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UPDATE On Trump/Biden Meeting — Very Cordial, Very Demure

Earlier this morning, we brought you a report on President Trump’s meeting with Joe Biden.

That report was mainly focused on their short public, photo-opp meeting where Joe Biden couldn’t stop smiling from ear-to-ear.

But after that reports are now emerging that they met for two hours!

And one phrase keeps coming up to describe it:  “very cordial”.

Interesting, right?

Watch this update from Fox News explaining what happened during that private meeting:

Backup video here if needed:


Fox News makes a good point, this is such a unique situation….

Joe Biden did not lose to President Trump so the meeting is much less awkward than it otherwise might have been.

Kamala Harris lost to President Trump, and Joe Biden doesn’t seem to like Kamala Harris very much.

After years of calling him a Nazi and “literally Hitler”….this is how it all ends?

Another update from Fox News here on the length of the meeting:

And I love this from Doocey:


“Very cordial”

“Very gracious”

But this one cracked me up the most….

Hat tip to Johnny Maga:  “Very cordial.  Very demure.”

To explain in case you don’t get the joke:

In meme language, “very cordial, very demure” usually pokes fun at someone or something that’s sarcastically pretending to be polite and reserved but actually isn’t. It’s often used in a humorous context to highlight behavior that’s meant to look sweet and proper but is, in reality, quite the opposite—like a character or person acting “nice” while secretly throwing shade, being passive-aggressive, or hiding their real intentions.


You might see it used in captions with images or videos of people or animals that look well-mannered but have a sassy or mischievous side. It’s all about juxtaposing a “prim and proper” front with something not-so-innocent going on underneath.

That’s perfect!

Here was our original report this morning:

Joe Biden Absolutely BEAMING As Trump Returns To The White House: “Welcome Back, Donald!”

Joe Biden Absolutely BEAMING As Trump Returns To The White House: "Welcome Back, Donald!"

President Trump made his historic return to Washington, D.C. today and it was one for the history books!

We started with Trump Force One arriving and our Commander-In-Chief walking out to a great welcome:

He was also warmly greeted at the White House by tons of MAGA hats waiting for his arrival:

The Boss is back in town, ladies and gentlemen!

And to quote Tucker Carlson, "Daddy is home!"

But absolutely no one is happier to have him back than....Joe Biden!


Yes, really....I've never seen Biden smile so big:

And who can blame him?

Joe must be thinking in his head "I really suck at this, thank goodness Trump is back!"

Of course it probably goes much deeper than that....

After being forced out of the race, rumors in DC are that Joe and Jill Biden absolutely HATE Kamala Harris and perhaps worked to sabotage her campaign.

I can't wait for those broads on The View to melt down over this one:

Someone made this meme, which is hilarious:

That's a real video, it's just not from the Oval Office, it's from Joe Biden putting on that red Trump hat during the campaign.

So now the big question....who did Joe actually vote for?



Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris a “Ram-Rod” — Really Hopes We Can Put Talk of a Stolen Election Behind Us

Joe Biden Wants To “Smack ‘Em In The A**!”

WATCH: JD Vance Believes Joe Biden Voted For TRUMP!

WATCH: JD Vance Believes Joe Biden Voted For TRUMP!

A few days ago, I brought you a report on Joe Biden voting and I said I bet odds are good he voted for President Trump.

I was not joking.

I'll repost that down below in case you missed it, because now it appears JD Vance agrees with me.

What a time to be alive!

Watch this short clip from JD Vance on Joe Rogan and see for yourself:

JD Vance remarking to Joe Rogan that Joe Biden hates Kamala Harris, and wants Trump to win:

JD Vance: "I might bet 20 dollars on his [Hunter] dad voting for Donald Trump for president. Especially after last night after the garbage comment: That guy is trying to help Donald Trump. After we win, I'm going to be convinced that Joe Biden was trying to help us the whole time."

Joe Rogan: "The MAGA hat was crazy. I think he's very very resentful that he got ousted in what was essentially a coup."

Democrats are running on a platform of 'unity', yet they can't get Biden and Kamala on the same page.

It's not at all crazy when you consider just a few months ago Joe Biden was literally wearing a MAGA hat:

Trump 2024!

Those are real photos, not doctored or altered in any way.

Here was my original report:

Joe Biden Just Voted Early….But For Who?

Joe Biden Just Voted Early....But For Who?

Joe Biden's days on this Earth are numbered, so it's no surprise he just voted early.

And no that's not a threat of any kind, it's simply a keen observation: the man is barely hanging on by a thread and he could "give up the ghost" at any minute!

So off he went today to vote early.

Take a look here:

That's a pretty incredible clip, even for just 27 seconds, because we notice a lot of things in there.

First, Biden appears completely confused, doing the whole mouth-breathing look which is a clear sign he's not taking in enough oxygen and is getting confused, even early in the day.

Then we had the subtle propaganda of the lady pretending like she's checking his ID and handing the driver's license back to him.

Give me a break!

Do you know what purpose that served?  It's a clip they'll play over and over to show "of course we check ID at the voting polls, even Joe Biden had to prove who he was."

What a freaking joke.

Just propaganda to the extreme, gaslighting right in our faces.

Meanwhile, California has passed a new law making it a CRIME to even ask if someone has ID.  Yes, read that again -- a crime to simply ask the question.

What possible purpose could that serve other than to allow non-citizens to vote?

Now back to Biden....

Here he is just standing in line to vote....what a joke!

I loved this post: Proof Dead People Are Voting:

Definitely the Walking Dead.

But who is Joe voting for?

I'm sure he will claim it was Kamala, but what circle did he darken when he got into that booth?

The rumors I've heard is that he hates Kamala so much for forcing him out that he would actually possibly vote for Trump.

Can you even imaging?

And for anyone who thinks that's just Noah being crazy, may I remind you of this moment from just about a month ago?

Yes, that's a real photo.

That is Joe Biden proudly wearing a MAGA cap:

CRAZY: Why Is Joe Biden Now Wearing Trump’s Red MAGA Hat? (Yes, It’s Real)

And I know people will say it was just because some guy asked him to wear it so Biden made a funny moment out of it.

Ok, fair enough.

Then riddle me this, why was he still carrying it around with him when he boarded his plane later that day?

Carrying it like his safety blanket!

Why Is Joe Biden Still Carrying Around The Red Trump24 Hat?

Why Is Joe Biden Still Carrying Around The Red Trump24 Hat?

Yesterday, we brought you the crazy (but true!) story of Joe Biden donning a red Trump2024 hat.

Absolutely incredible.

I'll repost it down below too, but it looked like this:

CRAZY: Why Is Joe Biden Now Wearing Trump’s Red MAGA Hat? (Yes, It’s Real)

Did he suddenly turn MAGA?

No, there's a backstory here and we explained what that story was in our article.

In short, a man at this campaign event told Joe Biden he didn't want his autograph, but he thought it would be nice as a show of unity on 9/11 for Joe Biden to put on the Trump hat.

Surprisingly, he did!

And it made for the photo op of the year.

I really hate giving the Krassen brothers any attention, but it's relevant to the story.  So after the photo and video of Biden wearing MAGA gear went viral, Brian Krassen did his typically poindexter "Fact Check" post where he pretended to be the voice of reason and ends with a condescending: "Stop pretending like Biden supports Trump or is senile. It's ignorant."

And that's where I'm going to pick up the story right now.

Because Brian would be right (and actually our original reporting would be right, in which we essentially told the full story and said the same thing), but this is where it gets weird...

Joe still has the hat!

You'd think if it was just a "moment of unity" he'd probably drop the hat pretty quick or give it to one of his handlers, right?

Not the case.

No, he's actually holding onto it like a 2-year old holds their blankey.

This is crazy!  Check this out:

That's Biden carrying the red hat like a prized possession onto Air Force One!

At this point folks, I'm not completely joking....I actually have to wonder if Joe Biden will at some point directly endorse Trump just to screw Kamala?

It's no secret he hates the way she forced him out:

Will that be the most epic ending of all time?

100PercentFedUp added more to the story of what might be going on here:

"There are rumors that Biden was offered an autographed copy of Trump's latest book, along with a bumper sticker, mug, backpack, T-shirt, and bumper sticker from Trump's crew. The Trump campaign needed to procure a replacement cap for the gentlemen," DailyNoah noted.

BBC reports:

The daughter of the man who swapped hats with the president said Biden kept the Trump hat after the interaction.

"My pap don't care who it is," Kelsey Simmers told the BBC. "He likes to joke and have fun."

She said that her father ended up getting another cap from the Trump campaign after they reached out.

The incident happened hours after Trump had joked on the debate stage about sending Vice-President Kamala Harris a Make America Great Again hat.

Here was our original report:

CRAZY: Why Is Joe Biden Now Wearing Trump's Red MAGA Hat? (Yes, It's Real)

This is absolutely incredible...

One day after the Trump/Harris Presidential Debate Joe Biden visits Pennsylvania and puts on a red TRUMP 2024 hat!

I want to say right off the top that yes, this is real.

Take a look:

I actually think it suits him!

It's a good look, Joe!

It's not a Photoshop or fake, you can see the video here:

Full screen player here:

Dom Lucre reports that Biden was tricked into wearing it (which might make sense):

But Mario Nawfal says it was actually done as a show of united:

“At the Shanksville Fire Station, President Biden spoke about the country's bipartisan unity after 9/11 and said we needed to get back to that.

As a gesture, he gave a hat to a Trump supporter who then said that in the same spirit, POTUS should put on his Trump cap. He briefly wore it.”

Others are speculating that the ultimate turn of events to this unprecedented election would be Joe Biden endorsing President Trump:

And if you think that sounds impossible, it's perhaps not as far-fetched as you might think.

Imagine you are old, you know you're mostly senile, your entire life is behind you and you absolutely HATE Kamala Harris for forcing you to end your campaign.

Rumors are that the two absolutely hate each other, but that Biden is especially hateful of Harris.

Biden has a big mean streak and vindictive personality, imagine if he wants to deliver the ultimate "screw you" to Kamala Harris right before the election?

Oh my:

Meanwhile, Joe wasn't the only person "donning" (see what I did there?) Donald Trump gear.

Laura Loomer reports that the majority of the room were sporting MAGA gear:


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