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JUST IN: The Clearest Professional Video of a Drone/UFO/Orb We Have Seen Yet

The Drone/UFO/Orb madness continues…

I still have no idea what they are, but one thing is becoming certain: they are real and they’re not going away.

That much seems to be clear and indisputable.

Now the latest, which comes to us from a professional videographer who goes by Custodian File on YouTube, and he brings us the clearest professional video of one of these orbs that we’ve seen yet.

Actually, I suppose I should correct that slightly, perhaps TIED for the best footage, because ABC News also captured their own a few days ago that looks eerily similar.

From a video uploaded just 21 hours ago, here is all the raw footage, along with his explanations of what equipment he used to shoot it, circumstances around the video, etc.

I actually learned of this new footage from The Backyard Professor who posted a full video breaking it all down…

I like this guy because he has actually been a skeptic about all of this stuff all along, so he approaches it from that angle and he doesn’t suffer fools kindly.


Here’s his analysis:


[Speaker: The Backyard Professor]

Hey, welcome back to the Backyard Professor video response. I am, um, really blown away by what I have just seen, and I’m excited to share this with you. A gentleman who runs a site called Custodial Files has been making videos

taking pictures for several years of UFOs. And, you know, through exploring various types of videos, I’ve had to keep my skeptic meter up, but this is incredible. I—I am truly, truly impressed with this one.

I’m gonna share this with you and give you my impression, and kind of elaborate on why it’s material like this that gets me so excited about this entire topic. Weird and bizarre though it is.

And I’ve got news for you: I’m hearing from other sources some information about weird things that are really astonishing. I’m trying to put some materials together— quite a topic.

Let’s take a look at this. I’ve got it. It’s not living, so it’s not in air. Let’s start from the front. This is a giant orange ball. This is— this is fed up, whatever this is.

I’ve got it. It’s not moving, so it’s not an airplane. It’s stationary. It’s a fireball. No, I do not see smoke. I’ve never seen anything like this.

It’s not the airplane. I’m recording it right now. It’s just an orange ball of fire. No, this is the far horizon. This is probably—it’s hard to say—


super. Thank you. Welcome back, everyone. This is Robert AC, Custodial Files. Today is December 19, 2024. So, I want to revisit this once-in-a-lifetime video.

I recorded it October 11, 2008. Okay, so this—this is just seriously remarkable. I—I—I am—this is remarkable. Now, what comes to my mind first off, right off,

is simply the theme of orbs in general that so many experiencers have discussed. And, uh, now I have never seen an orb. Now, if that kind of orb would show up, I would definitely be interested.

It’s spooky. I mean, when you put yourself in his shoes, would you want that thing to come directly up to you? How do you know if it’s emitting radiation? And one of the—

The Tedesco Brothers, in one of their interviews, described how they have been pointing Geiger counter-type instrumentation at the UFOs they are videoing over on the eastern shore of the United States.

This is in California, this particular orb. And they say they are not detecting any gamma, beta, or alpha. Alpha is the short-range radiation, beta is medium, and gamma is the really deadly one.

But they are saying, “We don’t—on the orbs they have found or the materials they have witnessed and experienced, they don’t detect any radiation.” So—but there’s no guarantee that this is the same type of orb

that they’re seeing over on the East Coast in Jersey, right? So, this is absolutely staggering in its clarity. Now, the cool thing that Custodial Files did here— this is one of the best orb videos I’ve seen for this reason—


is because he has zoomed in, and yet he has been able to keep the focus really, really good on this orb. I love that. The astonishing thing is we can see some geometric figures inside this orb that are moving around.

And this is precisely what the Tescos have described their orbs as doing. I did a review video of them a couple days ago where the polyhedra in their orb are rotating, moving around. And as it slowed down in its circular movement within

this sphere, the light began to dim. And as it spun up and got more and more energetic, like a magneto, then the orb glowed. Let’s watch this again.

This orb goes back and forth. It glows. It more or less pulsates. Very interesting. As soon as the sun came down, it was directly west, 270 degrees,

about three or four degrees off the horizon, off the ocean. The best way, again, that I can describe it: an orange fireball. It just sat there. Essentially, it sat there all night and maybe drifted

to the left of me—or south—over the course of six to eight hours. But, you know, I thought it was maybe an oil well on fire, a tanker. Now, don’t get mad at him for this— what he’s doing is using a different type of camera

to get a different type of spectral reading. So, I mean, yeah, well, now it’s not clear and you can’t see— yeah, forget all that noise. I really love that researchers are attempting to give us

as much information on this as possible. And so, they’re going to use different kinds of cameras, and it is going to shift the pictures. Sometimes some of them will be a little fuzzier.

Sometimes they—that’s irrelevant. Nothing like that. It was an extremely, extremely odd phenomenon. So, I did record quite a bit of it.

Actually, I recorded so much of it, I got annoyed that I burnt up all my memory tapes and deleted a lot of it. This is what I kept. I could tell you, I hooked up an optic lens on it, so I was about 200-to-one.

I’m pretty sure I saw objects coming in and out of it. For what it’s worth, I’m kicking myself now. But, you know, we have these plasmoids now showing up. We have all these drones in—

That’s the essence of what I wanted to show you in this incredible video. I will leave a link to this video in my description so that you can watch the entire thing. The nice thing is he has great equipment.


The other real nice thing is he knows how to use the stuff. I’m rather envious of him having a place where so much activity occurs and that he is prepared to be able to give us information on various types.

We all know by now that there’s not just one type of UAP, or UFO, or even USO. The Tescos claim that they perhaps saw a transmedium situation where their UFO on the East Coast was above the water

and then it went down into the water. That is one of the five characteristics of a genuine UAP, according to Lou Elizondo. It has one of the five—what does he call it?—the five properties.

That’s not the right word. I can’t think of the word right now. But so—so, this is quite remarkable. And it is the orb aspect of this—let me go back— and the orb aspect of this is what is so, so interesting.

Because this gentleman here is not the only one who has noted this. He’s certainly not the only one who has captured this. We have a lot of descriptions of orbs. The nice thing is, if I understand right,

this is in Del Rey, California, near where this gentleman lives. But we have seen orb pictures and videos from not only Chris Bledsoe—astonishing videos; I watch him on Instagram and YouTube. His Instagram videos are electrifying—

they’re really interesting. But they show all the same characteristics that this does. And it’s obvious that they’re not in a city where they’re making a mistake of a lamp,

a headlamp of a car, or a light pole at night on a street. This is out in the country or else over the ocean. And these orbs are appearing, and they’re able to zoom in on them. I’m so glad he has good camera equipment.

This—this is the type of stuff that makes you go, “Right.” This, to me, is just so worth investigating. Now, one of the interesting descriptions— I personally have not found any video yet

that has a clear depiction of this. But there are several different groups of researchers, authors, etc., who are saying that sometimes when these orbs do show up and are close, a being will come out of the orb.

Now, I’ve not seen that on video. That, to me, is electrifying. If that can get captured on video—and you hope CGI doesn’t mess it up—but when the real thing happens in front of your eyes, then you’ll know it’s not going to be faked with the computer. But I suppose that’s the only way you really can know, right?

And so here we are. We’re all looking for UFOs. On the other hand, it’s a pretty scary prospect.

This is great. I want to thank Custodial Files for sharing this video. Thank you. This is good stuff. In my opinion, this is good stuff.

Now, I’m still looking, but I mean, you have the Tedesco Brothers, and now you have this gentleman from Custodial Files. You have Chris Bledsoe’s materials. Diane Pula has commented on this,

and she says actually some of the descriptions in the Old Testament from the ancient Hebrew have been mistranslated as clouds. The Hebrew word for “cloud” could mean orbs.

And so, we have that interesting ancient literature sample there. That is a potentially fruitful investigation, and I will carry that out as I have time. But so, this is coming from multiple sources,

which, from a scientific point of view, is what we’re looking for. The descriptions are very similar.


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