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RFK Jr.’s VP Pick Nicole Shanahan’s Explosive DNC Election Fraud Ad: “THE BIG CHEAT”

Nicole Shanahan is no stranger to controversy.  Married and then divorced from Google co-founder Sergey Brin, she ended up a billionaire in the tech industry.  Then, a lifetime Democrat who found herself the VP Pick of a controversial figure himself — RFK Jr, who only recently abandoned the democratic party — she now finds herself embracing more conservative ideals, and pushing back hard against the democratic party, specifically it’s corruption.

And her ad, titled “The Big Cheat”, exposes the democratic party’s most recent election controversies.  If election integrity wasn’t a tangible concept for you before, it will be once you see this ad.  Let’s roll that footage.

Beginning at the end of Obama’s second term and the democratic party’s shift towards Hillary, the ad is brilliant in that it doesn’t get bogged down in every little nuance; legitimate or not.

But with perfect brushstrokes across the timespan from then to now, it highlights the primary exchange rate of the democratic election corruption (money, and lots of it), and then gets to the ultimate symptom of the DNC corruption — election fraud, even within their own party.

Shanahan’s ad actually accuses the DNC of a planned coup to push Bernie Sanders to the side, according to a report on Lou Dobbs’ news site, and exposes the Clinton’s most recent power plays within the party.

The ad opens with a reminder of the Democrat Party’s high popularity during Obama’s presidency. With Hillary Clinton primed to continue the legacy, the Democrat elite appeared ready to cement their hold on power.

However, the ad accuses the DNC of orchestrating a coup to sideline Senator Bernie Sanders— whose momentum, Shanahan’s campaign claims, threatened Clinton’s ascent.

The ad exposes how the Clinton campaign pulled the DNC’s strings, buying out its massive debt in an unprecedented power play that ultimately gave her near-total control over the party’s operations and finances.

By the end, the Sanders campaign reportedly received only a sliver of the funding intended for all Democrat nominees, turning the “Victory Fund” into a Clinton-only campaign bank.

But the allegations don’t stop with 2016. The ad claims the “big cheat” has only intensified, implicating social media giants, federal agencies, and political insiders who allegedly worked to censor voices and manipulate narratives in the 2020 and 2024 elections.

The ad even calls out the suppression of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign and the controversial judgment that keeps him off ballots in certain states. The ad paints the DNC’s actions as systematic disenfranchisement under the guise of “saving democracy.”

The ad is actually not brand new — it originally premiered back in August.  But with the election reaching a fevered pitch and the topic of election integrity becoming even more of an issue than it already was, the ad has started to find new traction online — viewed over a million times in just the last 24 hours.


The ad brings to remembrance the “vibe” projected by the DNC of possibly electing the first female president, but as Bernie Sanders’ campaign capitalized on a grass root movement among younger voters and the $24 million debt that Obama had left the party, the scenario played perfectly into the hands of the Clintons according to the ad.

And that’s when the Hillary Clinton Victory Fund “bailed out” the DNC — and in effect, owned it.  Bernie’s highly progressive grassroots movement was pushed aside.  And the Clinton’s were allegedly in the driver’s seat of the DNC, according to Shanahan’s ad.

The best part of the ad is that the allegations found in “The Big Cheat” didn’t come from the GOP of the RNC, or even the Trump Campaign — it came from one of their own.  It came from someone who has seen the inside of the DNC donor system, and knows exactly how corrupt it really is.  She’s not speaking from a need for money (she’s a billionaire in her own right!), and she’s not simply parroting some line.

The best part about Nicole Shanahan’s ad is that it comes from someone who once bought in to the lies of the democratic party, for years — until she didn’t.  And one of the reasons that resonates with so many right now… is because she’s not the only one to have “woken up” from the deception.

Nicole Shanahan is one of the many to have turned their backs on the corruption of the democratic party.  She just happens  to have a pocketbook deep enough, and the creative tech machinery in place, to go a step beyond simply walking away.  She has gone on that attack, to wake more people from their slumber.  Good for her; good for all of us.


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