUNDAY GOSPEL: “Quench Not The Spirit”

Happy Sunday friends!

As we like to do around here, we’re bringing you a great Sunday Gospel message this afternoon.

Today comes from our good friend Pastor Robb:

Today’s message is titled, “Quench Not The Spirit”.

This is a command from the Lord that we’ve not to quench the spirit.

What does this mean? How does this impact our walk with the Lord?

We will talk about this in today’s message. My prayer for you today as that.

You will learn much about how not to quench the spirit of the Lord in your life.


Don’t put out the fire of the Lord in your life.

How fortunate we are to have President Trump back in the Oval Office.

Please continue to pray for him and his team. This is so very important.

Pastor Robb Goodman
Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA

Please enjoy (and I will also post the full transcript below if that is better for you):


Pastor Robb:

Good morning everyone. My name is Pastor Robb, and I’m the senior pastor here at Zion Freedom Fellowship in beautiful Maryland. Boy, is it cold outside. It is cold, very, very cold. All of you that live here in this area know how cold it has been. It has been a cold one, but glory be to God, we have warm houses and we have heat, and we’re grateful to the Lord for all of His provision.

Last week’s inauguration celebration—wasn’t it just truly fabulous? Man, glory be to God that President Trump has done a phenomenal job in his first week back in the White House as a president, sitting in the captain’s chair. Oh man, I’m telling you, I am so excited about everything that this man is doing, that he’s bringing vision and comfort, and he has been one of the only presidents that I know of where the promises that he’s made are promises that are kept. He’s a lot wiser this time around. He’s got experience. He’s sat in that chair for four years, and he’s chosen different people to be leaders, and he’s going after the Deep State in a big, big way. So I’m very grateful and thankful to him.

Well, today I’ve got a wonderful message for you. It is titled “Do Not Quench the Spirit. Do Not Quench the Spirit.” We’re going to talk about prophecy a little bit more in depth this week, so before we get started, let’s go ahead and pray.


Heavenly Father, we praise You on this day. Today is Sunday, January 26th, and we thank You and praise You, Father, that You are ever-present with us. You will never leave us, and You will never forsake us. We give You honor, and we give You glory because the power and the authority that You have—You are God, You are Lord, and You are God of the universe. We give You praise, Lord. We praise You and we thank You that You have all authority and all power over all living flesh, over every demon, every satanic thing that’s going on in the earth. You have power over it, and the enemy will never outdo You or run You down. Praise be to God.

Father, I ask You for Your blessing upon this message today, Lord. I ask that You give Your people great understanding and pour forth the knowledge of the Word of God with revelation and understanding, wisdom and revelation. Praise be to God, Lord. Let spiritual warfare go forth in the power and the authority of Jesus’ name, in which every demon must bow its knee to the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And Lord, we thank You and praise You for Your power and for Your authority that You have given to Your people. Amen. Hallelujah. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Well again, the title of today’s message is “Do Not Quench the Spirit,” and also we’re going to focus on “Despise Not Prophecy.” Do not despise prophecies. We’ve been talking a lot about prophecy these last couple of weeks, and we’re going to continue today in this message as well.

Okay, so 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 says this: “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” So this is the counsel of the Lord, and I pray that the Lord will give you wisdom and revelation, wisdom and understanding into these scriptures and what they actually mean. Amen. Praise be to God.

Let me read a few things that I have in my notes here, and let me get a sip of my coffee. Thank the Lord for good coffee. Amen.

Alright, we just read those scriptures: do not quench the Spirit, and do not despise prophecy, and test all things. We can quench the fire of the Spirit by our doubt, our indifference, our rejection of Him—or the Lord—or by distraction of others. Think about that for a minute. We can quench the fire of the Spirit by our doubt, our indifference, and our rejection of Him, or by the distraction of others. When people start to draw away to themselves, it is a sure quench of the Spirit.

So we don’t want to draw away; we want to stay in fellowship with believers. When you don’t continue to meet and fellowship with believers, it’s very easy to get off track, because you’re not being encouraged, you’re not actually giving yourself in ministry to build up the body of Christ and the other saints that the Lord leads you to when you go to fellowship or you go to church. Every member must have its part to play. And don’t despise the prophecies or the gifts of the Spirit. Do not do that, okay?

We never want to lose or quench our thirst for the things of God or the deep things of the Spirit. Think about your life: are you giving time and attention to the Word of God? Are you taking time to praise the Lord and to sing glory to His name? Are you really close to the Lord? Deception of the enemy can also do this in our lives. Now, that is really a very strong point. Deception can really defeat you if you listen to the voice of deception. And the enemy is a dirty liar. He will lie to you up and down. He’ll tell you it’s okay to go down a one-way street in the wrong direction. No—you must obey the Word of God and do not do anything that he is leading you to do, because all he wants for you is destruction.


Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and discernment—discerning of spirits—so that you can understand what evil is going on. You know, my wife was sharing with me today about a message that she listened to by Kenneth Hagin. We always call him Papa Hagin because, man, this man had so much wisdom and understanding. And he was talking about people that had done him wrong and tried to divide his church and things like that. And the Lord would always tell him, “Love does no ill to his neighbor.”

Now that’s so important. We must learn to walk in love. You know, we’ve got opportunity to turn our backs on people every day. There are people in our lives that annoy us, that drive us crazy, that make us crazy. But praise be to God, if we walk in love and learn how to overcome and forgive others that trespass against us, and hold no grudge—and of course we know that Mark 11:23 and 24 says that, you know, if you speak to the mountains and do not doubt in your heart but believe that the things that you say shall come to pass, they shall come to pass. And then Jesus said if you have ought against any, forgive. And that’s very, very powerful. Forgiveness to others is extremely powerful, and it will change your life.

“Quench” properly applies to the putting out of a flame or of some sort, as that of a fire or of a lamp. Let’s go to Mark 9:48—actually, I’ve got the wrong scripture, I believe. I am sorry. Let’s go to the next one. My apologies—I must have copied the wrong one in my notes. Let’s go to Matthew 25:8. Matthew 25:8.

Alright, actually, I’m going to start in Matthew 25:4: “But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding, and the door was shut.”

Now that is a very powerful illustration that Jesus gave about having enough oil. Don’t quench the Spirit. The Spirit of God is the oil that keeps our lamp burning bright. The spiritual light that lives within us is the Holy Spirit, and blessed be the name of Jesus for that. It is such a blessing. Thank you, Jesus.

Hang on one more second, guys.

Alright, go back to my notes here. Sorry, guys, got a little confusion here with my phone. Please bear with me.

Theologians say the phrase could be more literally translated “Stop putting out the Spirit’s fire.” Wow, think about that. If you quench or have no thirst for the things of God, you’re going to put out that fire, and you don’t want that fire to go out. So I caution you and I urge you to press deep into God, because you don’t want to put out the Spirit’s fire. Okay? Praise be to God.

Therefore, this command is based on the familiar image of the Holy Spirit as a fire or a flame. Though there is a sense in which fire cannot be created, we can provide the environment in which it can burn brightly. Yet a flame can be extinguished when it is ignored and no longer tended to, or when the flame is overwhelmed by something else.

So think about that. What is overwhelming your life? Are you giving too much time to your work that’s around you? Do you let that quench the flame of God in your heart? Don’t let anything quench the flame or the fire that God places within you. Don’t let anything quench it, and give yourselves wholly unto the Lord so that He can work through you and cause great power and great authority and miracles to take place in your life. Amen.

We must tend to and feed the fire that the Holy Spirit has ignited in us. Think about that. We must tend to and feed the fire that the Holy Spirit has ignited in us. Now think about a fireplace. You have to put new wood that can burn on top of the embers or the fire that is almost going out. That fire will rekindle itself, and the flame will burn brightly. That is a wonderful thing that can happen.

The distractions of life can extinguish the fire of the Lord in us, especially in the times that we are living in today. So do not despise prophesying. What does it mean to despise prophecy? We recognize that the Lord speaks to us through His people today, and we learn to be open to His voice. Of course, we must always test prophecies following the command to test all things, but we do not despise prophecy.


So what does it mean to despise something? Think about that for a minute. Do you pay no attention to it? Do you think that it’s just hogwash—that it’s not important? When somebody speaks out in prophecy, that is actually the Word of God coming forth through that vessel that the Lord has chosen to use in that moment. Let that fire go forth in the mighty name of Jesus. Let that fire ignite you and get you back on fire again, because you don’t want to cover up your light with a bushel basket. You don’t want to cover up the candle unless it goes out. Amen? You don’t want to extinguish the flame that the Lord—or the Holy Spirit—has started in you. Don’t allow that to happen.

Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah. It is very possible that prophecy was being despised because individuals were abusing the gift. These were elders among the Thessalonians—1 Thessalonians 4:11-12. Let’s look at that: 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12.

And this is Apostle Paul speaking to the Thessalonian church: “That you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly towards those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.” Wow, think about that. I’m going to repeat those scriptures again: “That you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly towards those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.”

The Lord doesn’t want anyone to lack. Sometimes we lack in certain areas because there’s an area in our life that we may not be obeying the Lord. And you have to take time and seek Him and really search your own heart before the Lord, and be honest with God. Be honest with God about your failures, and be willing for Him to change your mind. If He speaks something that you don’t agree with or don’t want to obey, you must obey Him. And all of us, you know, we don’t like that. We don’t like to be disciplined. We don’t like to be told that we’re wrong. But often we are. That’s human nature—that our spiritual makeup isn’t in line with the will of God, and we need to be in line with His perfect will.

You and I cannot live on our own strength or our own power. We must be in line with the perfect will of God and allow Him to work in our lives. That’s what God wants to do. And then, as we are pliable to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to put a new heart in us—He said He’ll take away the stony heart and put in us a heart of flesh—well, I want the heart of God. I want the heart of God in my life, and I want to be obedient to Him so that I can obey Him, and I can stand on His Word and trust Him to fix the things that are wrong and out of place in my life. And we all have that. You can’t sit there and say that everything in your life is perfect. There are many people that can do that? You know, it takes a long time to mature in the things of the Spirit of God. We have to be pliable to the Lord’s will and allow Him to change us so that we can become different and new and committed totally to the Lord, because that’s what He wants to do in us. Praise be to God.

“But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.” So even death does not have the same hold over us that people that don’t know the Lord have. They grieve and they grieve, and grieving is a normal part of somebody in your family passing away, or your husband or your wife—don’t get me wrong. I’m not putting anybody down for that. But the Lord gives you hope, because we know that death has no power. It has no stronghold over us, because we are the children of God. We are children of the light and of the day. We are not of those that walk in darkness. Praise be to God. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Oh, Father, God is so good to us. He is so, so good.

Perhaps these Thessalonian people were spiritualizing their idleness with prophecy. Think about that for a minute. They came up with a good reason why they were not moving forward: “Oh, it’s not God’s will for me to do this yet,” or, “You know, it’s not God’s will for us to push forward—nothing is working, whatever I try to do.” Continue moving forward. Don’t ever stop breaking new ground. Go forward in the mighty name of Jesus, and watch what the Lord will do. He will change the hearts of people around you. I mean, it’s just absolutely amazing how the Lord works in our midst.

I’m looking out my window here, and I see a bunch of sparrows sitting on top of our bushes outside. It’s so funny to watch them. I love watching the birds out my window. But anyway, so we must continue to move forward.

There were also date-setters and End Time speculators among the Thessalonians. Let’s look at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5. “Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no man deceive you by any means. For that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.” Wow, isn’t that amazing? That is just amazing. You know, we’ve got nothing to fear, people. There is nothing that you and I have to be afraid of, because the spirit of fear did not come from the Lord. For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and a sound mind.

So you and I can walk in righteousness. We can tend to move forward. We can do anything that God tells us to do, because if He tells us to do something, He’s going to anoint us to do that task. And we don’t want to grow weary in well-doing. We want to stay committed to the Lord and continue to walk in His righteousness. Amen. Praise be to God. God is so good and so mighty and powerful. The Lord is good. Thank You, Jesus.

Between the time Paul last saw the Thessalonians and the writing of his letter, he had spent time in Berea. Now, this is something really cool, I think. Let’s go to Acts 17:10-12. Acts 17:10-12. “Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word of God with all readiness and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Therefore, many of them believed, and also not a few of the Greeks, prominent women as well as men. But when the Jews from Thessalonica learned that the Word of God was preached by Paul at Berea, they came there also and stirred up the crowds. Then immediately the brethren sent Paul away to go to the sea, but both Silas and Timothy remained there.”

So this is really interesting about the Thessalonians. What does it say that they did? They searched the Scriptures. You need to search the Scriptures. The Word of God is the will of God. I tell my people that all the time, and you’ve heard me say it here many, many times: the will of God is the Word of God. So give yourself to the living Word of God, and allow God to use you the way that He wants, the way that He desires. He wants to use you in a mighty, mighty way. Praise be to God. Isn’t that wonderful?

Alright, let’s go to Acts 21:10. It’s going to be my last scripture for today. Acts 21:10. “And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.” Now this is a perfect example of New Covenant prophets—or New Testament prophets. Apostle Paul spoke in Ephesians 4:11-12, I believe, that “He gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.” That is the fivefold ministry and the offices of the fivefold ministry that God has called His servants to.

Now today, I’m not super comfortable with this, but today everybody calls themselves an apostle and a prophet. And you know, these callings sometimes take a long time to mature into, until God really releases you. I know in reality that a prophet is groomed through harsh and serious circumstances. It’s not easy. It’s not an easy grooming. But God has to be able to trust you and bring you to that level of maturity so that He can use you and literally trust you with putting His Word in your mouth. That’s a powerful, powerful thing.

So this man Agabus—let’s read about him. “And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, ‘Thus says the Holy Spirit: So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ Now when we heard these things, both we and those from that place pleaded with him—pleaded with Paul—not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, ‘What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready, not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.’ So he would not be persuaded; we ceased, saying, ‘The will of the Lord be done.’”

Agabus, also in another part of Scripture, prophesied that a dearth—or a famine—would take place, and that famine actually took place like two years after he spoke about that. The Lord reveals certain things to prophets, and he spoke that out and said there would be a famine, and that famine, like I said, came two years afterward. And Claudius Caesar was then in power at that time.

So we must all be open to the prophetic move of the Spirit. Again, do not quench or put out the fire of God. Don’t extinguish the gifts of the Spirit in your life. Let God use you the way that He wants, because He’s got a perfect plan for you, and He wants to use you. He wants to use you in a powerful way. He wants to show forth His strength and the mighty power of His right hand through His servants. Do not be annoyed. Do not let go. Don’t be distracted. Don’t let the Spirit and the thirst of the things of God be quenched. Don’t let that happen. You want to long for the Lord, like in a land where there is no water. Think about that. How much do you hunger after the things of God? How much do you seek after the Lord? How much do you understand of His will and His Word for your life? Let the will of God be done in your life, and He will show you what is right and good in His eyes. He will lead you into everlasting life, and in the way of the Spirit, He will lead you, and He will guide you. Why? Because He loves you. He loves you so very much.

If you’re watching this video today and you don’t know the Lord Jesus, I want you to pray this prayer with me. Pray this prayer with me right now. Maybe you’re thinking, “You know, I’m watching this video, but I don’t understand what this man is talking about.” The reason you don’t understand is because you have not been born again of the Spirit of God. You have a hunger, and you have a thirst to know more about God because God has been dealing with you. His Spirit convicts us of our sin, and He wants you to invite Him to come into your heart. So pray this prayer with me right now. Say:

“Father, I believe Your Word. I believe that You sent Your Son, Jesus, into the world to die for my sins. I ask You right now, Lord, to please forgive me for every wrongdoing, every evil thing that I’ve ever thought of or ever done. Forgive me, Lord, for all my trespasses and all of my sins. I ask You right now to cleanse me with Your blood and to take away every sin. And I thank You, Lord, that You are forgiving me.”

You know, the Word of God declares that if you really believe, that you’ve been born again. Now I want you to write me an email and let me know how we can help you to grow spiritually. You can reach me at this email address: [email protected]. Again, [email protected]. Once I receive your email, I will answer you as quickly as I can and will get back to you.

I praise God that you’ve made a decision to follow Jesus and that you want Him in your heart, that you want to make a change to your life and do something that is pleasing unto the Lord. He will bring you out of darkness and bring you into His glorious light. Nobody wants to live in darkness, but you want to have the light of life so that you can be in the presence of God once you close your eyes for the last time, take your last breath—your spirit and your soul will go to be with the Lord. Amen. Praise be to God.

Those of you that are believers, ask the Lord to give you a prophetic insight, to give you a hunger for the deeper things of God. Just tell the Lord, “Lord, I want You to take control of every area of my life, that You will change me and bring me to the place that You want me to live in. I want to be obedient to You.” I praise You, and I thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Well, I want to thank you all for being here with me today. I pray that you would like our YouTube channel, that you would subscribe to it, and also share it. Praise be to God. If this teaching has been a blessing to you, let the Lord have total authority and control over your life, and be obedient to Him. Commit to Him. He will trust you and lead you. He will show you how to follow hard after Him, and He will lead you with His spiritual eye and guide you into truth forever. And you will be happy, and you will be free, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord cause His light to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His great peace, His wonderful shalom, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen. We’ll see you again next week, and the Lord be with you. I love you all very, very much. May the Lord bless you and bring you into His glorious and marvelous light, in Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless you all. Bye-bye.


GOSPEL MESSAGE: “Looking Into The Prophetic Realm”

GOSPEL MESSAGE: "Looking Into The Prophetic Realm"

We've been speaking a lot about the prophetic recently around here....

So it's perfect timing that this just so happens to be the topic of today's Sunday Gospel message from our good friend Pastor Robb.

Today's Sunday message is titled, "Looking Into The Prophetic Realm"

Once again this week we will be studying how do we look into the Prophetic Realm.

The Lord has given us spiritual eyes to see with,  all true spiritual ears to hear with.

The realm of the spirit actually dictates everything that happens in the natural realm that we all live in from day today.

How do we deal with certain evil attacks, that Satan sends  our way, and how do we become successful in dealing against the kingdom of darkness?

Today we will take a look at scripture and study these different ideas.

The Lord has given me many experiences in my life.

That He has taught me how to look and operate in the realm of the Prophetic.

Everything that I teach. I will always use scripture to back up what the Lord has taught me.

I pray that you will all enjoy today's message as we study together. Just a reminder to continue to pray for President Trump.

Next Sunday I will not have a message. Because my church is giving me the day off. Sunday January 19th will be my sixty fourth birthday.

The Lord has been truly very good to me all the days of my life.

Pastor Robb Goodman
Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA

Please enjoy:


Pastor Robb
Hello everyone, and good morning to you! Today is Sunday, and I am Pastor Rob Goodman. I’m from Zion Freedom Fellowship here in Maryland, in the good old United States of America. Greetings to every one of you.

I hope that this beautiful Sunday morning finds you well no matter where you are or what you might be doing. I pray that God would bless you no matter where you are in the world. God is so good, isn’t He? His mighty power He will proclaim.

Today, I’m going to share another message with you. Last week, I spoke on the topic of living and moving in the prophetic, and I’m going to continue that same course this week. The Lord has been dealing with me a lot about the prophetic realm and is showing me that I need to continue to teach on this for a time and a season.

So, may the Lord have His way. May He bless you, and may He ordain you to go and bring forth great fruit.

You know, the Enemy wants to stop us. He hates us; he can’t stand us. He knows we’re called the righteousness of God, and he’s constantly trying to cast down that righteousness and make us feel terrible, looking at ourselves in a terrible way. But Father, we know what Your Word says about us, and we’re going to see through the eye and the lens of the Spirit. We’re going to call those things that be not as though they were.

So, Lord, as we continue this message today, I ask Your blessing. Let Your power and Your authority rest upon me as I speak this Word of Truth. Your Word is truth. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth, Jesus said.

I ask You right now, Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, and Lord Jesus Christ, to be honored, glorified, and lifted high through this message today. Let Your name be honored and glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Well, praise be to God.

All right, let me get to my notes here.

The title of today’s message is "Looking into the Prophetic Realm."

How do we look into the prophetic realm? How do we have the ability to see beyond the veil of the flesh and to gaze and see things the way God actually sees them?

The answer is found in the Word of God. As we ask the Lord for wisdom to proclaim this message, He will bring it forth to you.

I want you to say this prayer with me right now:
“Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to see through the eye of the Spirit and the prophetic lens how You see things. Because, Lord, You are outside the realm of time. You know the end from the beginning. You know everything that’s going to happen in this world before it happens because You are all-seeing, all-knowing, and the omnipotent, almighty God. You are the beginning and the end. Amen.”

Lord, I ask You to bless Your people. Open up their ears to hear the Word of God today and bring them into the fullness of manifested revelation knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and who You want them to be as Your servants. Thank You, Lord.

In the mighty name of Jesus, may you be blessed as you listen to this message today.

Looking into the Prophetic Realm

Let’s once again look at Romans Chapter 4. I’m going to start with verse 16 today. You can read the entire chapter if you’d like, but I’ll begin at verse 16:

“Therefore, it is of faith that it might be according to grace.”

Isn’t that really cool? Everything you and I have and possess is by the grace of God.

We’re not worthy of all the wonderful things God has given to us through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We’re not worthy. But you know what? He made us worthy by the blood Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary. Every drop that came out of His body fell on the earth, and God has redeemed the curse of this earth through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Yes, we speak the blood in the name of Jesus! I speak the blood in the name of Jesus over all Your people, Father.

Lord, sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth.

Pastor Robb (continued):

And Lord, we proclaim the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ. We proclaim that You are the victorious, everlasting God and that Your power shall never fail.

Lord, You are the mighty one who saves. You are the mighty one who delivers. You are the mighty one who brings to pass any vision You’ve given to Your people regarding the future and the promises You’ve made.

Lord, Your Word is truth. Sanctify and set Your people apart according to the truth that You’re speaking through this message today.

So, as it says, “Therefore, it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be made sure to all the seed.”

Now, we are the seed of Abraham—amen? Through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we’ve been grafted into the vine of Israel. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Unless the branch is connected to the vine, it will not bring forth or bear any fruit.”

The Lord wants to bring forth fruit in your life by the power and authority of His spoken and written Word.

When you speak the Word of God, it becomes alive. The written Word is life—the logos is life—but the rhema brings revelation and fullness of life because you begin to understand who you are in Christ and what God has called you to be and do.

Faith and Grace:
“So that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all.”

Wow. Abraham is the father of the Jews, and now he’s the father of the Gentiles because we have faith in Christ. Praise be to God.

As it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations.”

He’s speaking about Abraham here. In the presence of Him whom he believed, Abraham believed what God said to him. He was obedient and carried out what God spoke to him.

Back in those days, Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees. That’s where his father, parents, and grandparents lived, and they were all idol worshippers. Yet, the living God revealed Himself to Abraham, called him, and told him to leave Ur of the Chaldees.

Abraham took Sarah, his wife, and left as God commanded, saying, “Go to a land that I will show you.”

The Promises of God:
This is the promise of God—the entire Jewish race today came from one man, Abraham, and the promised seed, Isaac.

Man, that’s powerful!

God said to Abraham, “You’ll no longer be called Abram but Abraham, the father of many nations.”

God gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.

When God speaks something to you, it doesn’t matter how impossible it seems. If God said it, it will come to pass.

Abraham believed God despite impossible circumstances. Though he and Sarah were old, God fulfilled His promise because He speaks life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they are.

Prophecy and Speaking Life:
We must prophesy into our circumstances. Speak God’s favor, blessing, and promises over your life. Though things may look opposite to what God desires, declare His Word in faith.

Jesus became a curse for us so that we could be free from the curse of the law. Deuteronomy 28 declares blessings over our baskets, storehouses, and everything we own when we live under God’s covenant.

Faith in Action:
Tithing isn’t just a law—it’s a principle of multiplication. God honors our faith when we give. He is not concerned about fulfilling His Word because His Word always comes to pass. The angels know this and serve Him joyfully.

Abraham didn’t waver in unbelief. Instead, he was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God and being fully convinced that what God promised, He was able to perform.

Therefore, it was accounted to him for righteousness.

This righteousness is also imputed to us who believe in Jesus Christ, who was delivered up for our offenses and raised for our justification.

The Spirit Realm and the Natural Realm:
Remember, the spirit realm dictates what happens in the natural realm. Everything exists because of what God spoke.

Ask the Lord to give you spiritual eyes to see and to step into the realm of the prophetic. Speak and declare His promises over your life.

A Closing Word:
If you don’t know Jesus, pray this:

“Lord God, I believe in my heart that You sent Your Son, Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, who lived a sinless life and died for my sins. Forgive me and come into my heart. Make me a child of God. I receive You as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

If you prayed that prayer, you’ve been born again. Your name is now written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

God bless you all. I love you. Until next week, take care. Bye-bye.


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