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“Not Just MAGA…” DARK GOTHIC MAGA, Elon Talks Taxes (Zayde Wolf “Gladiator” Intro Theme)

No Trump rally seems quite complete lately without a few words and some cryptic dark themed MAGA references from Elon Musk — and the man did not disappointed us at today’s Madison Square Garden rally.  Here’s Dark Gothic MAGA’s epic walk-on!

Watch this wild intro!

“Gladiator” by Zayde Wolf is literally on my workout playlist for when I really want to take my strength training to new heights (or, weights).  Leave it to Elon to use it to get everyone “pumped up” before he spoke.  (I’ll see myself out… after this story is finished.)

Before introducing Melania Trump, Elon talked about taxes, and cutting the government waste from the Biden-Harris budget to the tune of at least 2 TRILLION DOLLARS ripped out of it, promising to “get the government off your back, and out of your pocketbook.”

Here’s his full 4 minute stint at the microphone:


“America’s not just going to be great, America is going to reach heights it’s never reached before. The future is going to be AMAZING!!”

According to a New York Post story, today’s Madison Square Garden rally brought die-hard supporters from the “deepest-blue city in one of the bluest states in the nation”.  And judging from the response President Trump has received at every rally in NYC, I am seriously wondering if NY might flip to RED in November.

Tens of thousands more were turned away after the venue filled up, cops said.

Trump’s rally in the heart of the Big Apple was a homecoming to a city that has come to reject him and everything he stands for, tearing his names off buildings, putting him on trial and even barring him from doing business in the state.

The enthusiastic turnout of die-hard supporters in the deepest-blue city in one of the bluest states in the nation flew in the face of the constant drumbeat from the left that he was unfit for office or will bring about the end of democracy as we know it — which continue even after two attempts on his life.

Polls say the election is neck-and-neck, but it almost feels like the wind is at Trump’s back with Election Day just around the corner.

He just pulled off a number of successful campaign incursions, including a wildly popular stint as a Pennsylvania McDonald’s fry cook and an appearance on the “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast viewed more than 30 million times in less than 24 hours.

Thousands of supporters stuffed into pens in Midtown Manhattan ahead of the rally, despite heavy security and a complete lack of toilet facilities — around 2,000 camping out overnight as long as 48 hours before the event.

By 10 a.m., there were more than 10,000 waiting for blocks and blocks around the Midtown venue. By 3 p.m., the Garden was at at least 85% capacity with only nosebleed seats still available, and by 4:30 p.m. the NYPD started turning people away.

After pushing people to vote in order to gain so much ground that “you know what can’t happen“, the crowd gave Elon an enormous applause.  Riley Gaines captured this video, saying:

“When you save free speech, this is the applause you get. God bless Elon Musk.”

Elon had the privilege of introducing the next speaker after him — Melania Trump, whom the crowd went absolutely wild for!

And leave it to Elon to fully embrace all the legend and myth growing up around his Dark MAGA persona.  I don’t know how the future can be so bright, but so wonderfully “dark” at the same time — I guess that’s just the magic of “Dark MAGA”.  I don’t claim to understand every underlying reference… but I know I like it.


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