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President Trump Takes The Stage (Hints at “Little Secret?”) Over 12 Million Live Viewers on X Alone!

President Trump finally took the state at his latest New York City rally, held in the iconic Madison Square Garden facility.  As I write, he is still speaking to wild applause.  Check out this screenshot — notice the views at the bottom left on his personal X account.

By the time he had finished speaking, that number had shot up to over 12 MILLION LIVE VIEWS!

Check out this post showing his iconic entrance to Lee Greenwood’s “Proud To Be An American”.  If you can watch the whole thing and not at least “almost” choke up — are you even an American?  (Kidding, but kind of serious… too.)

One of the most intriguing moments was when President Trump hinted at some “little secret” that only he and Elon know about, that has something to do with winning the House of Representatives?!  Watch that clip — what do you think?  Have they already had PROOF of election cheating?

With tens of thousands waiting outside (NYPD estimated an overflow crowd of 75,000!) President Trump stood in the iconic Madison Square Garden to speak after a litany of speakers rocked the venue leading up to his moment at the platform.  The crowd was absolutely electrified!


According to a New York Post article, he started off with that infamous election year question: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

Trump’s opening pitch to his supporters was simple: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

The resounding answer, “no!”

Even as the marathon rally entered its fifth hour, the crowd was rapturous.

Trump entered the arena to a live rendition of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA,” pumping his fists as he walked, stopping occasionally to point or wave to a member of the crowd.

The former president and former first lady Melania Trump, embraced when he approached the podium, exchanging a double cheek kiss. The couple exchanged an “I love you” before Trump took the microphone.

“I’m thrilled to be back in the city I love, with thousands of proud, hard-working American patriots, you’re with me and we’re together, we’ve always been together,” he said.

He also announced a new policy: a tax cut for caregivers who look after family members or loved ones.

Here’s a clip of President Trump talking about that “new policy”, a tax cut for caregivers taking care of family and loved ones.  Leave it to President Trump to find something so practical and needful that would be guaranteed to help so many.  I took care of my mother a year ago, in just such a situation.  This is a good policy, and it really will make a difference for millions of families when they need it most.

To be a “deep blue” state, I have watched President Trump return time and time again for different rallies in NYC, only to have each venue overwhelmed by the response to the excitement people feel — the hope of real change, and a shift from the destructive policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

According to that same New York Post article, there were over 10,000 people lined up at 10am this morning — 7 full hours before the start of the event.

Thousands of supporters stuffed into pens in Midtown Manhattan ahead of the rally, despite heavy security and a complete lack of toilet facilities — around 2,000 camping out overnight as long as 48 hours before the event.

By 10 a.m., there were more than 10,000 waiting for blocks and blocks around the Midtown venue. By 3 p.m., the Garden was at at least 85% capacity with only nosebleed seats still available, and by 4:30 p.m. the NYPD started turning people away.

The crescendo of energy in MSG was palpable as each Republican speaker – including several former bitter Trump rivals – took the stage one by one to a jubilant crowd to tout the former president as the obvious choice Nov. 5.

“Billy Joel never got this kind of love,” observed a Post reporter on the inside.

One clip shared by the Trump campaign account on X highlighted President Trump’s bold statement, “We stand on the verge of the four greatest years in the history of our country.”  He spoke about unity, the flag, and our position as a nation under God.  I can’t sum it up, and do it justice, because it isn’t often I hear a politician — anyone running for office — talk like this, and I actually believe them.  I believe Donald Trump when he says this.

While I’d love to know what that “little secret” is that he and Elon are apparently intent on keeping just between the two of them until after the election, there’s no doubt that by continually bringing the fight to New York while Kamala Harris bounces back and forth between sex podcasts and softball interviews — bombing them all, nonetheless — President Trump has solidified himself in a strong position.

In the information age, the moves he has been making do not just impact voters in NYC, or greater New York.  Those moves are seen around the world, and by every voter in the United States.

NYC might be the center of the focus tonight, but all across the nation millions of voters have watched this man put his best foot forward over, and over, and over again — in a city with leaders who have conspired to debase and slander everything he stands for.

And still… he showed up, and brought his “A” game.

I’m not sure if President Trump will flip the blue state of New York, or not.  But I have little doubt that the work he has ALREADY DONE in unifying this nation, after years of division by the democratic party, is already proving to make us a more strong and resilient nation — at a time when we can’t afford to be anything less than that.


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