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FROM JEHU TO JOSIAH: Powerful New Prophecy Given For Trump and America

I was almost certain I have covered Tomi Arayomi here before, but I can’t find any prior articles so this may be the first time I’ve mentioned him.

I’ve certainly followed him before and this man has some POWERFUL words from God.

In fact, as he mentions in this video, he’s previously had words of knowledge so accurate and so impossible to know that he was actually arrested by the British Government because they said there is no way he could possibly know some of the things he was saying unless he was a spy.

Silly Brits, you don’t know God the Father in Heaven ranks significantly higher than you and all your spies combined!

And when he gives prophetic words to people like Tomi Arayomi and other prophets, they have POWER!

I really hope you will listen to this in full, it’s only 15 minutes and I will also put a full transcript below it if it’s easier for you to read.

As posted by Tomi himself to YouTube, he was invited by Alveda King, Rev. MLK Jr’s niece, to speak and prophesy at the House of Representatives during President Trump’s inauguration:

Alveda King, niece to Reverend Martin Luther King invited Tomi Arayomi to the House of Representatives to prophecy at her prayer breakfast with dignitaries and leaders present. Hear this powerful unedited prophecy concerning the future of President Trump!


Please watch and enjoy here:


Tomi Arayomi: The Lord really spoke to me on the way in here about several things that He was going to use this President, this Administration, to do. But some of the things were conditional; some of the things were sovereign.

I know many of us have a “sovereign-itis” when it comes to the prophetic, where we believe everything God said is going to happen whether we like it or not. But there are several things that are predicated on condition.

I’m one of those people that the Lord used—my wife and I, years ago (maybe three or four years ago), flew to Nigeria, left our stuff in England, packed everything up, took our three boys, and went to Nigeria.

The Lord gave me a prophetic word concerning the nation that was also conditional. And that prophetic word came to pass, which subsequently led to our arrest in Nigeria by the federal government of Nigeria.

It was a prophetic word that the Department of State Services— the American version of the Department of Homeland Security— came to pick my wife and me up at the airport in Abuja. They charged us with being spies for the British government,

because they said, “That’s the only way you can know what you know, that the British government told it to you.” Subsequently, we asked the Lord where we should go next, and He didn’t say England—He said, “Go to America.”

And so here we are, a year in—year and a half in—living in Houston, Texas, with a clarion call for the nation. I say all this to say I have no horse in the race. I’m not Democrat; I’m not Republican.

I don’t even have a Green. And so I’m just saying this from my heart to the nation: the Lord said, “Tell America that this will be the year where many will call it ‘the Trump effect,’ but the Lord says, ‘I am affecting something far greater


than your presidency.’ And the Lord says, ‘I will set in motion a season of state, national, and even global shakeups.’” If you’ve followed some of my prophetic messages, the Lord took us—my wife, my team, and me—to Canada a few years ago,

where the Lord showed me that Trudeau, that his time was up, and that was part of the shaking of nations. But the Lord said He was going to renew deals that were going to make Canada proud again and pleased again, and it would reverse years of bad policy

between Canada and the United States of America, and rebuild broken-down pipelines between the two nations. And the Lord says, “I will embolden leaders to bring back prayer into schools across the nation, and will shake the bureaucrats in education

who have held on to long-term positions, feeling as though they were safe.” The Lord says, “This will be a time of shakeup. But watch Saudi Arabia; they will want to be a part of the table and the shaking of hands of leaders.” And the Lord says, “Watch as I gather Middle Eastern leaders

around the Saudi Arabian prince in this hour.” I wish I had a runway to introduce this, but please just take it for now. There will be an introduction of increased relationship between the Saudi Crown Prince and the United States of America to try and bring Western ideals

even into the Middle East in a greater way. And the Lord says that there will be a granting of a seat at the table to discuss the renegotiation of the Abraham Peace Accords, with Saudi Arabia having a seat at that table. But it will also embolden Turkey, and I just see her anger getting hotter.

The Lord says, “Prayer will bring a rude awakening to the sleeper cells, and I will shake many Islamic sleeper cells even in the north of this nation. And if you will pray,” the Lord says, “I will detonate them before they detonate America.”

And the Lord says, “The media will shout, ‘A purge! A purge!’” I heard that word very clearly. Many people have called this President a Jehu, but the Lord said over this President, just like Jehu moved to:

  1. kill Jezebel, 2) kill the prophets of Baal, and 3) kill all Jezebel’s

seventy children. The Spirit of God says that “I will use this President, and in his first few days, there will be a Jehu anointing that would purge the House.” The Lord says many in the news will shout, “This is a purging of years of Democrat policy,”

and some will even say it is a racial purging. But the Spirit of God says, “It is a righteousness purging, for I will not tolerate the spirit of Jezebel in the land anymore. But,” the Lord says this: “I’m giving this President an opportunity—where many have said he is a Jehu,

the Spirit of God says I will give him an opportunity”—and this is the conditional part—“I will give him an opportunity to be a Josiah.” Now who was Josiah? Josiah was the one after King Manasseh, who—after Jezebel died—we never heard the name Jezebel again.

We heard about the wickedness of King Manasseh. What did he do? Of all the wickedness, the Bible says that the blood of innocent children was on his hands, that the nation was filled with innocent children’s blood. He built the altar of the nation on the bloodshed of children.

The Spirit of God says, “Mr. President, I’m going to ask you this question: Do you want to rewrite America’s history for four generations, or write it for four years? For I can bring you into a golden age, or I can bring America into a golden moment.”

I really felt that was a strong, warning word from the Lord, that “I can bring you into a golden age, or a golden moment.” What did Ahab do? He destroyed. What did Josiah do? He rebuilt. Ahab—God gave him a promise: four generations would sit on the throne.

I believe God’s going to give Mr. President a dynasty of his children rising up in the earth in a greater way, but the Lord says, “Do you want four generations, or do you want four years?” And the Lord said this: “I will give you the chance that I never gave to Josiah.”

What happened to Josiah? As righteous as he was, the Lord still gave Judah into the hands of her enemies because of the aborted children that were slain during Manasseh’s reign. But the Spirit of God says, “I will give this President a chance

I did not give Josiah. Even though he was righteous, I still destroyed the land because of the sin of Manasseh. For the Lord says, ‘The blood of Jesus will speak louder than the blood of those slain children.’ If there will be a cry for change, I will lift that up.”

The Lord says, “I will show you what is truly killing America. It’s not China. It’s not Russia. What’s truly killing America is America. On this matter of innocent blood, I deposed your Democrat leaders when I saw them standing outside with their abortion clinics at the door,

and I will ask this leader: What altar do you want to build this nation upon?” The Lord says, “I will challenge him for the next four generations or the next few years of his presidency: Do you want a golden moment, America, or do you want a golden age?”

The Spirit of God says, “The enemy will attempt to drive a wedge between this President and Elon Musk. I see a time coming where President Trump will have to decide between keeping this man or letting him go. I will use him to not just dismantle


government bodies, but to even hold AI accountable in a different way, even though this will mark this season.” The Lord says, “Watch for the sign of the ending of the life of George Soros”—and I’m correcting the spelling here—“for the Lord says it will not be the end of sorrows.

For even though one is dead, the other will rise up, and the son will rise up like Rehoboam, saying, ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist.’ But again, I will overturn.”

And the word of the Lord to the Church in this hour is this: the Lord says, “Can I trust you to go from being an occupied army to being an occupying army? For if I can shift your focus, I can remind you that you’re in a season

where I’m calling you to pursue, to overtake, and to recover all. Do not stop at just pursuing when I said overtake. I’m giving you these four years to catch up and to accelerate past Ahab into the gates of the city. But do you simply want to pursue,

or do you want to overtake so that you can recover all? What does this mean? I’m raising the spirit of Deborah in the earth again. What is Deborah? Deborah is not just a prophetess; she’s a concerned mother in Zion. She was a woman who chose to go from intercession

and prophecy to standing in places of government where she could begin to legislate and even lead people into battle in a greater way. The Lord says, “Even though we have great prophetic anointings and intercessory anointings,

I will release the statesman anointing again in the Church.” It means there will be a rising, not just of intercessors, but the Lord says, “I will call several pastors to run for government offices. I will call leaders,

even in this room,” the Lord says, “to run for local government positions, because I do not desire just an occupying, intercessory army. I desire a movement of people who will position themselves in the seats of power so that they can become a voice of influence again.

‘Occupy’—the word ‘occupy’ means to do business. And I am not calling you to be a people that does business for the sake of making money. For the Lord says, “This will be a day where I erase the prosperity message

and I revise it. It is not wealth as a reward; it is wealth as a responsibility.” So the Lord says, “I’m releasing the responsibility of wealth upon a generation, because you cannot tell Pharaoh, ‘Let my people go,’

and be on his payroll at the same time.” So the Lord says, “Watch as I release and liberate the voice of My Church, so that she can rise up as a greater influence and a voice in the earth, one that will not be encumbered by salaries or state jobs.”

Father, in the name of Jesus, we speak right now: let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus’ name.

And this woman here, holding the phone—tell me your name, please.

Don Hudson:

Tomi Arayomi: Don Hudson. Can we stretch our hands in her direction? Father, we thank You for Donica Hudson. And Donica, the Spirit of God says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The Lord says that you have passed a test.

I don’t know if you’re married, but the Spirit of God says you and your husband have passed a test, because you adopted a battle you didn’t have to adopt. You took on a fight you didn’t have to take on.

But the Lord says, “You are getting ready to experience the next phase


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